1. #1

    Raiding friendly garrison

    So what types of buildings and followers are best when it comes to gearing up and stuff for raids?

  2. #2
    Professions to get BoP to make gear faster. with salvage yard

    War Mill/Dwarven bunk for follower tokens and one extra roll coin.

  3. #3
    say you are a druid.

    Leather profession + level 2 leather building + leather follower so that you get 22 resources per day
    Skinning or buy leather.

    Barn for savage bloods
    Trading post for resources which are needed later
    War mill for follower tokens + extra rolls (trading post offsets this cost)
    Barracks for 25 follower limit + easier time farming mats with body guard like viviane
    Salvage yard for more tokens and gold
    Storehouse to store all of your tokens for later use

    Followers are a whole separate topic but the must haves are:
    Harrison Jones - Power leveler
    Arakkoa follower (either spires completion or buy it for 5k gold/apexis)
    Pleasure bot

    Now you have the 4 followers that you can get the training books via missions for and you can make the 3 follower super team. There are other threads that talk more about that.

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