1. #1

    Stacking mastery as Destro

    I got bored, also i got a few pieces of very good mastery gear this week. This made me realized just how easy to stack mastery as Destro, I got 63% - 87% just by change 2 pieces of gear. I went a little further and I stacked it to over 112%......this enables my Chaosbolt to hit for 800k (sometime)! thats insane! Of course you have to deal with 2.5 secs cast time, but its totally worth it to see the number!

    Just don't try this in raid or Mythic+...I would assume it will suck...but I have never tried. Or maybe this will change the game!?(not really)

    Can't even imagine this combined with 7.1 "focused chaos" PVP talent....

  2. #2
    I have tried this with full crafteds. Mostly pure mastery variants(savant), I went up to 131%. Cast time doesn't feel great and dps is about 10-20k less vs the 30% haste > crit variant but I do agree that it feels so satisfying seeing the high amounts of damage.

    I've noticed that the dps loss comes from demonic power (was running sac). Pets and sacrifice procs doesn't scale with mastery but they crit and haste does. I feel like this is where mastery loses its competetiveness vs the other stats.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Garhf View Post
    I have tried this with full crafteds. Mostly pure mastery variants(savant), I went up to 131%. Cast time doesn't feel great and dps is about 10-20k less vs the 30% haste > crit variant but I do agree that it feels so satisfying seeing the high amounts of damage.

    I've noticed that the dps loss comes from demonic power (was running sac). Pets and sacrifice procs doesn't scale with mastery but they crit and haste does. I feel like this is where mastery loses its competetiveness vs the other stats.
    Yeah, demonic power, I noticed that too. It is No.2 on my overall damage most of the time. Its really a shame that we are so limited in our talent options. Basically any fight with more than one target, we have to take Go Sac. It doesn't even fit the spec fantasy, maybe change the name to "residue flame" or something, and let it do fire damage instead of shadow? That will be much more interesting.

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