Poll: Do you agree that Legion is WoW's best expansion?

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  1. #41
    Imho it's a very enjoyable expansion, maybe not the best one but an huge step forward from MOP and WOD.

    Few things I dislike (not many):

    - Warforged, Titanforged and especially Legendaries are a cancer for people who like to be competitive in raids. A good Leg vs a bad one makes an huge difference in terms of performance

    - Artifact Power: too much grindy, it's endless and at some point you don't even feel progressing anymore. Just commited to farm it

    - No Flying even after the first step of the achievement... not a core stuff but it's getting annoying

    - PvP rng gear system must be reverted. I vote for the old honor/valor vendors

    - Absolutely very alt unfriendly.

  2. #42
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akka View Post
    I don't really get what the fanboys can see in this expansion
    oh look, i disagree with your opinion so i must be a braindead fanboy.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  3. #43
    The Lightbringer Azerox's Avatar
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    For me its still BC. This xpac is dreadfull and beautifull at once.
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  4. #44
    The Lightbringer Tzalix's Avatar
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    I would have to say that so far, yeah, I think Legion is the most fun I've ever had in WoW.

    Remains to be seen how the rest of the expansion pans out.
    "In life, I was raised to hate the undead. Trained to destroy them. When I became Forsaken, I hated myself most of all. But now I see it is the Alliance that fosters this malice. The human kingdoms shun their former brothers and sisters because we remind them what's lurking beneath the facade of flesh. It's time to end their cycle of hatred. The Alliance deserves to fall." - Lilian Voss

  5. #45
    Mechagnome Akta's Avatar
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    the best since TBC for sure
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    Exilé sul le sol au milieu des huées,
    Ses ailes de géant l'empêchent de marcher.

    Charles Baudelaire

  6. #46
    Honestly this has been the least enjoyable expansion for me. I've already stepped down from raiding and am just playing casually/doing some pvp.

    The whole do your world quests, farm your ap, farm your mythic plus, farm herbs felt like busy work more than fun to me. I could handle the grind at the start of every other xpac because you were working towards a goal of exalted and once you finished you no longer needed to do menial busywork tasks anymore. Combine that with the extreme ad nauseum RNG loot with fucked up secondary stat scaling and the shittty legendary system I just wasn't enjoying the game.
    Last edited by Volitar; 2016-11-04 at 10:35 AM.
    Hi Sephurik

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by NoobistTV-Metro View Post
    It is absolutely the best launch, no way anyone could convince me otherwise....

    Just to name a few.

    Legion (so far, dont forget)
    Prestige system
    World Quests
    Artifact system

    ... so basically, you are a farming entusiast.

  8. #48
    SO far... I will rate this way.


    The reasons I rank tbc and wotlk so high is because that was at the height of my hardcore playing days 12hrs+ a day being a realm first raider. I started late vanilla so only experienced vanilla for about 6 months before tbc came out. Nowadays I can't play 12hrs a day but I do appreciate the mythic+ feature they have added brings vitality back to dungeons which was my favorite thing to do in TBC was heroic dungeon tank runs.

  9. #49
    The Insane Aeula's Avatar
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    It's the worst expansion they've ever done.

  10. #50
    I have to say I've been enjoying this expansion but a few things that make me very skeptical about calling it the best expansion ever.
    So my biggest issue is RNG.
    I would be ok with a fair bit of RNG here and there but RNG is getting out of hand really fast too. I can't remember a single thing in WoW atm that doesn't require RNG in order to progress.
    This is getting me really frustrated and I don't like this one bit. Even my f#### profession requires RNG to max out (Alchemy/Herb).
    I don't like the grind that's necessary in order to switch specs either. Really lame specially since they go hard on the nerfs. I invested everything on outlaw only to be forced to switch to assassination a month later and having to grind it out.

    All in all and as a rogue main I don't particularly like any of the specs too much. Outlaw is infuriating if you're not lucky, cool if lucky, thank god for grappling hook. Sub is not what it used to be and I dont like the changes. I absolutely loved my Sub rogue in WoD and I just wanted the same feeling while playing my char.

    Also, gearing became a very complex component of the game. It basically requires you to simm your char everytime you get a new item and although I know some people have been doing that for years it never was as required as it is now. There's not a clear path on what is indeed better or not. For some, this is a good thing, for others not so much. Too much hassle.

    The zones are not amazing either, sick of suramar too. Gimme old Nagrand where I can run everywhere without having to go through a unique path to get to X point.

    Still, I would like to mention RNG once more because its really killing the fun for me in this xpac so far.

    So for me would be: TBC -> Wotlk -> Mop -> Legion -> WoD (loved playing my class) - Cata
    Last edited by mmocbed85ea23e; 2016-11-04 at 10:46 AM.

  11. #51
    It doesn't beat MoP for me yet, but they are getting close. Adding some NEW WQs would be great, and I don't mean other quests that you do while leveling up anyway, I mean new ones.

  12. #52
    It could be, but... is a stretch.

    It could have been, but... is more accurate.

    Legion offered a lot of great ideas and otherwise would have been the culmination of every great idea Blizzard has had so far, if not for some stubborn bad decisions on the way.

    Specifically, their obsession with RNG and making legendaries awful to obtain. If legendaries are added in that every class is expected to have them, then you realistically should be able to progress towards it and know what progress you are making. It worked for the past two expansions, a design here that let you work towards it would have made sense, too.

    Suramar in general is a horrible experience as well. It's one of the worst reputation grinds I've ever seen. It puts even the worst MoP grinds to shame. The questing drags on and on and on, the city in general is a nightmare to traverse, the water areas are as bad as they've ever been... the list goes on and on. Suramar sucks, but it's almost always a case of 'too much of a good thing is bad'. Less guards on in the city, more and simpler ways to get on the roofs of buildings, About 50% shorter story quests with less tedious battles, and it could have been great.

