1. #1

    Post New Here, question about WeakAuras Shadow Word: Death

    Hello fellow M.M.O's,
    I have a question about Shadow Word: Death on WeakAuras. Is it possible to have the progress bar show the ( please correct me if I'm wrong ) the internal cd? (Cooldown) For instance when the target is at 21% Shadow Word: Death becomes available with 2 instant casts and a glowing aura around the action button. When I use the first instant cast there's a brief 1.5 sec cd? ( not sure if I'm right on the internal cd time ) before I can use the 2nd instant cast.

    This there a code that can grab that 1.5 cd time or whatever that time is for the progress bar before the 2nd instant cast is ready?

    The code I'm using right now only shows the main cd after using the 2nd cast. I wanted to add in the internal cd time also to do the same thing, then show the main cd after the 2nd cast. Not sure If the 2nd trigger has to be a custom lua or can be a preset built in already. The first Trigger is a preset.

    function(progress, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
        local start, duration = GetSpellCooldown("Shadow Word: Death")
        if start and start > 0 then
            local timeMax = start + duration
            local timeLeft = timeMax - GetTime()
            local p = timeLeft * 100 / duration
            if p > 66 then -- time left more than 66%
                return r2,g2,b2,a2 -- animation color
            elseif p > 33 then -- time left more than 33%
                return 1,1,0,1 -- yellow
            else -- time left less 33%
                return r1,g1,b1,a1 -- display color

    - - - Updated - - -

    The other problem is having the progress bar only show the Global Cooldown once after the first instant cast. If you use the Global Cooldown Preset Trigger in WeakAuras it will show a progress bar for global cooldown every time It goes off...which is all the time on your action bar when casting anything. So that won't work.

    It will have to be a custom trigger to have it only show the global cooldown after 1 charge is used on Shadow Word: Pain Then have it show the regular cooldown after the 2 charge used. I don't see any other way around it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just to be more pacific on what I'm trying to do...I'm wondering if it's possible to get the global cooldown from shadow word: death only after the first instant cast. The main cooldown is after the 2nd instant cast. And also since shadow word: death has 2 instant casts when the button is glowing; is that considered being charges? Or is there another name for it?

  2. #2
    GetSpellCooldown includes the cooldown when a spell is on GCD, so if you only use SW once, it will trigger a "1.5s cd". Otherwise, if you cast both uses of SW, it will return the normal cooldown again. What it won't do, however, is show the internal cooldown before you can cast again without putting SW on cooldown entirely. That would require a separate timer that triggers when you cast SW once, and cancels it when you cast SW again while that timer is still active. This wouldn't be very difficult to do.

    Is that what you're looking for?

  3. #3
    Here you go

    What I did was using 3 different triggers.

    Trigger 1
    Status -> Global Cooldown

    To show off the Global Cooldown with the correct symbol and Cooldown-Animation applied.

    Trigger 2
    Event -> Combatlog -> Spell_Cast_Success -> SW: D

    To check if you casted a SW: D

    Trigger 3
    Status -> Action Usable -> SW: D

    To prevent the aura to show off after the second SW: D, because it's on cooldown afterwards.

  4. #4
    Thank you Platinengel!

  5. #5

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