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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Piwielle View Post
    Why is everyone telling him to go chi ex when he's having trouble with survivability ? Serenity is easier to play and leads to higher survivability than chi ex.
    Rest of advices are mostly fine, but don't use chi ex if you're dying.

    Oh, also, boss damage was tuned for progression in like 715 ilvl, ofc at 735 with 735 healers it's not threatening for decent players. Tank damage was fine and pretty interesting during progression for the last bosses.
    I would strongly assume that because with Serenity, you have to remember to use it, not to mention know when it's best to use/remember to not waste globals during it (= constant blackout kick and purify spam with a guard towards the end).
    When OP's monk can't even figure out when to expel harm or purify, it's going to be very difficult for him to learn to use that.
    On the other hand, Chi Explosion can actually help him, as it'll act as the majority of his purifications just by hitting it with 3-4 chi. Sure, he still needs to learn to use some, but go for the most retard-friendly approach when trying to help people that needs help. Passive is almost always easier than active when choosing talents.

  2. #22
    Your biggest problem is your disc isn't specced CoW.

    Also Serenity is a lot easier to play (and safer if you just care about not dying) than ChiEx, there's not even a comparison to be made here.
    Last edited by Sonrisa; 2015-12-20 at 07:30 AM.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    Your biggest problem is your disc isn't specced CoW
    Great advice, give them advice on how to carry a under performing player more. Spam CoW on him. Literally will keep up the shittiest of shit tanks in 99% of situations on all bosses.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    Great advice, give them advice on how to carry a under performing player more. Spam CoW on him. Literally will keep up the shittiest of shit tanks in 99% of situations on all bosses.
    Funny that making the fight easier is bad advice. According to you discs on this fight should not spec CoW I take it? I'm pretty sure they have their fair share of underperforming players, it's not like it's just that one tank holding them all back. There's already great advice on this thread on what his tank should change, having the disc go CoW would be a pretty big improvement to their chances of success.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    Also Serenity is a lot easier to play (and safer if you just care about not dying) than ChiEx, there's not even a comparison to be made here.
    Yea totally easier to play for a guy that doesn't even know he has a purify button while running it. . This isn't BRF anymore, serenity is shit tier for survival and everything else.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    Funny that making the fight easier is bad advice. According to you discs on this fight should not spec CoW I take it? I'm pretty sure they have their fair share of underperforming players, it's not like it's just that one tank holding them all back. There's already great advice on this thread on what his tank should change, having the disc go CoW would be a pretty big improvement to their chances of success.
    In a comp where you always have a beacon, riptide, lifebloom and rejuv on you if you need clarity of will spam to survive as a tank you are simply reducing the amount of healing the raid gets. Fact.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    Yea totally easier to play for a guy that doesn't even know he has a purify button while running it. . This isn't BRF anymore, serenity is shit tier for survival and everything else.
    How? You need to be thinking ahead and keeping track of your chi/energy all the time. How exactly is ChiEx better for survival anyway, I get that it can be considered on par if you play perfectly, but better? Only the damage is better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    In a comp where you always have a beacon, riptide, lifebloom and rejuv on you if you need clarity of will spam to survive as a tank you are simply reducing the amount of healing the raid gets. Fact.
    That is such a shitty argument. First of all that priest is doing ~80k HPS, it's not like his raid healing will be missed. Second of all, on Velhari what matters is if your tank is getting one-shot or not. Beacon/Riptide/LB/Rejuv won't mean shit if the tank dies in one auto. Guess what does help with that however? CoW. Also the raid needs a finite amount of healing, if it's already getting healed enough getting more won't make it any less not dead. Not only that, but having CoW for healing the debuff is huge from phase 2 onwards.

    But hey, by all accounts, make bosses harder for yourself and your raid out of some misguided sense of pride, not like I care.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    How? You need to be thinking ahead and keeping track of your chi/energy all the time. How exactly is ChiEx better for survival anyway, I get that it can be considered on par if you play perfectly, but better? Only the damage is better.
    Trust me, you don't really need to "think ahead" with ChiEx if you're at this level of play. As long as he hits the button whenever he has 4x chi he'll already be far more durable than he is right now.

