Thread: Be honest..

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  1. #1

    Be honest..

    Is PvP in WoW broken/boring now? I hear people hate PVP in WoW now or are untrue whines?

  2. #2
    Ashran is still a cluster fuck, a lot of the more involved Horde pvpers have faction swapped cause the Alliance racials are just to damn good. Thus theres often times a huge skill imbalance during Bgs, not to mention a huge increase in Alliance queue time. Some classes seemed to suffer from the ability prunes while others are fine, just more bland. An as always some specs seem to just be garbage now..

  3. #3
    The most long and best answer is: Yes.

  4. #4
    It's always been broken and boring imo.
    The entire game is made with PVE in mind, so pvp has always been about finding out what isn't balanced, leveling it, and immediately increasing your chance for success.

    Apparently its even worse this expansion, but don't see how Ashran comes into the equation.
    Nothing competitive there.

    I think Ashran is fun for what it is though.
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  5. #5
    Stood in the Fire Taiknee's Avatar
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    It depends on what you are attempting to play and your teammates skill. For ex, if you are playing a holy pally or feral druid, you probably think the game is great. If you are playing ele sham, you will probably get burned out and quit.
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    Quote Originally Posted by OperationFerret View Post
    Legion PvP is so bad that Holinka is handing out titles for watching the arena championships.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Taiknee View Post
    It depends on what you are attempting to play and your teammates skill. For ex, if you are playing a holy pally or feral druid, you probably think the game is great. If you are playing ele sham, you will probably get burned out and quit.
    I quit my Ele Shaman this expansion once I hit 100 sadly. Maybe I should have tried Enhance Shammy, gosh were Ele's bad..

  7. #7
    Its not broken but it is crap. Ashran is terrible and the way the set pvp up in WoD you pretty much have to do it. Broken bones and the garrison building quests can only realistically be done on ashran(unless your on a pvp server) because it requires the kills to be on Dreanor. Theres really no way to turn around a match unless several of the winning teams best players get bored and leave and several of the losing teams crappy players get fed up and leave and you get better players. They changed it up so the quest for conquest/epic pvp gear requires both winning once and doing sidequests so you can't just switch over to doing sidequests if the other team is raping the road making it so the losing team is getting even less shit than before so one faction can be behind a shitload gearwise meaning its even more likely they will keep losing.

    Also queues are terrible unless your teams losing so either qay its an hr or 2 before you'll actually get anything out of the match.

  8. #8
    Yes. Some classes are beyond broken which most can deal with, but in team play when those broken classes are stacked against you then it is the worst experience in the game.
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SeeingEye View Post
    Is PvP in WoW broken/boring now? I hear people hate PVP in WoW now or are untrue whines?
    I am torn, on one hand I enjoy the same PVP content we had for years.... On there other hand, I rather dislike that same content.

    Ashran - I dislike it, even when our group is winning, I dislike it. It feels like PVP structured around a PVE events that interrupts PVP. I have lost count how many times I was out to kill someone only to have their faction lvl 100+/2 mil hp elite guards pathing the same place that 2 shot me. Or the 10+ heals that keep them near full health while yo try to kill them. I hate the ancient artifact and the hidden buff, feels like a sad attempt at bandaging an issue. What little fun I enjoyed was removed in 6.2 where my friends and I couldn't queue together. Now I keep hearing there is a workaround, join raid group, invite them to raid, have them zone in and they should be with you.

    BGs - Whats there to say, no new content in 2 years? So its old and stale but can still be fun when games are close and one side is not decimating the other.

    Arenas - I enjoy them however no new arenas and you can only get so far playing non viable comps. We find it more fun playing what we want rather than playing what works...

