1. #1

    Swapping between UIs


    Let's say I have two different UIs for one character. One for pvp, one for pve content. One UI uses certain addons, other UI uses other addons. Some of addons are used in both UIs, some addons use different settings, different keybindings etc.

    Obviously I can turn on/turn off addons manually and also I can swap between addons' profiles.

    But it is quite too problematic for my needs.

    Can I somehow swap between two completely different UIs pretty quickly?

    Last edited by Wenoxar; 2016-10-30 at 04:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Addon Control Panel might help but... Why don't you just use the same UI for both? Something like ElvUI literally covers everything you'd ever need for a UI, with TMW or WA2 on top for combat. I can't help but think two different UIs could only hinder you, especially when you consider familiarity/muscle memory with things the same makes everything so much easier.

  3. #3
    Well, I got quite complicated PvE UI and it turns out that I definitely don't want to use that kind of UI for pvp, as for PVE I use keybindings/weakauras I certainly don't need for pvp and vice-versa. It's complicated :P

    I'll check Addon Control Panel as soon as possible, I'm quite sure it will fit my needs. Thank you!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Wenoxar View Post
    Well, I got quite complicated PvE UI and it turns out that I definitely don't want to use that kind of UI for pvp, as for PVE I use keybindings/weakauras I certainly don't need for pvp and vice-versa. It's complicated :P

    I'll check Addon Control Panel as soon as possible, I'm quite sure it will fit my needs. Thank you!
    You can enable/disable things like weakauras depending on what you want, e.g. spec, zone, area, pvp enabled, etc. so that should be no problem, and keybinds should just never change really, having two sets of keybinds is just bound to mess you up. How drastic is the difference exactly? I really would just suggest having one UI and stream-lining it so it fits both, again changing things like WA and raid frames to only show with specific group sizes is very possible.

  5. #5
    @Soisoisoi It's just that there are a lot of spells, talents, on-use things like potions, trinkets that aren't used at all in pvp. And there are tons of macros, honor talents that aren't used at all in pve. I already have ~40 keybindings, apparently I'm not good enough to expand it to 60ish.

    Regardless, as soon as I get onto game I'll check out that addon, thank you for your help!

  6. #6
    just have Interface and WTF folders for your main ui and Interface and WTF folders for your alternate ui, and just rename them to switch back and forth.

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