    AP is an issue of its own and I don't have a solid opinion on it yet.

    Blizzard is really pushing mythic dungeons hard this expansion as well. While people who run them regularly have no issue with this, it's tedious to get groups for them on alts. If all of the quests (minus Karazhan requirements and the raid unlocked appearance requirements) required heroics instead, it would be a huge step in the right direction. Not everyone wants to grind tedious content. And don't get me started having profession quests require Arcway or the Court of Stars, that's just incredibly dense since to max out your professions you pretty much HAVE to do them.

    Speaking of professions, they are harder to level up than ever before. I think this, too, is an incredibly bad design, but it is what it is. I do like the quest chains, with the exception of requiring a mythic dungeon to fully unlock your patterns for some of them.

    Return to Karazhan itself is going back to the Cataclysm days where the only difficulty for some of the hardest raid content was far above what casual players could hope to participate in (as compared to WotLK, which was pug friendly throughout). This feels like an extreme step backwards. And it's not even saying anything of the lack of difficulties for progression players or the fact that the gear is incredibly lacking. What should be one of -- if not THE -- best dungeons in the expansion is falling short before it even had a chance to begin. And that's truly sad.

    LFR is more boring than ever, and there's virtually no reason to participate in it now. This is my biased opinion of course, but I can't stand playing it. I used to run LFR on alts, but I cannot see myself doing that this expansion. I'm sure there's a lot of people who are gleeful about this, but I am not.

    I could keep going, but I'll stop here. I've already shared a few controversial opinions and I fear I might rile someone up. That's not my goal. I just wish Legion turned out better, because other than a few glaring problems this expansion basically has everything I've ever wanted in this game packed into one expansion, alongside a lot of great ideas I never would have conceived of.

    PS: I have no issue with world quests. I didn't forget to add it, I am simply content with them. They are the best iteration of dailies I have seen in a long time, and while I'm not always interested in doing them, they are for the most part done very well. People who are unhappy with them have a tendency to be playing them too much and that's just good old-fashioned burnout in those cases. My only complaint is that they should be offering dramatically more reputation. Like 200-300% more, and Nightfallen shouldn't be reduced compared to the rest.
    Last edited by therealbowser; 2016-11-04 at 10:54 AM.

  13. #53
    Best first 2 months of an expansion definitely.

    There's potential for Legion to be the best expansion ever, if Blizz can keep the content flowing up to there being no 14-month deadzone at the end.

  14. #54
    i wouldn't say it was the best, but i wouldn't say it was the worst either.

    i'm enjoying it atm and will see how things pan out.

    i enjoyed WoD for the first month, then ended up quitting for a year. so yea... depends on the patch cycle and what else gets added.

    whilst the RNG isn't everybody's cup of tea, legendarys and titanforged give me a reason to keep running mythic dungeons for upgrades i may not get through raiding (i.e. all the emerald nightmare trinkets are crap for ret, mythic+ are better) and it also gives people who are geared a reason to keep turning up to raids just in case the titanforged version of their BiS drops.
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  15. #55
    that's like saying Obama is the best president lol

  16. #56
    Pandaren Monk lightofdawn's Avatar
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    aside from the slightly silly RNG and the itemization of some items, yes I can say i've had more fun in legion than most other expansions

    the only competition would be wrath because it was my 14 year old dream to be a paladin crushing the undead (i was weird)

    i also enjoyed WoD a ton, for some reason... I think it was the questing
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  17. #57
    Blademaster Alex Gaigen's Avatar
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    I am enjoying Legion somewhat, it's not the best but it's not the worst either. I think they made a huge mistake with the legendaries, acquiring a legendary should have been as hard as it was in vanilla to actually have that WOW-Factor "omg look at that dude with that legendary" and how easy it is to get full mythic raiding gear without even stepping into mythic raids is ridiculous.

    I would want epics and legendary to only be achievable through raiding and not lfr that is, heroic and mythic. And Normal,Heroic and Mythic dungeons + LFR should only drop blues.

    The only thing I really have enjoyed sofar in Legion has been Demon Hunter, World Quests, Suramar and Raiding. I think it was a mistake to have Dalaran as the main city once again, it would have been more fun with a new city to explore....like Suramar.

  18. #58
    This is all dependent on person preference on actual game play and enjoyable content.

    If you look at the side of graphics and everything on the actual design of the engine then it should be the best in that regard due to evolving above the last one, it is always going to be increasing the graphics and that side of things that is mainly just aging of a game. If Legion isn't the best in regards to this then they have done something wrong as in no way should Legion have a worse engine and graphics then previous expansions.

    Actual content and play style is based off personal preference. Some may prefer the game play in other expansions compared to Legion, to them they had a more enjoyable time playing in those expansions so that expansion is better to that individual. Legion may be that expansion for some.

    Numbers- If we base it off the number of players, then Legion is not the best expansion. Does it mean it is a failed expansion ? hell no, it is a success but it isn't the peak of WoW for the number of players playing or the cause for those players to join.

  19. #59
    World Quests, Class Halls, Prestige System, Artifacts.. All very amazing things and I do like the random Legendary drops cause not everyone will have it. I am not into the whole everyone does X at the same time and finishs it at the same time and gets everything at the same time kinda thing lol.. But really the only problem I have is the simplicity of the classes and the predetermined stats for PVP.. I really like building my character the way I want instead of being forced into a play style, but other than that I will have to wait till the end of this xpac to see how good it really is

  20. #60
    I do wish there was an area like Wintergrap again, and not Trashcan. I got a quest from my class hall to do Trashcan. That's one quest that will sit in my log forever.

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