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    <Dunk Squad> 3/10 M Recruiting all roles

    Dunk Squad is a 20-man, mythic guild, 3/10 M, looking to further progress ourselves on a world-class level. We are, currently, recruiting players who have similar mind sets and want to push content competitively.

    Our raid days our:
    Tuesdays 7:30 - 11 Central Time
    Wednesdays 7:30 - 11 Central Time
    Thursdays 7:30 - 11 Central Time

    Loot Distribution: Dunk Squad uses a loot council style loot distribution system. We tend to focus our gearing towards players who will make the most use out of the piece, for example, a big upgrade or an exceptional player. We also tend to gear Damage > Healers > Tanks due to our exceptional damage roster who we feel will make better use out of the items to progress faster.

    Raid Atmosphere: We tend to keep a light hearted atmosphere even during difficult and frustrating times in progression. We have a close, tight-nit group of friends who play this game for the opportunity to play with people of same skill/mindset. This allows the raid leader to be more strict and vocal on players who are making mistakes.

    What we expect from you: Through our building progress of this guild we have been fielding some of the best players mal'ganis has to offer. We constantly have players parsing between 95-99 percentiles of their classes. We expect you to have the mindset to want to compete with these players, the want and drive to improve and thick enough skin to be able to handle strict criticism.

    What you will get from us: You will get a solid group of like minded players with one goal is to improve enough as a whole to the point where we can compete with the best on our server. You will evolve as a player and a human being, forming strong friendships and relationships with players of your class where you can learn from one another. We have taken bad players and turned them to great 95% parsing players.

    Drama: We do not tolerate any kind of drama here, we are a close group of friends so any un-necessary drama will turn the guild against you. We also do not tolerate any kind of guild under-mining and any attempts to backseat raid leading, you will find yourself guildless if you attempt this.

    Skype calls: We have multiple Skype calls during raid to let people have the opportunity to socialize during attempts without cluttering mumble. We have 4-6 Skype calls nightly which we have had 0 problems with ever since I started this guild, so if you find yourself a home here you wont have to look far to find friends in and outside of raids.

    Other games: Our guild outside of raid ranges greatly throughout games. Diablo, CS-GO, League of Legends, Dota 2, StarCraft, hearthstone, Heros of the storm. We also range from casual play to the highest level play in each game category.

    Thank you for your time and considering our guild.

    Website: Dunksquadguild.guildlaunch.com

    WoWprog: wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Dunk+Squad

    Fclol#1367 (Guild Master/Raid Leader)
    JLXSkorgen#1736 (Recruitment Officer)
    Last edited by skorgen; 2015-03-24 at 08:05 AM.

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