1. #1

    Not really dotweacing like a boss


    Read a quite few topics regarding DoT Weaving prio, "How to" etc.
    Well, my problem goes a bit deeper I think - so lets start with a quick recap.

    I have been playing in some of the finest guilds around earlier, fighted for worldfirsts and later on at least realmfirsts the older I got. Last real content I did was DW HC Pre nerf, after that I think I logged in once again - it just got me exausted, I had become a father etc etc bla bl abla - and then I started to play again few weeks back on my hunter, to play arenas with old friends and try a fancy gladiator title.

    Few days ago I came in contact with some fine people, talking about game developing, age etc. My background came up and I got to know they needed a ShadowPriest. I said I was up for it, I boosted my old silly toon to 90, while leveling I was watching a lot of kill videos from BRF/HM, read a lot on this and other forums, watched more youtube. Did reach lvl 100 in 15 hours, went into RBG;s to get capped with an old PvP friend wich team is bossing, spend golds at the AH, went into LFR and ended up with this gear;


    I have basicly thrown on everything I could get my hands on in 48 hours or so.
    So stats aint really looked at etc, so aint enchants sorted but will be today since I didnt really knew where to start and most of it will be replaced asap anyway. And yes, trinkets are bad - Just wanted to give you a view at what I have to play with ATM, I am allways looking to improve, doing HC;S even if they will get replaced asap etc etc, yaya.

    To learn the new content (even HM was some what to me new sice I only made like 1 HC run and 1 LFR at the hunter while fireing up again last week), this specc etc. has been quite overwhelming. Raid mechanichs is ok tho, I am bossing like the boss I used to be but my DPS.... Well, lets say I am happy if I push out about 18-19k. I am trying but its hard to not have anyone really to discuss with, so I pop out a few quiestions here;

    Now I go with MB into 4x Orbs > MS, SWP, VP, MB into 5x Orbs > DP, Insanity, MB, Insanity that i Clip as soon as MB is off CB > DP , Insanity, MB when off CD and then repeat starting with MS 3x etc until 4x Orbs.

    This gives me way better numbers then;

    MB into 4x Orbs > MS, SWP, VP, MB into 5x Orbs > DP, Insanity 2x, MB > DP, Insanity MB repeat.

    From what I understand, the later should be the way to go, NOT clip the Insanity.

    Or am I doing it completely wrong?

    Also, multi target stuff (Like Imperator) - I normaly just make sure to keep a SWP and VP up at the other 2/three targets before kill mage/reaver. Not sure if this is they way to go.

    I really like this class but its quite frustrating beeing used to do really well but now feel I am a "meh". I really think I should do much better but I dont really know what to do except nail ratation and know when to do what.

    This thread is also posted on another forum, not sure of active that is tho.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Hello, here are my tips I yesterday gave to my friend . It may be difficult to do everything well at once, so start from tip 1.

    1. Mind blast is cast on cooldown, it's your hardest hitting spell. It hits even harder than Vampiric touch for its full duration, if you have good mastery. The only spell with higher priority is Shadow word Death, asi it can be cast 2x in a row and hits for same dmg. So clip insanity and cast Mind Blast when it comes off cooldown. If you have many targets to dot, still cast MB on cooldown, you may not be able to dot all targets up because of this, but it's still more beneficial to cast Mind Blasts on cooldown

    2. On second place is properly filling gaps between Mind blasts. Mostly 3 global cooldowns between Mind blasts. With bloodlust + another haste buff where u get over 75% haste, you can fit only 2 globals. Learn to know value of spells. Shadow word death and Mind blast have the highest value, Mind spike is the same value as Insanity dmg vise and both are significantly lower(likely 2-3 times) than Mind blast. That means if u cant cast spells for some time because of boss mechanics, you are going to lose some mind spike casts, nothing else. Dots are about 1,5x of Mind Spike so it's worth them casting on secondary targets, but only if they remain for full duration.

    3. The most used dotweaving that works good when below 20% haste. Is 4 orbs MB > MS > MS > SW:P > MB > VT > DP >1gcd Ins > MB > full Ins > DP > MB > Insanity until MB is off cooldown. Cliping last tick of Dots with Mind Spike usually negates then benefit of Dotweaving. If it happens for some reason u know that u did something wrong. Haste buffs may cause some troubles there, but there are some spells that you can cast as a filler if dot's didnt fall yet. These are Halo, Shadowfiend, glyphed Power word shield that will reflects damage. 1 gcd of mind flay is acceptable too, but its a last option when u had some unexpected haste buff.

    4. Keep an eye on Twisted fate buff, keep it up if u can. If you have this buff or other significant dmg buff like Potion, but don't have enough orbs to start dotweave, it's usually beneficial to cast Devouring plague. Also don't hestitate to cast Devouring plague during movement if you really don''t have any other instant ability to be cast.

    5. Alternative rotation for 2 or more targets is to pick up SoD talent. Keep casting Mind Spikes on one target, and keep Dots including Devouring plague on other targets. Works well on Twin orgons and tectus, as this also helps with movement.
    Last edited by mmoc8a27148bc4; 2015-02-16 at 02:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Agness View Post
    Hello, here are my tips I yesterday gave to my friend . It may be difficult to do everything well at once, so start from tip 1.

    1. Mind blast is cast on cooldown, it's your hardest hitting spell. It hits even harder than Vampiric touch for its full duration, if you have good mastery. The only spell with higher priority is Shadow word Death, asi it can be cast 2x in a row and hits for same dmg. So clip insanity and cast Mind Blast when it comes off cooldown. If you have many targets to dot, still cast MB on cooldown, you may not be able to dot all targets up because of this, but it's still more beneficial to cast Mind Blasts on cooldown

    2. On second place is properly filling gaps between Mind blasts. Mostly 3 global cooldowns between Mind blasts. With bloodlust + another haste buff where u get over 75% haste, you can fit only 2 globals. Learn to know value of spells. Shadow word death and Mind blast have the highest value, Mind spike is the same value as Insanity dmg vise and both are significantly lower(likely 2-3 times) than Mind blast. That means if u cant cast spells for some time because of boss mechanics, you are going to lose some mind spike casts, nothing else. Dots are about 1,5x of Mind Spike so it's worth them casting on secondary targets, but only if they remain for full duration.

    3. The most used dotweaving that works good when below 20% haste. Is 4 orbs MB > MS > MS > SW:P > MB > VT > DP >1gcd Ins > MB > full Ins > DP > MB > Insanity until MB is off cooldown. Cliping last tick of Dots with Mind Spike usually negates then benefit of Dotweaving. If it happens for some reason u know that u did something wrong. Haste buffs may cause some troubles there, but there are some spells that you can cast as a filler if dot's didnt fall yet. These are Halo, Shadowfiend, glyphed Power word shield that will reflects damage. 1 gcd of mind flay is acceptable too, but its a last option when u had some unexpected haste buff.

    4. Keep an eye on Twisted fate buff, keep it up if u can. If you have this buff or other significant dmg buff like Potion, but don't have enough orbs to start dotweave, it's usually beneficial to cast Devouring plague. Also don't hestitate to cast Devouring plague during movement if you really don''t have any other instant ability to be cast.

    5. Alternative rotation for 2 or more targets is to pick up SoD talent. Keep casting Mind Spikes on one target, and keep Dots including Devouring plague on other targets. Works well on Twin orgons and tectus, as this also helps with movement.

    Thanks a lot. Il look over P3 and 5, will try some out.

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