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  1. #101
    I've been tanking this expac so I am not totally up to date on the dps specs but....

    After tanking cmodes on a warrior I would like a talent to switch charge to a grip. Like you have a chain attached to your weapon and you throw it at the target and yank them back (c'mon we're warriors we are strong). Maybe some ability other than shield barrier to mitigate magic. Maybe make gladiator's resolve mitigate magic X% of magic damage as well.

    I'd like to see something built into this spec like Demo warlocks and metamorphasis. Like you have an enrage bar or something added on and you can transform into a "berserker" when it maxes out.

    Not really sure, I don't enjoy this spec at all because it just seems to slow and boring. If this game play was sped up it would be nice.

  2. #102
    Elemental Lord
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Wales, UK
    Would like to see Gladiator become it's own spec, or at least something done so you don't get stam trinks when using it but can still get dps trinks.

  3. #103
    Thinking back to this time in WoD's development, Blizzard's vision for dps specs was to go back to their roots. Fury = Fast Berserker, Arms = Slow hard hitter. I don't think anyone had a problem with this. Makes sense. In fairness they accomplished this for both specs. I just wonder if in doing so they forgot something even more important. Do the specs actually work?

    I want my Fury Warrior to play fast and bursty in a frenzy of blood! Does it feel fast today? Yes. Does the spec feel like it works well? No.

    I want my Arms Warrior to have spells that feel like they are hitting so hard they could leave a hole in the world! Does Execute hit hard? Yes. Does the spec feel like it works well? No.

    Do i know how to fix them? Of course not. I'm just another player but reading through this entire thread i see people trying to come up with genuine fixes for the current Warrior. If nothing else they get the imaginative wheels turning.

    If there is any chance, no matter how small, that Blizzard reads my post, i would ask this. Please try and stay true to the vision you have but more importantly, much much more importantly, make the specs work again. There are plenty of people here letting you know you've got things wrong this time around. Rest assured we will let you know if you get it right too.

  4. #104
    I'd like for them to stick with a design plan and not shit on us with nerfs because their ideas didn't pan out.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Raucous View Post
    I want my Arms Warrior to have spells that feel like they are hitting so hard they could leave a hole in the world! Does Execute hit hard? Yes. Does the spec feel like it works well? No.
    I think Blizzard was close to the right idea for Arms but they implemented in a bad way - set bonuses and class trinket. Keep Rend and Mortal Strike as it is, replace Whirlwind with Heroic Strike as a Rage dump, then add one more piece - Overpower - which procs on Rend ticks, much like the T18 2pc. That should all be baseline for the class. You then have three hard hitting abilities, one that is optimized by you maintaining Rend, and you'll have Colossus Smash to make your hard hitting abilities hit harder for a period of time.

    But, again, that should all be baseline. It keeps things simple like they apparently want, but gives us a little something extra.

  6. #106
    4.3 Arms back with more emphasis of dmg on MS and Execute plx

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Kedemel View Post
    I think Blizzard was close to the right idea for Arms but they implemented in a bad way - set bonuses and class trinket. Keep Rend and Mortal Strike as it is, replace Whirlwind with Heroic Strike as a Rage dump, then add one more piece - Overpower - which procs on Rend ticks, much like the T18 2pc. That should all be baseline for the class. You then have three hard hitting abilities, one that is optimized by you maintaining Rend, and you'll have Colossus Smash to make your hard hitting abilities hit harder for a period of time.

    But, again, that should all be baseline. It keeps things simple like they apparently want, but gives us a little something extra.
    Sorry to double post, but another idea would be to have Rend apply a stacking debuff on the target. At 3 or so stacks of the debuff, the target is weakened and exposed, allowing the usage of Overpower. That way it's less RNG dependent. And if they want an RNG aspect to the spec, they could have Rend crits activate Overpower. Either Rend crits automatically give 3 stacks of the debuff or Rend crits just activate Overpower, while leaving the debuff stacks alone. That could become spammy, though.

