1. #1

    Question about CM BiS spreadsheet

    I was looking at the BiS spreadsheet for Challenge Mode gears ealier: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...gid=1593246397

    I noticed that for combat rogue, it listed some crit/haste items as BiS, such as Spell-Sink Signet and Highmaul Magi Scarf, shouldn't it be multistrike/haste for all items as much as possible?

    Also, it shows haste enchants for the neck, cloak and rings, sholdn't it be multistrike enchants as well?

  2. #2
    If I'm not mistaken, it's because once gear is scaled down, you're left energy-starved without the naturally higher haste you get with increased gear levels.

    Also, do people still even do CMs? Can't find a group to save my life ha.
    Regen#1804 need NA overwatch friends.

  3. #3
    It also says: Outdated. No longer will be maintained.

  4. #4
    Draemii is no longer updating the warrior, mage, rogue or brewmaster lists so there may well be some errors/outdated info there.
    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    I'm glad you brought up IQ, the last standardised IQ test I took I scored a 127, the threshold for 'Genius' is 140, and the threshold for 'Gifted Genius' is 165+, based on the fact the global average IQ is 84, and the fact you're likely Americanwhere the national IQ is BELOW the global average and falling consistently which has led to calls for global intervention in your abysmal education system, I feel you have VERY LITTLE room to talk about IQ levels, but thanks for trying.

  5. #5
    I roll with as much multistrike and haste as I can get. Everything else is fairly superfluous. As long as you aren't carrying some and essentially 4 manning it, you shouldn't have to have 100% bis, especially since combat is already going to be very high on the trash.

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