  8. #28
    Talking from my limited experience, as I haven't tanked much during progress, with ChiEx all too often I'd blow my chi only to find my self with no way to get a guard up for several seconds leading to either death or being forced to use cooldowns I should have otherwise kept. And then I just switch back to Serenity because it's not like my damage will matter on the grand scheme of things, and I have a far easier time leading the raid when I don't need to put as much thought on my rotation. Granted, unlike him I do use purify, so that might be the balancing factor.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    This isn't BRF anymore, serenity is shit tier for survival and everything else.
    Don't really care about the rest, but serenity is better than chi ex for survival. Prentending it's not is just lying.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Piwielle View Post
    Don't really care about the rest, but serenity is better than chi ex for survival. Prentending it's not is just lying.
    It's not.

    5s serenity just reduces the amount of chi you have to put into shuffle up time(which is 100% with chiex anyways) and lets you purify slightly more. This isn't BRF when you could literally get enough shuffle up time in 1 serenity that you only needed to fit in 4 more black out kicks in a 1.5 min span and every other ounce of chi could go to purifying.

    Not to mention shuffle is far less important, and even with a poor played chiex build with 80-90% up time is just an extra layer of rng defense with 10% parry.

    Serenity is shit, Serenity is especially shit for a player that has no idea what he is doing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    That is such a shitty argument. First of all that priest is doing ~80k HPS, it's not like his raid healing will be missed.
    Sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about when being able to spam PWS on the raid is far more valuable then raw HPS. Especially on a fight like Velhari where if even the slightest thing go's wrong someone can get insta gibbed without an adsorb up.

    A disc spamming CoW on tanks on Velhari is literally useless for most of the fight outside of carrying bad tanks from getting globaled which shouldn't happen anyways.

    I wouldn't make a living giving disc or brewmaster advice on forums if i where you. There is a place for CoW, it's not when you have a comp that can easily handle this without it, and 2 absorb heavy tanks which should be rofling through the fight at current gear levels if played properly.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Piwielle View Post
    Why is everyone telling him to go chi ex when he's having trouble with survivability ? Serenity is easier to play and leads to higher survivability than chi ex.
    Rest of advices are mostly fine, but don't use chi ex if you're dying.
    What a load of shit. Chi-ex>serenity for every fight.

    and I'm not trying to be mean to OP's tank but everyone is beating around the bush: this monk has NO business on mythic tyrant atm. He should be doing Heroic, learning to play his character. He definately is doing 0 research and putting in 0 effort.
    Last edited by AgilityTank; 2015-12-21 at 06:11 AM.

  12. #32
    Maybe I'm not expressing myself properly. I'm saying that serenity has more defensive value than chi ex. It allows you to purify more damage, have more control over your chi, which leads to easier panic guards, and makes keeping shuffle up easier.

    Sure serenity isn't needed, and you can survive just fine with chi ex, especially now that we're completely outgearing the place. It's anyone's personal call to pick either one of the two talents, but between the 2 talents, serenity provides you with a better survivability than chi explosion. Whether it's superior or not depends on what you're doing in HFC, your group, and plenty of other things.
    Last edited by Piwielle; 2015-12-21 at 06:22 AM.

  13. #33
    Monks are nuts on this fight. Use the tanking heirloom trinket and guard as much as possible. Its a MASSIVE absorb on an encounter where absorbs are emperor status.
    Every other fight our monk is spiky but on this one he never worries, until the very very end when we are struggling to keep everyone up.
    Owner of ONEAzerothTV
    Tanking, Blood DK Mythic+ Pugging, Soloing and WoW Challenges alongside other discussions about all things in World of Warcraft

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Piwielle View Post
    but between the 2 talents, serenity provides you with a better survivability than chi explosion
    Except the part where it doesn't. 5 free blackout kicks is pretty much worthless for survival. Maybe look up class changes between BRF and HFC.

    Your argument of having control over purifies is laughable, you do understand that when you spec ChiEx you don't lose purifying brew right? Any monk worth a shit is still going to have their purify button bound even while using Chi Explosion. You still have full control over your purifies when you need them.

    Also if your gaurd is down, coming off CD on tyrant and you choose to use Chi on ChiEx instead of a new guard, that's your poor play kid not a problem with the talent.

  15. #35
    Being better even by a small margin is still being better.
    I played Serenity for my velhari progress, I was 715 without WuE, and I felt like playing serenity and having to rely as little as possible on my disc was the better route for my raid.
    Anyway, I'm done on the matter, anyone can believe whatever they feel like believing. Sorry for disgressing.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    Sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about when being able to spam PWS on the raid is far more valuable then raw HPS. Especially on a fight like Velhari where if even the slightest thing go's wrong someone can get insta gibbed without an adsorb up.

