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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Isoe View Post
    It's time for some bits of bear wisdom:

    If you pee on it, it's your territory. No exception.
    Trying this at work tomorrow.

    If you're looking for quotes about life, Iroh from avatar:TLA has a shitload of them. Google it.

  2. #42
    Electric stove coils remain hot even when they've gone dark.

    Dog asses explode more often than anyone led me to believe.

    If you put on lip balm/chapstick, the wind will pick up and if your hair is long enough, ALL of it will find its way into your mouth. And stay there.

    Be patient.

    Don't focus on the stupidity or hypocrisy of others so much, we're all dealing (well or poorly) with our own shit. It's enough to continue to work on being a non-shitty person, myself.

    Roses are surprisingly hardy plants. A decent choice for a first houseplant (the wee ones; just water'em once or twice a week and they keep the window over the sink a bit prettier).

    When you fuck up, spend a bit of time figuring out how you could have done things better, and then move on. Dwelling at length does not improve matters.

    Make the time to take a walk during nice weather.

    Milk does not agree with me.

    Curly hair does not approve of hair brushes.

    Dog feet smell like buttered popcorn, or Fritos, or some sort of salty snack. So strange.

    "Bananas, like people, sometimes look different when they are naked." Grace Helbig

  3. #43
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Oct 2011
    Bitches be crazy.

  4. #44
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Sep 2010
    1) The lord loves a workin' man
    2) Don't trust whitey.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  5. #45
    I learned that the human species is the worst and cruel animal on this planet.

    I predict another few hundred years and it will end. Those thinking we will survive longer than the dino's haven't looked around.

    It will be a blessing for earth.

  6. #46
    1) Making an effort to see things from the other person's perspective saves a lot of heartache
    2) Regrets are pointless; learn from the mistake and move on
    3) Happiness is more important than anything, especially work or money
    4) You'll screw up too, so don't hold it against others
    5) You will have negative emotions. Don't hold on to them, let them wash over you and leave.
    6) Forgive but don't forget.
    7) Listen to advice but don't just follow it; consider it, then make your own decision.
    8) Being negative will bring you down, don't do it!

  7. #47
    That people are as convinced that they're right as you are yourself, so how can you expect others to bend their opinion if you're never willing to?
    Of course some things are not worth arguing over, like what way the toilet paper roll should be turned, or if you should boil pasta with or without oil - if they don't like it, they don't like it.

    And well... a classic. Everything in moderation. Binge doing something usually leads to it being dull and in some cases unhealthy, and then what's so great about it?

    Also, tea is really nice.

    Oh, oh! Having some minor realistic goals can be good for your mood. I love my shower shelf, and I want a garden someday.


    And these aren't hard to agree with:
    Quote Originally Posted by Aliessil View Post
    1) Making an effort to see things from the other person's perspective saves a lot of heartache
    2) Regrets are pointless; learn from the mistake and move on
    4) You'll screw up too, so don't hold it against others
    5) You will have negative emotions. Don't hold on to them, let them wash over you and leave.
    6) Forgive but don't forget.
    7) Listen to advice but don't just follow it; consider it, then make your own decision.
    Last edited by Zindai; 2015-09-13 at 10:15 AM.
    Best Zindai EU
    Quote Originally Posted by cqwrteur View Post
    I am not one person.

  8. #48
    The Future isn't what it used to be.

  9. #49
    - People are stuck in the past too often, the past doesn't matter other than learning from it, let it go, its done, forget about it.

    - Emotional scrubbing is important, let go of everyone and everything that isnt necessary and causes you grief. The now matters more than the before, that awesome dude/girl who was an amazing friend and you shared sooooo many life stories? meaningless if all they do right now is bring you sadness, instability and anger.

    - Be a bit selfish, really. Take care of yourself before you attempt to take care of others, if you dont understand what takes to better your own life, you sure as hell dont know what takes to improve others. Be in a position to help before you try to, otherwise you can cause more harm than good.

    - Choose your fights, some things are just not worth it.

    - Self discipline is something we need but more and more dont have due to "feel good" mentalities, teach yourself control, pain is a good teacher, dont avoid it, dont seek it either though, a tough situation makes you stronger, its uncomfortable right now, but it betters you as an individual. (death to helicopter parents!)

    - Be the devils advocate, you learn a lot doing it, take a stance you disagree with and try to defend it against other people, you will learn both from your side and from the side you are defending, it brings you a bit more clarity into issues. A lot of human clan'ish is refusal to see the other side and stubbornness.

    - Constant self improvement, learn new things every year, new skills, work on a new language and so forth, this helps with boredom and builds self worth and self discipline

    - Understand that you tomorrow is you today, what you do today will impact you tomorrow. this seems obvious but several studies show the effect in decisions based off linguistic perceptions of future/present. We make a ton of stupid decisions today because we are disassociated with us tomorrow. Classic "meh ill deal with it tomorrow".

    - build connections and social networks. It can be ugh-worthy, but if hard work is the engine of your car, connections is a downhill road with backdraft, aerodynamic construction, lightweight materials, high octane fuel and angels behind the car pushing it forward. What I mean is, connections >>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard work. Life's unfair, accept it.

    - Your perspective and mind-set affect your reality more than you think, as much as a lot of self-help crap is pure bs, the truth is that you are responsible for your own emotional wellbeing, if you allow yourself to see everything as a bad thing, you will be depressed. Bad things are a constant in life, focus on the benefits, opportunities, and value of things.

    - Take part in your community, improve your own house and surroundings before criticizing others, and instead of criticizing others, teach and help improve their own spaces. The world might put you down, but if you dont get up, its your own fault.

    - the body is as important as the mind, treat both well.

