View Poll Results: Rate Pepe!

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  • 10

    22 31.88%
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    1 1.45%
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    1 1.45%
  • 7

    2 2.90%
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    2 2.90%
  • 5

    3 4.35%
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    2 2.90%
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    6 8.70%
  • 1

    29 42.03%
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  1. #1

    [GAME] S2 - Rate The Character /10! Day #133: Pepe


    - One character to be polled every day, to be voted on a scale of 1 to 10.
    - Each poll lasts for 24 hours and closes automatically. Shortly afterwards, a new Day starts!
    - We have an initial roster for S2 that will be picked from randomly. For the remainder of the Season, characters need 10 nominations to make it to the next poll, with players allowed a single S2 nomination a Day each.
    - Nominations expire every 5 days. Each day a character gets a new nominations, the 5 days counter resets again.
    - If a character has two incarnations, both from the main and alternative universes, then the poll will be referring to both versions simultaneously.
    - Every ten days, we will have a SPECIAL Day! We will host a character from Season 1 to re-vote! Meaning, Days #110,120,130... etc will be about characters from Season 1.
    - Days that end with 5 will always feature a major or an iconic character! Meaning, Days #115, 125, 135... etc will be similar to what the SPECIAL Days of S1 used to be, but the character will be picked from the nominations list instead of being a random major.
    - The same nominating rule apply for SPECIAL Days! Players can nominate a character for Season 2 AND for SPECIAL Days in the same post. So in other words, you can nominate twice per topic; once for S2, and once for S1!
    - The Game Master reserves the right to decline any nomination without giving the reason, though a reason will usually be provided.
    - The Game Master can participate in the voting, but is not allowed to nominate.
    - Regarding the S1 re-voted characters, there is no longer a criteria of votes to be achieved. Instead, the nomination will be treated like a competition; the character that gets the most votes before the next SPECIAL Day will be featured on the next SPECIAL Day.
    - Only SPECIAL Days nominations (S1 characters) are allowed during SPECIAL Days.
    - Have fun voting, everyone! And don't forget to place your nominations as well!
    Ranking Scale:

    10, and/or Contests Champions: Absolute Tier
    9.99 - 9: Deity Tier
    8.99 - 8: Great Tier
    7.99 - 7: Good Tier
    6.99 - 5: Average Tier
    4.99 - 4: Mediocre Tier
    3.99 - 3: Shit Tier
    2.99 - 1: Med'an Tier

    Today's Character: Pepe

    Ranking /10:

