With the arrival, or should I say return, of the Burning Legion in World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion I can't help but fantasize of a revamped PvP system, particularly for Random Battleground encounters. We have a unique opportunity here to really bring Horde and Alliance together that is lore friendly as well as mechanically friendly. In the past we've fought enemies together in PvE environments but why hasn't this carried over to PvP? Well I propose a new way to do battle in Legion: Azeroth vs Burning Legion.

Instead of having Alliance players queue up for Battlegrounds and play as Alliance players, or Horde players queue up and play as Horde, we have ALL players queue up and get sorted into two teams: Azeroth and Burning Legion. What would this fix, you ask? If we allow any player to be on any team we could potentially see a drastic drop in queue times, as well as a potential spread of talent across teams. But this doesn't fix people's gripes with racial abilities. What now?

Again we have a unique opportunity here with the implementation of Artifact Weapons. I propose we do away with racial traits/abilities all together and implement a new system in which we "imbue" an ability/trait/passive onto our weapons. For instance, we could have a system that utilizes a Meta gems. If we wanted 10% stun reduction we could obtain that meta gem. If we wanted 5% crit, we could obtain THAT gem. And it doesn't have to be a meta gem it could literally be anything the system doesn't change. This would not only erase the frustration with having to pick a certain race to do a certain thing, like humans and PvP, but it would create a healthier PvP scene with more variety. Okay, what about the Burning Legion team in PvP. Why do they have Gnome Hunters on their team?

Burning Legion Ranks:
I won't lie I don't know much about the Burning Legion. I started playing in Cataclysm and haven't read up much about their lore but it's not out of the question that the Burning Legion has ways of manipulating citizens of Azeroth into doing their bidding. Perhaps the Burning Legion team can have green/red glowing eyes to signify that they have drunk the rage inducing blood and are now trying to obliterate you. There are people at Blizzard or on this forums with more qualifications to figure that out than I.

In Conclusion:
I think a system like this could be implemented into almost any battleground OR perhaps at least tested in new battleground that release with the next expansion. So what do you guys think? Bad idea? Good idea? Let's hear your opinions or ideas.