Thread: Brewmaster Math

  1. #1

    Brewmaster Math

    Hello friends,

    I am trying to analyze my own logs better in order to improve. I remember reading some things about some brewmaster math but was unable to find the post again. So in hopes of some great community involvement, I would like to see if someone could post that here for me.

    Stagger Damage Formula, Stagger Minus Damage? Not sure, I can't recall.

    Keg Smash Utilization. Time of Fight divided by the 8 second cooldown, compare to how many actual uses of Keg smash?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    WCL will tell you the total damage Staggered in the Damage Taken pane if you hover over your character.

    Damage taken from the spell Stagger is the damage you took.

    If you take Stagger damage / total damage Staggered you get the percentage of your Staggered damage that you took anyways.

    E.g. you Stagger 10 million damage, but you took 3 million from Stagger, so 3 million/10 million = 30%


    Any spell CD usage = total fight time (in seconds) / cooldown, which for Keg Smash is 8. That gives you the total number of Keg Smashes you could have potentially used and you can compare that to how many you actually casted.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    One thing to note about Stagger to make things quick and easy is that it's additive. If you have 30% base (I think? been a while) and you add more from Blackout Kick and Fortifying Brew and your mastery it all adds up fairly cleanly to what you get in the end. There's very little wiggling of the numbers.
    Soothing Mist:"Healing them for a minor amount every 0.5 sec, until you take any other action."
    Jade Serpent Statue: "The statue will also begin casting Soothing Mist on your target. healing for 50% as much as yours. "
    [What's half of minor?]
    "Statue casts Soothing Mist at a nearby ally for toddler healing."

  5. #5
    Purify efficiency:

    And yeah, that's right for KS. Over an 8 minute fight the ideal is 60 casts, etc.

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