    Day #035: Lei Shen - Champion of the Helheim Battle Royal
    Day #110: Khadgar - 9.12 (87 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #034 (8.77 | 80 votes)
    Day #100: Aegwynn - 8.79 (113 votes)
    Day #086: Nazgrim - 8.75 (81 votes)
    Day #010: Arthas Menethil - 8.71 (52 votes)
    Day #021: Gul'dan - 8.65 (57 votes)
    Day #033: Medivh - 8.48 (56 votes)
    Day #059: Tirion Fordring - 8.47 (81 votes)
    Day #051: Yogg-Saron - 8.43 (77 votes)
    Day #071: Muradin Bronzebeard - 8.38 (72 votes)
    Day #068: Malygos - 8.27 (63 votes)
    Day #066: Kil'jaeden - 8.16/10 (69 votes)
    Day #107: Durotan - 8.14 (72 votes)
    Day #006: Varok Saurfang - 8.11 (37 votes)
    Day #130: Uther - 8.10 (72 votes) \\\ Descended from Day #063 (9.08 | 77 votes)
    Day #062: Maraad - 8.09 (66 votes)
    Day #074: Sargeras - 8.07 (75 votes)
    Day #007: Daval Prestor - 8.05 (20 votes)
    Day #076: Nozdormu - 8.04 (50 votes)
    Day #084: Drek'Thar - 8.03 (67 votes)
    Day #120: Varian Wrynn - 8.01 (79 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #036 (7.05 | 67 votes)
    Day #017: Cairne Bloodhoof - 7.98 (42 votes)
    Day #087: Katrana Prestor - 7.94 (77 votes)
    Day #053: Orgrim Doomhammer - 7.93 (80 votes)
    Day #001: Anduin Lothar - 7.90 (31 votes)
    Day #080: Ragnaros - 7.89 (71 votes)
    Day #070: Grommash Hellscream - 7.82 (72 votes)
    Day #132: Rommath - 7.81 (75 votes)
    Day #103: Kurdran Wildhammer - 7.78 (74 votes)
    Day #020: Illidan Stormrage - 7.77 (63 votes)
    Day #023: Ner'zhul - 7.76 (59 votes)
    Day #045: Zul'jin - 7.76 (54 votes)
    Day #026: Kel'Thuzad - 7.75 (62 votes)
    Day #052: Garrosh Hellscream - 7.73 (108 votes)
    Day #098: Vanessa VanCleef - 7.71 (62 votes)
    Day #125: Victor Nefarius - 7.71 (67 votes)
    Day #028: Anub'arak - 7.64 (50 votes)
    Day #054: Magni Bronzebeard - 7.62 (73 votes)
    Day #114: Cho - 7.57 - (73 votes)
    Day #037: Kael'thas Sunstrider - 7.55 (66 votes)
    Day #108: Kor'vas Bloodthorn - 7.53 (75 votes)
    Day #075: Sally Whitemane - 7.48 (71 votes)
    Day #032: Rexxar - 7.4 (63 votes)
    Day #088: Darion Mograine - 7.38 (63 votes)
    Day #115: Kargath Bladefist - 7.36 (67 votes)
    Day #025: Bolvar Fordragon - 7.34 (61 votes)
    Day #124: Ga'nar - 7.33 (81 votes)
    Day #083: Nobundo - 7.32 (64 votes)
    Day #056: Vashj - 7.17 (72 votes)
    Day #072: Edwin VanCleef - 7.12 (67 votes)
    Day #065: Brann Bronzebeard - 7.09 (77 votes)
    Day #117: Varimathras - 7.08 (70 votes)
    Day #008: Fandral Staghelm - 7.04 (23 votes)
    Day #047: Alexstrasza - 6.95 (73 votes)
    Day #043: Malfurion Stormrage - 6.93 (73 votes)
    Day #094: Thassarian - 6.93 (67 votes)
    Day #016: Chen Stormstout - 6.92 (39 votes)
    Day #004: Cho'gall - 6.88 (34 votes)
    Day #105: Algalon - 6.88 (73 votes)
    Day #082: Akama - 6.87 (61 votes)
    Day #093: Alexandros Mograine - 6.85 (86 votes)
    Day #119: Hamuul Runetotem - 6.81 (70 votes)
    Day #040: Thrall - 6.75 (83 votes)
    Day #027: Sylvanas Windrunner 6.74 (93 votes)
    Day #044: Moira Bronzebeard - 6.73 (67 votes)
    Day #013: Wrathion - 6.68 (40 votes)
    Day #078: Mal'Ganis - 6.66 (57 votes)
    Day #109: Farondis - 6.65 (70 votes)
    Day #005: Liadrin - 6.64 (36 votes)
    Day #039: Archimonde - 6.58 (81 votes)
    Day #067: Ysera - 6.57 (70 votes)
    Day #113: Loken - 6.56 (70 votes)
    Day #069: Taretha Foxton - 6.52 (60 votes)
    Day #042: Lor'themar Theron - 6.49 (94 votes)
    Day #079: Darius Crowley - 6.46 (56 votes)
    Day #046: Tyrande Whisperwind - 6.4 (73 votes)
    Day #111: Krasus - 6.33 (72 votes)
    Day #030: Azshara - 6.32 (75 votes)
    Day #038: Magatha Grimtotem - 6.27 (55 votes)
    Day #096: Arugal - 6.21 (70 votes)
    Day #118: Ymiron - 6.18 (66 votes)
    Day #128: Li Li Stormstout - 6.16 (75 votes)
    Day #019: Rokhan - 6.15 (38 votes)
    Day #041: Nathanos Blightcaller - 6.1 (70 votes)
    Day #003: Maiev Shadowsong - 6.09 (33 votes)
    Day #022: Jaina Proudmoore - 6.04 (66 votes)
    Day #014: Johnny Awesome - 6.03 (37 votes)
    Day #012: Genn Greymane - 6.02 (54 votes)
    Day #011: Baine Bloodhoof - 6 (43 votes)
    Day #095: Vincent Godfrey - 5.96 (72 votes)
    Day #102: Halduron Brightwing - 5.91 (73 votes)
    Day #090: Mannoroth - 5.9 (73 votes)
    Day #126: Anveena Teague - 5.9 (75 votes)
    Day #091: Teron Gorefiend - 5.88 (66 votes)
    Day #121: Y'shaarj - 5.88 (81 votes)
    Day #031: Shandris Feathermoon - 5.86 (57 votes)
    Day #015: Garona Halforcen - 5.8 (25 votes)
    Day #000: Kalecgos - 5.74 (31 votes)
    Day #018: Alleria Windrunner - 5.73 (40 votes)
    Day #101: Helya - 5.73 (80 votes)
    Day #116: Taylor - 5.73 (71 votes)
    Day #092: Gruul - 5.72 (68 votes)
    Day #050: The Hero - 5.71 (77 votes)
    Day #064: Sinestra - 5.62 (65 votes)
    Day #057: Millhouse Manastorm - 5.53 (66 votes)
    Day #077: Valeera Sanguinar - 5.52 (61 votes)
    Day #029: Vol'jin - 5.4 (82 votes)
    Day #002: Velen - 5.39 (23 votes)
    Day #127: Kur'talos Ravencrest - 5.3 (71 votes)
    Day #104: Catherine Rogers - 5.24 (81 votes)
    Day #060: Anduin Wrynn - 5.23 (79 votes)
    Day #049: Elune - 5.21 (70 votes)
    Day #073: Jarod Shadowsong - 5.18 (55 votes)
    Day #112: Gelbin Mekkatorque - 5.15 (80 votes)
    Day #131: Nekros Skullcrusher - 5.09 (65 votes)
    Day #099: Neptulon - 5.01 (68 votes)
    Day #081: Putress - 4.97 (64 votes)
    Day #061: Yrel - 4.78 (75 votes)
    Day #058: Moroes - 4.77 (66 votes)
    Day #089: Falstad Wildhammer - 4.75 (51 votes)
    Day #123: Malorne - 4.73 (64 votes)
    Day #009: Lilian Voss - 4.64 (33 votes)
    Day #085: Rhonin - 4.61 (67 votes)
    Day #048: Daelin Proudmoore - 4.48 (73 votes)
    Day #055: Vereesa Windrunner - 4.27 (82 votes)
    Day #129: Mudmug - 4.16 (63 votes)
    Day #122: Aggra - 3.65 - (81 votes)
    Day #097: Jastor Gallywix - 3.64 (66 votes)
    Day #106: Phaoris - 3.18 (67 votes)
    Day #024: Med'an - 2.37 (70 votes)

