1. #1

    Get Rdy for challange Mode

    Hello rogues

    I want to get started doing CM´s on my Rogue, which is a lot more viable this xpac than last one. So I´m new to rogues at all never played them since bc.
    A lot has changed so what I already now is that i def. net to go Combat.

    So information I still need confirmed:

    Stat priority: Haste>MS or MS>Haste
    Enchants: I currently want to go for double Warsong on weapons and off set enchants full MS
    Food: MS
    Weapons: I read here some interesting posts about going for Dagger in MH and Sword,Axe,Mage in OH to maximize dps output in cleave/aoe

    Attached you can find my armory link: http ://eu.battle. net/wow/de/character/eredar/Killerjake/advanced
    Please have also a look at my talents and glyhps.

    many thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Learn to play both Sub and Combat, Sub for ST bosses and Combat for cleave bosses/trash. You want to use a shattered hand enchant on your offhand, not another Warsong.

    Check my post here: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...5#post32320105

    Where I explained in detail how I went about speccing back and forth throughout the runs.

    Get Marked for Death instead of Anticipation, in 630 gear its better even if you dont get any resets at all (which happens very often in CMs anyway) I also find Shadowstep to be way way way more useful, than burst of speed, especially for combat that get pretty frequent sprint usage.

    Stat prio for combat changes depending on ST or Cleave. For 1 target Haste>MS, 2 Targets Haste=MS, 3 Targets MS>Haste after which point MS increases in value in relation to amt. of targets.

    If you want to swap between dagger/slow and slow/slow you should first learn how. slow/slow is used for ST and ALWAYS for Killing Spree. As such, you want dagger/oh eqd during blade flurry but not for blade flurry + killing spree, and slow/slow for ST and KS.

  3. #3
    Shattered hand is horrible for CMs thought,I would take Mark of the frostwolf, the first pack usually really big and its important to burst it fast, thats where ms enchant should help, and since MfD is a must have for sure and you will get many resets, i think value of haste is even less here, and dont bother RvS'ing mobs when pack low hp, just MfD + evis.

  4. #4
    Go double frostwolf. Makes the uptime very close to 100%. Shattered hand got a major nerf for rogues, so it's really not anywhere close to viable anymore (it shouldn't be viable considering the cost compared to the other chants).

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