1. #1

    is double dmg dead?from now on only HEAL+dmg?

    i havent seen a double dmg for a waile but when i see it we completly destroy it eventhough im runing with a useless holly paladin.shouldnt they nerf healing?its completly out of this world to swing your arms twice and be fullhp in 2 seconds.(im talking about druids,monks,shamans and priests.hpaladins are ofcourse healing less then ferals :-))

  2. #2
    Low rating 2s shouldn't depict the balance of the entire game, so no, imo.

  3. #3
    people run double dps when they want fast conquest...tank your rating, run double dps, cap in 30 minutes and be done with it.

  4. #4
    I prefer double dps because its fun balancing damage with your survival. I feel like in order to win you need to make a lot less mistakes than a 1 healer 1 dps team. I don't mind playing on a 1 healer double 1 dps but when you fight another 1 healer 1 dps team its so boring. It used to be fun but now its kinda stupid. You just try and put out pressure, get them to waste defensives, and push them into dampening so you can squeak by and get a kill.

    It would be cool if they didn't something like healing in 2v2 was reduced by 10-15% (no idea the number, but something to give double dps a little increase.)

  5. #5
    @Thyranox At low rating yes, at high rating absolutley no.

    Just wait until you run into a good ret/hunter, rogue/sp, rogue/boomkin, lock/boomkin, ret/feral, warrior/ret, ret/dk, rogue/mage

    Played well those comps will pull your pants down and destroy you if your holy pala is as useless as you claim.

  6. #6
    Double damage usually has a higher skill floor for success because it is highly dependent on good CC. At low MMRs double DPS just run in, blow all their CCs, and hope they kill somebody and then don't know what to do if they don't get a kill, which doesn't really work well.

  7. #7
    -50% healing debuff in 2s, problem solved. Hybrids fixed as well.

  8. #8
    Well playing dd + heal in 2s is pretty much free wins if you don't make any big mistakes or face extremely better players than yourself.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Casagrande View Post
    -50% healing debuff in 2s, problem solved. Hybrids fixed as well.
    Add inability to use all defensive cooldowns, 2s fixed instant...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Casagrande View Post
    -50% healing debuff in 2s, problem solved. Hybrids fixed as well.

    Just read my mind! D:

  11. #11
    its not that bad i agree with Osanger completely a good double dps usually will destroy healer comps

  12. #12
    I agree with most people here. DPS + Healer has A LOT bigger margin for error. On low ratings it really works like that: double dps run in, blow all CDs and either kill one target or not. If not, the healer + DPS wins slowly over time.

    It's totally different once you play double DPS on higher ratings. Double DPS plays much more defensively and trys to burst when you don't expect it (which is definitely not at the beginning of the fight). Also good double DPS are able to reset fights. However, it still holds true that double DPS have less room for error, even at high ratings. Once a double DPS team is on the defense with no possiblity to reset the fight the match is usually lost for the double DPS team.

    On higher ratings double DPS will usually NOT get the kill on their first burst attempt because the healer/dps comps know how to play also. So it's incredibly crucial that those teams know how to reset, how to play defensively and how to get in a second round of full burst, something that the lower rating double dps usually can't do.

  13. #13
    High Overlord
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    People used to think simply, thats all right.

  14. #14
    Healer + DPS is kind of dead too all in all.

    The only viable combo at high 2v2 ratings is Resto Druid + Survival hunter. Every now and then you'll run into a DK or a Brewmaster who's simply doing their one game per week to get a higher cap.

  15. #15
    I played double damage today!
    Owner of ONEAzerothTV
    Tanking, Blood DK Mythic+ Pugging, Soloing and WoW Challenges alongside other discussions about all things in World of Warcraft

  16. #16
    mage+rogue is still 2.7k+ viable in 2s, as are a lot of other comps.. nonsense thread

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