  8. #108
    Would like the warrior class to become a good group class. The type of class that boosts everyone around him, and the worse the group is doing the stronger his buffs get. So the lower on health the raid/group gets, the better his buffs get. I would also like to see some benefit to being mounted (charge for instance doing x amount of dmg/stun if used while on a mount - could be a pvp talent).

    I think it would give a nice and unique feel to the warrior class if it was able to boost the group in a dynamic way - instead of just a flat increase. Should also be the class that leads the way when its needed the most. Other example of abilities could be to reset the cooldowns of everyone within x yards.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by runey View Post
    4.3 Arms back with more emphasis of dmg on MS and Execute plx
    More damage emphasis on MS, YES PLZ!! More dmg on execute, NO PLZ!

    Personally I'm kinda tired of waiting until the last 20% of a fight (apart from the occasional proc) to do the most of my damage... I'd like us to be a bit more all-round during the entire fight but that's just me...

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by runey View Post
    4.3 Arms back with more emphasis of dmg on MS and Execute plx
    Execute is a shitty spell.

    It does so much damage that we have to be weaker during the rest of the fight so we can catch up with Execute.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Imacashew View Post
    Some small changes I'd like:

    -Rename Colossus Smash to Unbalancing Strike. Colossus Smash sounds like a fury ability, Unbalancing Strike sounds like an arms ability. (Also yes, give us something to actually do during colossus smash but honestly enough people have said that arms is boring). Maybe it stuns for 1 second in PVP, that could be neato
    -Rename Shield Barrier to Grim Determination (Willing to accept other ideas here) and change the tooltip to "The warrior ignores the next %Formula% damage " rather than an absorb, but keep the mechanics the same. The magic-not-magic absorb bubble Shield Barrier feels weird in a mundane class like the warrior, and this fits the flavor of the class without requiring any dev work at all.

    -Cribbing ideas from the Diablo 3 Barbarian is something I'd like but I'm not sure how to implement on. Rage Generators and Rage Spenders isn't a new idea, but there's something there to learn from I'm damn sure. Maybe the key is having the generators have no cooldown?

    -Why do we have Hamstring and Piercing Howl? Slow's the same, but one does a bit of damage, and the other is AoE? One of these is probably ripe for culling.
    -Multistrike leaving makes a decent case for Arms mastery becoming Multistrike
    Arms needs an ability that can do multiple things.

    Imagine an overhead smash that you can hold to charge. The longer you hold it the more damage it does. If you release at randomized times (or a mastery perk) you get bonus effects. Release it at 4.2 seconds (with a margin for error) out of 5 seconds, and everyone in a cone in front of you get's Rend applied.

    The game should reward good play. Not just be formulaic. Blizzard is bad at rewarding me for good play.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdef View Post
    Execute is a shitty spell.

    It does so much damage that we have to be weaker during the rest of the fight so we can catch up with Execute.
    Wholeheartedly agree!

  12. #112
    Wild strike to not sound like splashing water.

  13. #113
    Wild Strike to be deleted.
    Heroic Strike to come back.
    Gorehowl to be the Arms Artifact.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by ramayana1423 View Post
    Wild Strike to be deleted.
    Heroic Strike to come back.
    Gorehowl to be the Arms Artifact.
    Gorehowl won't be an artifact since you can obtain it in game.

    While we could get Ashbringer in game prior to wrath (1.11 - 3.0.2), it was the corrupted model, not the model pallys get in legion

  15. #115
    Less rng, at least a small rework of both dps specs, prot is fine I guess

  16. #116
    Single minded fury artifacts plx. Titan's grip always struck me as stupid.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Imacashew View Post
    Some small changes I'd like:

    -Rename Colossus Smash to Unbalancing Strike. Colossus Smash sounds like a fury ability, Unbalancing Strike sounds like an arms ability.
    -Rename Shield Barrier to Grim Determination
    Huh?.. So you'd like Blizzard to change the names of abilties to some other names that you came up with. Makes sense.

    Unfortunately, it interferes with my plans to rename these abilities to "Facefart" and "Poke in the Butt".

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