    Season 2 Roster:

    Aethas Sunreaver
    Cordana Felsong
    Harrison Jones
    Huln Highmountain
    Kilrogg Deadeye
    Lorna Crowley
    Ly'leth Lunastre
    Meryl Felstorm
    Monkey King
    Othmar Garithos
    Taran Zhu
    Thisalee Crow
    Thoras Trollbane
    Varedis Felsoul


    Al'Akir**** - 8/10 (Ethenil, Wind, Xiu, Neil, Luka, Steel, Arafal, Amaterasu)
    Terenas Menethil** - 8/10 (Neil, Ethenil, Star, Enthralled, Arafal, Snow, Superman, Amaterasu)
    Yu'lon** - 8/10 (Xiu, Arafal, Ethenil, MK, Crunk, Enthralled, Amaterasu, Star)
    Alonsus Faol* - 5/10 (Ethenil, Xiu, Enthralled, Arafal, Superman)
    Drakuru* - 5/10 (Ethenil, Craw, Neil, Wind, Xiu)
    Danath Trollbane**** - 4/10 (Superman, Star, MK, Xiu)
    Liam Greymane*** - 1/10 (Neil)
    Valanar* - 1/10 (Ethenil)
    Reshad* - 1/10 (Ethenil)
    Eitrigg* - 1/10 (Roudene)
    Zaela* - 1/10 (Neil)

    SPECIAL Days Re-voting:

    Gul'dan - 9 (Wind, Star, Xiu, Superman, Bat, Arafal, Shampro, MK, Craw)
    Kalecgos - 9 (Star, Amaterasu, Xiu, Superman, Ethenil, MK, Arafal, Enthralled, Runes)
    Illidan Stormrage - 9 (Runes, Craw, Xiu, Superman, Arafal, Dianna, Star, Ethenil, Luka)
    Maiev Shadowsong - 7 (MK, Shampro, Bat, Craw, Luka, Arafal, Amaterasu)
    Kael'thas Sunstrider - 6 (Random, Superman, Star, Xiu, Enthralled, Amaterasu)
    Arthas Menethil- 6 (Wind, Neil, Star, Superman, Arafal, Xiu)
    Vol'jin - 6 (Zulkhan, Craw, Xiu, Superman, Wind, Star)
    The Hero - 5 (Craw, Aeula, Snow, Cereal, Wind)
    Anduin Wrynn - 5 (Wind, Craw, Amaterasu, Arafal, Jason)
    Medivh - 5 (Wind, Superman, Xiu, Bat, Arafal)
    Sylvanas Windrunner - 5 (FImmo, Craw, Runes, Arafal, Xiu)
    Lor'themar Theron - 3 (Chase, MK, Arafal)
    Zul'jin - 3 (Captain, Superman, Zulkhan)
    Alleria Windrunner - 2 (Star, Snow)
    Sargeras - 2 (Jason, Wind)
    Ysera - 2 (MK, Zanjin)
    Nazgrim - 2 (Saaf, Claw)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 2 (Wind, Arafal)
    Nozdormu - 2 (Wind, Enthralled)
    Vereesa Windrunner - 2 (Runes, Arafal)
    Yrel - 1 (Wind)
    Anduin Lothar - 1 (Wind)
    Garrosh Hellscream - 1 (Wind)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 1 (Craw)
    Aegwynn - 1 (Bat)
    Nathanos Blightcaller - 1 (MK)
    Elune - 1 (Ethenil)
    Last edited by mmoc4dd871e486; 2017-02-21 at 07:57 AM.

