Hello All!

<quantum> is a newly formed weekend raiding guild on Stormrage. Our leadership stems from a large and deep background of progression raiding (BC through the end of Cataclysm). We strive to achieve one goal each and every Sunday; kill as many bosses as quickly and efficiently as possible while also having fun. We pride ourselves in creating an environment where everyone can have fun and learn!

We are currently recruiting the following classes and specs:

  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Holy Paladin
  • Disc Priest

Right now we are 7/7N and 2/7H with multiple attempts on two bosses that were almost down. We are seeking people who are at or near an item level of 845 and have a strong desire to raid. We can help you gear up and learn the fights, you just need to be willing to do the learning. Please reach out to Teolo or Illiandor on Stormrage when we are in game, or stop by our forums to say hello! We have a small survey that we require you to fill out just so we have an idea of where you are (linked below).

We raid every Sunday with the first pull starting at 3pm PST. We generally finish around 6pm PST. Right now we are thinking of adding a second day on Saturday for true progression. Right now, however, depending on how Sunday goes, we also raid on Monday evenings. We pull at 5:30pm PST and go no later than 8:30pm PST. The best part about <quantum> is that we don't just spend time with each other on one day, throughout the week we regularly run Mythic and Mythic+ dungeons, Karazhan is nearing completion as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below or contact me in game! I'm usually on around 7pm PST. I can't seem to post the URL to our website, so please respond below!

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