    - health is not the same as wellbeing, wellbeing is more important (and includes health), focus in improving it.

    - if its not worth doing while not drunk, then its not worth doing it. When drunk even staring at a white wall is hilarious.

    - respect yourself and others.

    - anger/hate is a waste of time, and self-destructive.

    - Dont make decisions when in an altered state of mind or emotion, good old "dont make promises when happy or decisions when angry".

    - Build your own self-worth, never rely on others for it.

    - we are social animals, this brings an interesting issue to humans in general, we need to be connected, but at the same time independent.
    Relationships are based on respect, on intimacy and trust. And yet, one of the most important things is to know how to give space and privacy.

    - Lie as little as possible, be truthful (this does not mean being blunt/an asshole btw). theres a difference between "I dont really like that dress" and "you look fucking stupid on that dress".

    - Negotiate salaries. This is the reason for a lot of paycheck discrepancies, most people dont know/understand/arent brave enough, you need to negotiate salaries, dont just accept it. You need that job, sure, they need someone to do it as bad.
    Actually, negociate everything. Your bills? call the place, threaten to leave and you found a better deal, they will reduce your costs (be sure theres an actual alternative though). You can even negotiate debt payments, people want their money back even if it means a bit less.

    - Perception is more important than reality, sad as it is. Accept it and exploit it.

    - all advice is personal, what works for you might not work for others. And when you have kids? they wont listen. Still, give it to them, it speeds up how fast they will learn. Its just how humans are, we need to learn through experience, so dont shelter them too much either, it wont allow them to grow as human beings and lead to suffering.

    - Everything is trained, everything is learned, train patience, train kindness, train self control. This includes adaptation to stress and fear. Watch those horror movies, ride that rollercoaster, get used to the feeling of fear in safe scenarios so that if you are ever in real danger, you dont freeze.

    Cant think of many more right now, but im sure there are.
    Last edited by Kurioxan; 2015-09-13 at 02:12 PM.

  10. #50
    Never operate pants zipper whilst drunk

    that is all

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by BenBos View Post
    I learned that the human species is the worst and cruel animal on this planet.

    I predict another few hundred years and it will end. Those thinking we will survive longer than the dino's haven't looked around.

    It will be a blessing for earth.

    Our greatest achievment will be A.I. but it also will our doom. As it should be. We are not worth of this Planet and we should be put down as soon as something more evolved then us, A.I. notices it. We literally are inteded to die on Earth, opossing what Interstellar said!

  12. #52
    you just..take them all from lord of the rings and star wars?

  13. #53
    These are a few things I have come to believe in my experience which I feel of my friends/family cannot grasp.

    - Most problems and stress are self created.
    - Superstitions, magic, deities, ghosts, etc- this is nonsense and not real.
    - Plan out as much a possible.
    - Enjoying your job is more important than making money.
    - Work isn't that important. Take breaks, go on vacation, call off, etc.
    - Confidence is important to how people perceive you personally and professionally.
    - Invest your money early.
    - Buy a house early. Sell it, buy another.
    - Poor and mediocre quality things are not worth the effort of partaking. Strive to enjoy the best possible according to your means. Life is too precarious to die having had lousy beer, bad whiskey, Dominoes pizza, cheap shampoo, cheap clothes, etc.
    - Dress well. It matters.
    - Shoes are fun luxury things. Have lots.
    - Life is not difficult at all.

  14. #54
    People are cunts.

    /thread <3

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    - Poor and mediocre quality things are not worth the effort of partaking. Strive to enjoy the best possible according to your means. Life is too precarious to die having had lousy beer, bad whiskey, Dominoes pizza, cheap shampoo, cheap clothes, etc.
    I'd contest part of it, while its true that one should not buy low budget things, high budget are a waste of money, they are the same as mid-range with better packing.
    Also, spend top money on experiences instead.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurioxan View Post
    I'd contest part of it, while its true that one should not buy low budget things, high budget are a waste of money, they are the same as mid-range with better packing.
    I have not found this to be the case too often. I typically notice a difference in the quality of low and mid tier products.

    Also, spend top money on experiences instead.
    This too, of course. I used "things" in a broad sense.

  17. #57
    Happiness is a lack of wants
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Posting here is primarily a way to strengthen your own viewpoint against common counter-arguments.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    I have not found this to be the case too often. I typically notice a difference in the quality of low and mid tier products.

    This too, of course. I used "things" in a broad sense.
    Most people dont have money to spend on experiences + materials. So between the two, experiences >>>> materials.

    Mid-range is generally as good as high range, as a lot of stuff that is marketed for wealth is mostly appearance/packaging/brand, ive seen not much difference in most things ive bought in both ranges, then again yes some are deff a lot better.

  19. #59
    Christians, jews, muslims are all members of an oppressive deathcult.
    Don't have too high expectations of something because then you only get dissapointed.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurioxan View Post
    Most people dont have money to spend on experiences + materials. So between the two, experiences >>>> materials.
    Do the best you can afford is the point. If you have to pick between the two, decide which you would like best.

    Mid-range is generally as good as high range, as a lot of stuff that is marketed for wealth is mostly appearance/packaging/brand, ive seen not much difference in most things ive bought in both ranges, then again yes some are deff a lot better.
    I really disagree with this, not just from personal experience. But also professional- I conduct market research for lots of products. There is a difference, some can't tell the difference. But a midrange phone is objectively and factually not made with the same quality of components as some higher end models. A cheap refrigerator is not made the same as more expensive ones, cheap shampoo does not have the same chemical makeup as more expensive brands, etc.

    Some times we have to document these differences in products for litigation. It is very rare products are made to the same quality level between varying price tiers.

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