  2. #2
    The Lightbringer steelballfc's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    pepe will not fall
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    I just love the idea of "I want to murder people in moderation".
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulkhan View Post
    the only "positive" in your case is that, unlike Blizzard's writers, you aren't paid for that.

  3. #3
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Best character ever.
    Devil incarnate, creator of the void lords, lord of all evil!
    All hail pepe!
    10/10 would wear as hat again

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #4
    Stood in the Fire listo95's Avatar
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    Pepe is Pepe. Nothing else needs to be said. 10/10!

  5. #5
    It's about time.

    Best character ever created in anything, at any point in time.

    10/10 - 100/100 - best meme.

  6. #6
    He has more character than half of the roster we voted no he doesn't but a troll day needs a troll post. I also like his conception story.


    By the way, Kalec, I pick better characters than you. I play Heroes of the Storm better, too.
    Last edited by Starshade; 2017-02-22 at 07:01 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Starshade View Post
    By the way, Kalec, I pick better characters than you.
    Then perhaps you should do Wednesday and Thursday!

    No seriously, I wanted to ask you that when I see you on B.Net tonight, anyway. Is it possible?

    I play Heroes of the Storm better, too.
    Yeah let's compare your long time expertise with me starting like Saturday lol.

    Besides, I carry your tanking ass in WoW all the time and whisper you tactics to make you look good, so I would call it even.

    edit - I forgot to add that I voted Pepe 10. He, alongside Riko, are the only memes in Warcraft that I can truly get behind (and even Riko I consider somewhat of a character). I didn't really consider Chen Stormstout and The Hero memes, so I voted them like proper characters, and I am not a fan of the Mudmug (though he served a good purpose for lols) and Johnny Awesome ones as well. But Pepe? Now that's something else. Riko would get an 11 from me any day, too.
    Last edited by mmoc4dd871e486; 2017-02-21 at 08:02 AM.

  8. #8
    @Archmage Kalec Yeees, embrace the glory of Pepe!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Douchebag View Post
    @Archmage Kalec Yeees, embrace the glory of Pepe!
    Lok'tar Pepe

  10. #10
    I realize this is going to be an "either 1 or 10 joke character", but I'll give him an 8. Obviously he's not relevant for the lore, but of all the mascots Blizzard has tried to introduce over the years, I feel like Pepe is one of the best ones.

    I can't justify giving him the same score as Khadgar or Anduin, but since we don't have a "Rate The Plushie" thread, I'll show my appreciation for him here.

  11. #11
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    I rate pepe:

    out of 10.

  12. #12
    Pepe is the ultimate hero. He gives zero shits about class boundaries.

    He is an honorable knight:

    He's a sneaky ninja:

    A pillaging viking:

    He can be a spooky scarecrow:

    He has a pair of fancy-ass goggles:

    He has learned the ways of the demon hunters:

    And of course, the best Pepe form of them all - Pirate Pepe:

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    I rate pepe:

    out of 10.
    HAIL PEPE! <3

    OMG someone save Alakir people!

  14. #14
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    I think PePe was implemented at a very bad time, therefore my interest in him/her is close to zero.

    1/10. Should have not been put in during WoD.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    Then perhaps you should do Wednesday and Thursday!

    No seriously, I wanted to ask you that when I see you on B.Net tonight, anyway. Is it possible?
    Of course. You don't need to ask.

    Yeah let's compare your long time expertise with me starting like Saturday lol.

    Besides, I carry your tanking ass in WoW all the time and whisper you tactics to make you look good, so I would call it even.
    I will give you that. Raiding was never my thing, and PvP is just no. Chances are I'll get bored of HotS soon like I did Diablo anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xiu the Timewanderer View Post
    OMG someone save Alakir people!
    Sure. Why not.

    Nominating Al'Akir.

  16. #16
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    In your belly
    10/10 cute af!

    Nominating Alonsus Faol! Why do I feel I had nominated him in the past?

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral Smallfruitbat's Avatar
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    Pepe is love, Pepe is life

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    Nominating Alonsus Faol! Why do I feel I had nominated him in the past?
    I think I did before too, but he dropped and was nominated again by @Ethenil .

  19. #19
    I vote him 7/10 for being a cute meme.

    Nominating Eitrigg too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    10/10 cute af!

    Nominating Alonsus Faol! Why do I feel I had nominated him in the past?
    Because you had

    He got killed because of not enough votes so I started it again.

    Someone please save Al'akir?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethenil View Post
    Someone please save Al'akir?
    I've got your back few posts ago.

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