1. #1

    Which gun suffix?

    Which one would you recommend for SV+LW (PVE ONLY)

    I would assume strategist would be better as it's our best stat after multi, but I've had a lot of people in game say Savage is better, but can't give me any actual reasons as to why.

    Am i missing something obvious like vers has a higher diminishing returns or something, or because the crit is better with higher multistrike (i.e. more chances for crits)

    I have the HC bracken bow but I'd rather get an engie gun with some multi on it for now as I probably won't be seeing an HC maidens gun anytime soon and have the upgrade items for one already.

    Also keep in mind I'm not a spec hopper, Played SV since early cata and not switching now. So the "it will be good for X spec as well" isn't really a valid reason in this case.

    Strategist (630) 95 vers/126 multi
    Savage (630) 98 crit/120 multi

    Opinions please? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    if you're going sv only, strategist. if you want a MM offspec, then savage because it works well for both.

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