    World pvp - Don't play on pvp servers anymore, I was trying to level my horde characters on Frostmourne, but it feels like a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. The constant ganking is tiring and here is the reason I stopped playing on FM. Ally ganks me, I run back to corpse hide behind a tree, rez and quickly queue for a dungeon as tank, get ganked again. Run back to my corse spawn and accept, get ganked again, run back to my corpse since I can't join when I am dead, rez/port in. Thought to myself hell while doing this the leveling area should be clear when I am done. Complete the dungeon, port out, and die before my screen loads since another lvl 100 alliance was in the area. Yep, I threw in the towel and started playing elsewhere.

    Bottom line if you are thinking of coming back just to PVP it may not be worth it, if it wasn't for the few peeps that I do arena's with or rated bg's, I would have quit a long time ago.
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  10. #10
    Ashran used to allow pre made raids which means a competent leader and players who look for a good leader to follow. 6.2 removed that and now raid chat inside of Ashran is your typical QQ and insults!

    I'd like to see all PvP specific items made available for purchase directly from a PvP vendor...they can keep the boxes for that extra bit of luck but Western culture believes hard work pays off...Korean MMO's on the other hand are luck based (by luck I mean %0.001 drop chance) as that is derived directly from cultural norms and beliefs.

    Unless Blizzard wants to increase 'grind' feel of WoW they really screwed the pooch with 6.2!

  11. #11
    I don't like what they did to class balance. There are too many recovery abilities, and everyone can counter eachother. The fights just get too long.

  12. #12
    I think one of the reasons PvE is somewhat stale is because classes barely changed. In other expansions you'd get new spells which altered the playstyles. For rogue, think of Cloak of Shadows/Shadow Step/Deadly Throw in TBC, Shadow Dance and the ability to go muti/prep in WotLK, Cata brought Combat Readiness/Smokebomb and MoP made ShS available to all specs/Paralytic poison/Subterfuge/Shadow Blades. There's definitly some stuff I forgot about aswell.

    What did WoD bring though? A new talent at level 100 + the removal of Shadow Blades/Paralytic/Disarm Trap/Dismantle/Shadow Walk/again probably stuff I'm forgetting. This happened to pretty much every class afaik.

    Aside from that, most balance changes are purely for PvE or atleast feel like they were. Rated PvP for some classes is 3v3 or GTFO, RBG groups are very hard to find (decent ones) for some classes and 2v2/5v5 are, you know... Add to that Ashran being god awful, no new BGs/arena's, gross faction imbalance, one of the most ridiculous gear systems as of yet. Well, you get an unhappy PvP community.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Morssoe View Post
    I don't like what they did to class balance. There are too many recovery abilities, and everyone can counter eachother. The fights just get too long.
    and yet melee burst is mental you can be dropped in a 5-6 sec stun without ever being able to play your toon. That also isn't fun. The game would be alot more enjoyable for me if outgoing damage was reduced to half the level of a bm hunter/ret palis sustained without cds, for everyone and then we could take a hammer to all the healing, recovery and defensives until they stop moving AND THAT would allow all the hard CC to be toned down/removed. Yes it would make the game "slower" in the sense you werent dropping noobs in a single stunlock, but it would also stop 5 minute grudge matchs that end when 3 guys turn up to help one party or dampining kicks in high enough to force the end of the game.

  14. #14
    The Lightbringer Aori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darklogrus View Post
    I quit my Ele Shaman this expansion once I hit 100 sadly. Maybe I should have tried Enhance Shammy, gosh were Ele's bad..
    Enhance is just as bad, it is only good for one thing, purging and healing. Even so, it is only viable in 3s with with teammates that are far beyond average.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by SeeingEye View Post
    Is PvP in WoW broken/boring now? I hear people hate PVP in WoW now or are untrue whines?
    Ashran. 2 hour queues to get in and FUCKING BORING.
    Bgs. 10 min queues. Gj.
    Pvp balance.
    *Melee shitting all over ranged classes.
    *Ferals shitting all over everyone else.
    *WW monks, shadow priests and elemental and enhancement shamans don't do anything in pvp. No, wait, shadow priests are padding numbers in bgs as long as no melee even looks at them.

