< Anxiety> Is a Reformed Guild of two Guilds that have came together to form a strong raid team we are looking for strong players to fill its ranks so please our requirements are very simple as follows a little bit about us we are 2/7m en exp players as a core alot of us were 5/7m with several wipes at 2% on cenarius but due issues with our old guild we formed this one and friends merged with us we have a strong support team and plan to keep it that way

Current Class Needs: Rdps: Shadow Priest , Elemental Shaman , Hunter (bm or mm) , Boomkin
Mdps: Enhance Shaman, Ret Paladin, Rogue
Heals: Resto Shaman, Disc Priest
Optional- Tank: Blood dk or Prot Paladin

Keep in mind we are looking for other strong players so dont be afraid to talk to us we are always building for the best Possible Core for our needs to Progress

Requirements Are as Follows
Raid Times: Tues Thurs 10:30pm -1am est
Sun 9pm -12am est
Must have Logs or willing to explain yourself in interview if dont have them
Previous Mythic exp not a must but a plus
Please add me for more info CarlBowkrem#1284 (Raid/Guild Lead)