Thread: Blind Strike

  1. #1

    Blind Strike

    Hey there everyone. I recently rerolled to beastmaster hunter, and i got some questions regarding blind strike. Ive been reading the awesome BM guide in here, it says blind strike arent used in BRF, all tho when i go thro logs on top parses, i see ppl using it on alot on different encounters. How come ??


  2. #2
    Blink strikes is used in aoe-heavy fights, since it increases pet damage (beast cleave).

  3. #3
    It's an AoE-pad farm talent. In a progression environment, there's virtually no use for it with Stampede as the other option.

  4. #4
    Even when trying to pad, there's no fight in BRF where it beats Stampede in DPS.
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological
    if only WoW had come out when I was a teenager. Back then online gaming consisted of text-based MUDs....I could type "kill orc" faster than any of my competition, brosephs, and played a mean giantman cleric.

  5. #5
    It is just logs like these, that makes me think about it. Same goes for Dire Beast. In this log he is using Blink Strike and Dire Beast, all tho the guide tells us to use Dire Beast on pure single target, and blink strike when 2 targets all the time. Im kinda new to hunter, so this might make perfectly sense to some of u guys, but not me. Reason i ask for some explanation!

    Thanks again

  6. #6
    Simple: not all hunters use the "best" talents all the time -- and given Blizzard have tried very, very hard to balance them (eg: AMoC vs Stampede) it usually makes little DPS difference to use what you prefer. Blink Strikes may not be optimal, but the difference in overall DPS is probably smaller than the DPS difference from skill, or RNG luck with trinket procs, etc, in a pull.

    (Note: the same is *not* true of priority target DPS, but the logs don't show that nearly so well.)

  7. #7
    I don't think the log you linked is even using blink strikes?

  8. #8

  9. #9
    hmm might be looking wrong then - So i tjekked my IronMaiden kill on the logs, and tryed to compare it to another one!

    Mine :

    Other :

    So from what i can see, i use Stamp there, and he uses blink strike ?

    Im kinda new to hunter as i said, and trying to reseach on warcraftlogs to get more info about where i can improve my performence.

  10. #10
    Nope. You are both using Stamp. IT can be checked really easy when you go to "cast" section on the log

    P.S. when you compare log make sure you are looking and logs that are similar in duration and the players have similar ilvl. This way you ca get a better idea what you do wrong or not
    Last edited by iskrents; 2015-03-27 at 11:42 AM.

  11. #11
    Tbh it depends how you play as much as anything. Blink strikes has the advantage of being passive while helping uptime on moving bosses eg hans and frans in BRF. The dps diff between it and the alternatives aren't THAT great: certainly not more then mistakes in your rotation are going to be. Unless your one of the top 1000 hunters I would suggest you spend more time on target dummies practising rotation and then going into LFRs and practising rotations in there while obeying fight mechanics. This will have a far greater effect on your dps then changing a talent in my experience.

  12. #12
    Thanks alot Iskrents, that helped me alot. What confused me was the different pets showing in the log, reason i assumed he didnt use it. But i guess he only have 1 pet then since i cant see others But now i know where i can tjek what talents they use so thats nice. And for your Nightgerbil your totaly right, im doing that alot joining normal/hc runs even tho ive killed the bosses just to practice Thank alot for the help.

  13. #13
    Your welcome dude. Just keep practising it will come )

  14. #14
    He is using the glyph of stampede. It make so all pets that are summoned are the same as the one you use as a normal pet.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by iskrents
    Nope. You are both using Stamp. IT can be checked really easy when you go to "cast" section on the log

    P.S. when you compare log make sure you are looking and logs that are similar in duration and the players have similar ilvl. This way you ca get a better idea what you do wrong or not
    Note that the compare feature on Warcraft Logs is now implemented, so you can easily find parses that are similar in ilvl/duration with just one click.
    Creator of Warcraft Logs, Blood Death Knight in Temerity

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