    Yeah, I gave up on pvp and rolled a feral to 3 shot noobs, at least I can have fun with that.

  16. #16
    Ashran is cancer, i have stopped queuing for it, the minor stat increase from the gear you "might" get is not enough to compensate for the stress and mind numbing idiots you have to deal with in there. I am doing my rbgs for the week and if i don't have bis, i will once i hit 27k conquest, so my off pieces will come from that, then i will push rating.

    Aside from that, the ability pruning is what has fucked the game over in terms of pvp, it was a good idea but executed poorly. By that i mean some classes were gutted and some left untouched, creating an even bigger gulf of imbalance. Range lost the majority of its utility/gap openers, whilst melee lost virtually non of their gap closers/interupts. The crit reduction hits certain classes way harder than others due to class mechanics which regardless of how they are performing, creates a feeling of being gimped.

    The talent system is boring, its still cookie cutter, the only reason that it is better than the old system is you can change talents on the fly. But also its imbalanced in terms of the fact that some classes have good choices to make where as other classes have one right choice or they are fucking themselves over. CC in talents is just wrong, CC is a class mechanic and should remain baseline, talents should augment your CC.

    Racials are the single reason for the shitty queues right now they need to either bite the bullet and make all racials cosmetic or change the human one to a utility talent, what did they expect when they make the scaling of the majority of classes with their main stat so good and put other racials on cd with freedom trinkets?? I mean that decision still confuses me to this day, how in 10years of development could they possibly think there would be any other outcome??

    This patch being the last before the supposed next expansion???? I mean wtf, players are literally dropping of the map when that got annouced, how could they possibly think with how bad queues and rng gearing is that ppl would swallow it for probably the best part of 8 months. They have said that they want an expansion release sooner, but bliz con is not until November (4months away!!!) so it wont even get announced until then, then at least a few months beta testing??? Sorry but by that time, we'll have all unsubbed or killed ourselves with stress or more than likely be playing Starwars:Battlefront!!!

  17. #17


    PvP in wow was broken since day 1 till this day , there was no "good" time for pvp, back in classic hunters could kite you and kill you , mages would pyroblast - pom pyro and if you were alive for some odd reason zandalari trinket would fix that , warriors could rekt anyone (with a pocket healer) rogues.... there was a reason at some point people named wow "world of roguecraft". And thats a small number of examples for classic pvp , then came tbc with the healer druid buff or the pre-wrath retri fix , were you could use wings stun and get 3 shot easily. I think you get what im saying , pvp in wow was never balanced or in good shape , people that say pvp is broken cant compare it with a time were pvp was not broken , so far pvp is ONLY broken.

  18. #18
    MMO pvp is pretty much trash tier PvP as a whole, however at the moment when the dimmest of facerollers can go into a battleground and still do quite well because their rotation is 3 buttons and 1 burst cooldown it's not exactly skill based, the closest thing to skill is timing your CCs in arena, the rest is just number based mayhem.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    I love PvP. I like PvE.

    That said, this xpac ruined both.
    Basicly this. I loved WoW and played since vanilla. After doing some raids with the new talents and also some arenas i quit WoW in february

  20. #20
    Warchief Wass's Avatar
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    From the top of my head:

    Good: Huge DQ waves for arena rewards this season. Most cheaters hopefully got what they deserved.
    Good: Big honorbuddy banwave. Honorbuddy no longer supposed to work in arena, I don't know how much of this is true however.

    Bad: Almost everything Ashran.
    Bad: More class homogenization and removal of spells.
    Bad: Randomization of acquiring gear first half of the season and the removal of the vendor that sells gear for honor points once you acquired 27k conquest points.
    Very bad: Class balancing and wait time until change happens. First season meta shifted countless times because of bad patch- and balancing timings.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dyra View Post
    Because what they are atm are plait tugging, sniffing, glaring, prissy, clothes obsessed bitches who I would quite cheerfully drown.
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