We're currently looking to recruit a couple healers and some solid DPS. We would prefer RDPS but any good DPS will be considered. Our core group consists of 10 people who have been raiding since Vanilla MC. We're all solid players but we are lacking numbers. We're laid back and looking for anyone who is willing to learn and put in the work to improve. If you haven't ever raided before, no problem! We would be happy to show you the ropes and get you up to speed, all we ask is that you stick with us and give us time to build up the guild as we just started it together at the beginning of Legion.
Raid times are Mon-Tue-Wed, 8PM-11PM EST. We are currently 7/7N and plan on pushing heroics shortly. Mythic is definitely on the table if we can find the right players and build the necessary synergy within the group.
If you are interested please feel free to add me on Bnet and let's talk.
