Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a new guild home, on either faction, that raids one / two nights a week (Wed/Thurs and Sundays preferably (I definitely can't do Mondays)).

Rel - Turalyon (I can't post links yet, sorry!)

What I'm looking for

  • a mature, friendly raid team that enjoys chatting, doesn't get distracted by wipe nights, and is there to operate as a team.
  • a guild that's just as much about its community as its raid team
  • 1 to 2 nights a week (day preferences as above)
  • a team that's hungry for heroic kills, with an eye on Mythic

What you'll get

  • a committed guildie who brings enthusiasm, friendliness, and positive attitude to your community.
  • someone who turns up on time, every night, and doesn't make excuses for his fuckups
  • someone who is focussed on raid nights throughout the week, and contributing to a successful team

About me

I'm an expat aussie, living in the UK. I've been playing WoW since mid-wrath, and have raided throughout my time in Azeroth.

I haven't raided serious-mode since MoP, where I ended the expansion pre-patch at 13/14H (despite what my armory says - you can see my heroic kills in my achievements)

During Walords, I've raided casually with a few guilds and openraid teams. Highmaul 7/7N (6/7H), BRF 10/10N, and HFC 5/13N (5/13H) which I'm leading a casual group through on Openraid every week.

I like the casual approach, time-wise, to raiding but I take the few hours I do raid seriously (even if I don't take *myself* seriously).

I've played primarily Alliance since I started playing properly in mid-Wrath, so an alliance-side guild would be preferable - however, this isn't make or break for me!

I'm not in a rush to find the right team, and wouldn't expect any guild to make a rapid decision; I'm happy to run flex or cross-realm runs with any potential guilds (Alliance-side only, obviously) to see how we work together.

When I'm not raiding, I'm enjoying all other aspects of the game - achievements, dungeons, pvp, pet battles - and engaging with the WoW community on Twitter and elsewhere!

I'm happy to chat in-game (Rel#2697), should you have any further questions.

