1. #1
    Herald of the Titans Aurabolt's Avatar
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    Cool Let's say there will be a movie version of Warcraft II and Warcraft III

    How should it be done?

    Do you think they'll do it the same as Breaking Dawn and The Hobbit and spread the story across several films or will they try to focus on just the main storyline?

    For WCII, I think they will have to split it into at least two movies. The first would focus on the ongoing war between The Grand Alliance and The Horde, ending with Gul'dan abandoning the Horde to raise the Tomb of Sargaras. For the tie-in, they'd have to do a flashback scene showing Aegwynn "beating Sargeras" and burying his remains. Unbeknownst to her of course, Sargeras set the whole thing up to pave the way for Medivh.

    The second movie would cover the events of Beyond the Dark Portal. Khadgar, Turalyon and Alleria would have major roles of course. They would also cover the collapse of the Horde, the Orcs' internment and Thrall's escape. Then there'd be a tease of WCIII's film with Medivh visiting Thrall in a dream.

    As for WCIII, I can't see them covering everything that needs to be covered in one film. They'd need at least two to do but 3 would allow them to go in slow and even get away with doing certain events out of order a bit. In other words, each movie would focus on one of the major events that happened at the time: The birth of the Scourge (and the Forsaken), The Orcs' Redemption and the end of the Night Elves' Immortality.

    WCIII Part One would focus on the Scourge though events of the other events would be losely referenced. They have plenty of reference material to not totally screw it up. The movie could even open with Kel'Thuzad meeting Ner'zul in Northrend. It would then go through the events of Christie Golden's Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (minus the horse obsession hopefully) from Arthas' battles with Mal'Ganis to his legendary duel with Illidan. After he dons the Helm of Domination, post-credits you see Thrall and his forces making landfall on Kalimdor.

    WCIII Part Two would focus on the Orcs severing their ties to the Legion, Grom's death and their blood pact with the Tauren. This movie's focus would be to show the Orcs regaining control of their own destiny and no longer being slaves to their past. I expect Saurfang, Eitrigg and possibly Broxigar to make appearances. The movie would end with Illidan being released by Tyrande. Desparate times!

    WCIII would be the big finale: The movie would open with a summary of the War of the Ancients while also referencing events from the first two movies that happened. It would then open with Jaina and her people landing on Kalimdor after cutting her ties with Arthas. The climax of the film would of course be Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion and Thrall being set up by Medivh to meet each other. After the Battle of Mt. Hyjal, the Orcs begin contruction of Orgrimmar on Durotar--their first permanent settlement on Azaroth. The movie would end with word getting back to Jaina and Sylvanas about Arthas becoming the new Lich King. Post-credits, they could show additional scenes in which The Forsaken join The Horde and the Night Elves join The Alliance.

    ...This opens the door to making movie versions of events from Vanilla WoW =D

    IF they were to go that route...well, separate post XD
    ...Ok, time to change the ol' Sig ^_^

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  2. #2
    Over 9000! Gimlix's Avatar
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    It will all depend on the success on the first movie
    Quote Originally Posted by Shekora View Post
    Goddamn it, Gimlix, why do you keep making these threads?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Wiser View Post
    Goddamn it, Gimlix, why do you keep making these threads?

  3. #3
    Immortal roahn the warlock's Avatar
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    If they make it to the frozen throne? they could easily do that in 3 parts, culminating with his death in World of Warcraft. They would, however, need to insert a hero into the plot. Make Tyrion younger, and integral to the story
    It was never Hardcore Vs Casual. It was Socialites Vs. Solo players
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    World of Warcraft started life as a Computer Roleplaying Game, where part of the fun of the game experience was pretending to be your character. Stuff like applying poisons and eating food enhanced the verisimilitude of the experience of playing a fantasy character in another world. Now that game has changed to become a tactical arcade lobby game.

  4. #4
    Herald of the Titans Aurabolt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimlix View Post
    It will all depend on the success on the first movie
    Of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    If they make it to the frozen throne? they could easily do that in 3 parts, culminating with his death in World of Warcraft. They would, however, need to insert a hero into the plot. Make Tyrion younger, and integral to the story
    I left this out of my OP but they could certainly do that. They don't need to make Tirion younger: Lorewise, it was the Alliance Forces that defeated Arthas. They could just have Varian and Muradin do it.
    ...Ok, time to change the ol' Sig ^_^

    This time I'll leave you the Links to 3 of my Wordpress Blogs: 1. Serene Adventure 2. Video Games 3. Anime Please subscribe if you like what you see. As a Bonus, I'll throw in my You Tube channel =D

  5. #5
    Personally I think if they were planning on making a series of films, the standard being a trilogy, then the story is going to be a lot more condensed than what you have outlined. Three movies in before we're even introduced to the Scourge!? The story arc to the Lich King does seem the most plausible though, I expect much larger time skips between the movies.

    Practically speaking a series of films is going to be a continuation of the previous films characters stories. Your outline has a huge expansion of the cast with multiple films not touching on existing character stories. Even if it is a complete telling of the story as we know it, I think it's too many characters, too much story and not enough screen time.

    I believe the first movie will end as follows:

    Gul'dan separating from the Horde, the birth of Thrall, the Alliance effectively breaking the Horde invasion covering much of the First and Second War stories in one. King Llane Wrynn will be assassinated by Garona, Anduin Lothar will 'adopt' Varian and Grommash Hellscream will die on the battlefield.

    From here I think from here a second movie would timeskip approximately 20 years. Thrall and Varian will be young men. Gul'dan and Ner'zhul could be the antagonists forming the shattered pockets of Orcs into the Horde for a 3rd war. I think it also opens the way for Varian to effectively take on Arthas story to the Lich King. I only speculate this because they cast a character for Varian in the first movie.

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