1. #1

    7.1 - Simcraft: BM over MM


    so i've read a lot in the forum about the current state of hunter dps and what's coming up time and time again, is that MM currently outranks BM.

    But if i look at the Simcraft stats BM and SV overtake MM Damage. So how come everyone recommends to go MM if the numbers tell me that BM is in a better spot right now?

    I'm getting really confused because everyone tells us to look at the hard facts/numbers, but they tell a different story than the hivemind in this forum.

  2. #2
    Because MM does actual raid mechanics far better than BM(Burst spread AoE, target switching, has execute).

    MM's spread burst AoE can be summed up with "Multi-dotting with dots that do their full damage instantly". The range is insane with Mastery and the way Sidewinders work(and Barrage to a lesser extent, the cone has been nerfed a bit).

  3. #3
    I can't really speak to the sims, since I don't spend much time with them, myself- I'm casual enough these days that I just play what I feel like.

    That said, raw numbers isn't everything- the actual current raid bosses need to be taken into account. MM simply performs better on fights with multiple targets, spread-out cleave, and target swapping than BM and SV, and that accounts for nearly all EN bosses, which is why people still strongly recommend MM for the competitive raider.

  4. #4
    hm. My problem with this is that i don't feel like EN is packed with spread-out aoe fights, honestly. I'm clearing heroic on a weekly basis with my guild and we're trying our luck in Myth right now. Except for il'gynoth, how many spread out aoe fights are there?

    In my opinion there is a lot more movement to survive, which in my opinion, is where bm shines. Maybe i'm playing MM totally wrong, because i lose a big chunk of my dps, when i have to move around a lot.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Atraxxas View Post
    hm. My problem with this is that i don't feel like EN is packed with spread-out aoe fights, honestly. I'm clearing heroic on a weekly basis with my guild and we're trying our luck in Myth right now. Except for il'gynoth, how many spread out aoe fights are there?

    In my opinion there is a lot more movement to survive, which in my opinion, is where bm shines. Maybe i'm playing MM totally wrong, because i lose a big chunk of my dps, when i have to move around a lot.
    Hmm MM should always perform better, the reason your DPS is dropping is, your either not positioning correctly. Using your free GCD's to move, or using barrage to move. I know its hard for hunters to follow the basic ABC due to our nature of procs. But you can really make the movement minimal with barrage and disengage, and the downtime we have in general
    These day's Im washed, playing VRchat instead.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx226 View Post
    Reneferal, Cenarius, Xavius, Il'gynoth, Nyth, Dragons...

    So, every fight except Ursoc and even that has something you can cleave and consistently build up stacks of Bullseye throughout the fight.

    You have to learn when you should move. Which is during global CDs while casting instants, such as sidewinders/markedshot/aimed shot procs and while channeling barrage. You're doing this a lot so you can actually move a pretty good amount of the time without ever stopping your dps. You just have to get the timing right for when you need to move. You can also be focus starved at times and waiting for a marked shot proc so you can move then as well.

    You're likely just not comfortable with the playstyle yet so you need practice.
    you're probably right. i originally planned to play survival, but was "forced" to switch to mm, after a few weeks. I'm getting better on a weekly basis, so at least i got that going for me.

  7. #7
    If you take simcraft seriously then SV is 20k head of BM and 40k ahead of MM.

    I'm only ilvl 811 on my Hunter so have yet to gear him, but find MM fun, I'm just waiting for SV's moment in sunshine.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Yhcti View Post
    If you take simcraft seriously then SV is 20k head of BM and 40k ahead of MM.

    I'm only ilvl 811 on my Hunter so have yet to gear him, but find MM fun, I'm just waiting for SV's moment in sunshine.
    Which will be soon if they continue this trend of buffing them almost weekly to get people to play the spec. Then they will be so OP everyone will play them and blizz will nerf them back into the ground. My same gear (ilvl 866) nets me about 2.2mil HP in PVP. I'm at almost 3mil when I go survival spec, it's insane. If they buff the dmg too much more they are going to be facerolling in arena.

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