Please read my entire post!

Hello let me first start off with telling you thank you for taking the time and interest into reading my recruitment post. I made one a few days ago but I feel that a few of the guilds that tried to recruit me did not quite understand my recruitment post. So I am gonna try to go in detail a bit more to see if i can get more like minded guilds to myself.

Let me first say that I am returning from being gone the last 5 months. Before I left i was 7/7 Heroic and 1/7 Mythic into Highmaul Black rock Foundry was about 1 week old. So please don't ask if I have 4 set yet. I just came back a little over a week ago. If you would like to Armory my toon just click my picture.

-------Where Am I on the Ring?--------
I have 20/33 of the Tomes and I have the ship complete.

-------What is my history in raiding?--------
well that is a long history. Since I was gone most of this xpac Let me start off with last xpac.

Tier 16 (SoO) I was 13/13 Mythic 4/30/14 (So about 7 months before xpac)
Tier 15 (TOT) 11/13 Heroic 25man Raiding. Got stuck on Lei Shen
Tier 14 14/16 Heroic Kill Heroic Shekzeer Before TOT 2/28/13
Tier 13 (DS) 8/8 Heroic Killed Deathwing at 15% Nerf Nightmares on Spine
Tier 12 (FLs) I was 6/7 Heroic Didn't get Rag till into DS.
I can keep going all the way back to MC days I have been raiding since Molten Core. Wiping for months on a boss to finally kill it to see 4 pieces of loot drop and you can't use any of them but don't care cause you are so happy you finally killed that boss.

so as you can see I am a Very old school raider. Raide Top 100 US. I just can't commit to 5 days a week anymore. I still feel that I try to Min/Max myself and play above the average player. My personal thing is "Why play this game If I am not gonna try to be the best" I am a very down to earth player I like to talk strategy for my specific class / role. I Am used to doing the extra stuff on bosses like kicking turtle shells on tortos. doing chains in SoO. Mage tanking in gruuls lair. I do whatever is needed to down a boss.

------What is my personal history:---------
Well this is part that most people will probably find exciting I was a GM for about 9 years. Most of that time on Dragonmaw. But been a few other places with friends also. I have been GM/RL most of my wow career except a short time during BC and last 5 months. I like to have a direct influence in the guild as far as helping with new strategies or whatever is needed. I have wrote many strategies that have successfully helped us down bosses. I am ok with just being a raider in a guild but I feel that I am better if helping out also.

-------What toons have I mained / Could main if needed?----------
I have 27 90s, and 11 100s. I have mained every class in the game and every spec except Mistweaver it requires a special kinda person to play them. (Rolls face across keyboard while pooping in diaper)
I have a few notable alts

685 Shaman (Ele) Was my Main during SoO
687 Warrior (Prot) was my main most of LK
687 Druid (Resto) Was my main most of DS expac.

I have always switched mains for whatever our guild has needed and have been a above average player in my role. I pride myself on being able to find out and play to master any class. There is however a few exceptions I cannot master a warlock or ret paladin since they changed them with holy power and embers I play them like crap lol. I was a really good lock a few xpacs but after embers change I cannot seem to play them as well on a end game level. I can get a toon from 1-100 in about a week real life time. And get to 685 ilevel on my own with ease. I like to level toons and like to learn new ones.

------My Availability-----
I can Raid any day
3pm - 9pm Pacific. I work at 10pm could push raid till 9:30 but nothing past that.
I am a very dedicated raider once I find a home. I hate being guildless and searching for a guild. So would like to find a home.

-------What I want in a Guild?----
People to show up on time for raids and a general understanding of the fights.
People to have a very good understanding of there class (example- know if you can Battle rez somoene)
Guild that is active outside of raid.
I am ok with joining a guild that is behind me in progression if they show promise I honestly did not progress threw this tier. I did 12/13 heroic after being back for 2 lockouts. I do perfer that you be around me though in progression.
I have had a lot of mythic guilds add me. I do not have my 4 set, Ring, or class trinket my dps is garbage compared to mages a few ilvls higher with those things. I do however usally take little damage in fights mechanics are easy and I like to follow them.

-----What I can offer a Guild!-----
A dedicated raider that shows up ontime with food, Pots, Flasks and a good understanding of the fights.
Someone that can push out good numbers and not die to fire.
Someone that will always be trying to be better.

If interested please add me


forgot to mention I would like to stay horde. I just came back from Alliance when i was raiding with a friend for a bit and don't want to go back it was a Grim time lol