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Eonar/Blade’s Edge/Vek’Nilash



Raid Days

Wed/Thur/Sun 10pm – 1am Server Time

Looking for

Need healers and dps (no limit right now)
Healer Prio: Paladin & Priest
Dps Prio: Mage & Spriest & DK

A Little About Us

We are a group of 6 friends who have raided together in previous expansions, some with heroic experience and some others with mythic experience. We aren’t looking for 900 ilvl 7/7M, we want a decent team of raiders/friends to down content with. Our main concern right now is to clear heroic content and then move on to mythic once we are ready.

You are thinking, why would I join a guild which has 6 raiders? We don’t want people who are just going to join to then leave a week later because not many others have joined. We want people who are in it for the long haul and are interactive. We are always on discord, even if you we are on different games. We have a good relationship as and would love to expand it.

If you are interested or have any questions I’d be more than happy to chat! Tom#1858