1. #1

    Logs - Mac User - Help


    Despite all the 'hate' towards mac users, I know there is quite a lot of users. Don't know if there's any on MMO-Champion, but if there is.
    I'm looking for help or information on, if it's possible to use any of the 'Logs' services on Mac in iOS, no bootcamp shenanigans.
    As far as my tries go I have had no luck setting up Warcraft Logs.

    Best Regards


  2. #2
    Hello! Fellow Mac users here! I use OS X and I have gotten both world of logs and Warcraft logs to work. But it isn't very consistent. What I normally have to do it delete my current combat log in the finder then get in game and run /combatlog To get it started again the start the Warcraft log application. And that gets it working for me.
    I hope this helps!
    "Sooner than what we've commonly used Soon™ to refer to."

  3. #3
    I don't know if it's been fixed yet, but Warlords of Draenor introduced a Mac bug with the combat log file where the old file isn't thrown away when new data is written. Basically if you don't delete it after every logging session, you will run into problems. They really need to fix the bug.

    Warcraft Logs definitely works fine on a Mac. I develop the entire site on OS X.
    Creator of Warcraft Logs, Blood Death Knight in Temerity

  4. #4
    Seems like I'm the issue then. Will look at it today.
    If I don't fix the issue I might ask you for a "guide" as to the setup of Warcraft Logs

  5. #5
    What seems to be the problem? I've been uploading to Warcraftlogs without any issues for a while now. I also use the AutoLog addon to automatically turn on logging whenever I enter certain instances so I don't have to even think about it. I used to delete the file after each upload (and you need to empty the trash too or it will log in there) but there's currently a bug in the Mac client where the log is overwritten from the beginning of the file instead of appending to the end, so you need to either archive or upload the log right after your raid (or if you switch characters) or it will get overwritten anyway. I haven't had any issues with the upload client itself, but I also don't do live logging.

  6. #6
    I use a mac and I *try* to live log. I usually run into a problem after a while where I get an error and can't live log the rest of the raid, or it counts kills as wipes. Lately I've also been getting corrupted logs (had one time where the live log recorded a kill, and a reupload said it was a wipe).

    One thing I had to do, was remove disable App Nap on the uploader, I ran into a lot of issues with it lagging unless I swapped back over to it (this is a fault of the OS).

    But, to answer the original question: yes, macs can do it, but it's got some quirks.

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