    A disc spamming CoW on tanks on Velhari is literally useless for most of the fight outside of carrying bad tanks from getting globaled which shouldn't happen anyways.

    I wouldn't make a living giving disc or brewmaster advice on forums if i where you. There is a place for CoW, it's not when you have a comp that can easily handle this without it, and 2 absorb heavy tanks which should be rofling through the fight at current gear levels if played properly.
    You clearly don't know very much about the fight, and unlike you I have healed it several times. The actual healing required on Velhari is extremely low, and for the parts you actually need healing you use raid CDs. Only ways you can die as DPS are over-walking, not moving out when font expires, bad edict positioning. A shield will save you from 1 tick if you over-walk, and you simply just die anyway on the other two. Having CoW on the healing debuff however, so he can move without dispel is huge as I said earlier, but you quite obviously don't understand this about the fight.

    You know who is likely to get insta gibbed without an absorb though? The tank, but hey better not give him anything, least his e-penis get shrinked because he got external help. Better have words of mending for those sick PoMs, instead of a useful castable shield. Druid and Shaman can easily handle the raid healing, but lets give everyone shields while our tanks keep dying again and again. Fixing a tank survival problem with more raid healing is clearly the way, what an outstanding flow of logic. Let's tell the tank to "git gud" and just patiently wait for him to stop sucking ignoring all alternatives. It's not like you give a shit if this guys kill the boss 200 attempts later than they should anyway.

    I can literally guarantee you that ANY guild will have a much easier time defeating the boss for the first time using CoW instead of Words of mending. and I'm pretty sure I'd make a hell of a better living than you giving advice on on disc and healing, since you are obviously clueless, not to mention you seem to lack knowledge about the fight in general when it doesn't relate to your narrow tanking PoV.
    Last edited by Sonrisa; 2015-12-21 at 08:29 AM.

  17. #37
    Any priest that isn't using CoW for Tyrant should just delete their character. That is just silly.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonrisa View Post
    You clearly don't know very much about the fight, and unlike you I have healed it several times.
    The hilarious part is you are speaking on the 2 specs I have killed the fight on, brewmaster and disc and are incredibly wrong on both accounts.

    But you know a brewmaster is likely to get insta gibbed without an absorb up, you know too bad a brewmaster can't have near near 90% up time on self absorbs between guard and now the heirloom trinkets which scrublords can use to cheese the fight even further. Yea that spec you are suggesting spamming CoW on. That spec. LMAO.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by iots View Post
    Any priest that isn't using CoW for Tyrant should just delete their character. That is just silly.
    Any disc who is forced to use CoW spam on an absorb cheesing tank to kill Tyrant should probably find a better guild without shit tanks. Disc spamming CoW on a properly played brewmaster is just cheesing numbers and taking away the brewmasters self absorb numbers. Not that it's not useful for other situations but it really seems like people here have no damn clue how a brewmaster plays properly on this fight if you're honestly suggesting CoW spam on them.

  19. #39
    Once you reach last phase you can effectively kill the boss with one tank with CoW spam atm, why you wouldn't take it is beyond me. Who gives a shit about perfect play, we're not talking about world first era, or which ever bracket you pretend to be a part of. This is the casual overgearing the shit out of everything with nerfed content(i'm sure it'll get even easier at some point), you don't need to make the whole raid play the best that they can be, when you can with one spell pretty much carry any tanks through the only hard part about the fight.

    But yeah, think the OP already got enough ideas for it, not going to bother arguing about this further. Have fun.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by iots View Post
    Once you reach last phase you can effectively kill the boss with one tank with CoW spam atm, why you wouldn't take it is beyond me. Who gives a shit about perfect play, we're not talking about world first era, or which ever bracket you pretend to be a part of. This is the casual overgearing the shit out of everything with nerfed content(i'm sure it'll get even easier at some point), you don't need to make the whole raid play the best that they can be, when you can with one spell pretty much carry any tanks through the only hard part about the fight.

    But yeah, think the OP already got enough ideas for it, not going to bother arguing about this further. Have fun.
    If you need a disc priest to spam CoW on 2 absorb tanks on Velhari your tanks are shit and you're better off getting better tanks and reducing your healer total. Fact, it's funny you bring up world first era because in that bracket CoW spam would have actually been worthwhile but it really shows how clueless you are to the situation at hand.

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