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  1. #381
    The Lightbringer Battlebeard's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Matthias View Post
    I think the beauty of this expansion is that old content doesn't become obsolete so quickly. I mean as much as I hate doing my Timewalking Quest I can appreciate going back to dungeons and doing them as relevant content. It's tragic that pretty much 90% of the game is barely used at max level.

    Titanforge gear and Legendaries, despite their flaws give you reason to leave your Order Hall. Each week I know I need to clear Heroic Nighthold until I get full 890 gear, and one Mythic Dungeon my 15, for the cache. After which I can either not log on again which is fine, or fish for Legendaries and Upgrades in M+, EN, ToV, NH Norm, etc.
    Yes, while it feels good to leave the class hall, the re-running of old content has become ridiculous. I clear EN etc every week,just for the low chance of a 900+ gear or legendaries. So far, EN has given me 1 gear at 900 and 0 legendaries, which is too little for killing like 100+ bosses, it feels demotivating to get rewarded so little for the effort and time it actually take

  2. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by Bevo View Post
    For each race you have gold, silver, and bronze medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. However, let's say the person who finished 8th in the race rolled a Titanforged medal all the way up to gold. Don't you think that would make the people who performed better and put in the effort to win a medal legitimately would be a little pissed off because the 8th place guy got the same reward?
    Titanforged medal lmao. Thanks for posting this, made me laugh. I understand your point though.

  3. #383
    Quote Originally Posted by Battlebeard View Post
    Yes, while it feels good to leave the class hall, the re-running of old content has become ridiculous. I clear EN etc every week,just for the low chance of a 900+ gear or legendaries. So far, EN has given me 1 gear at 900 and 0 legendaries, which is too little for killing like 100+ bosses, it feels demotivating to get rewarded so little for the effort and time it actually take
    This how things were back in TBC and Vanilla. People I would run Gruul's Layer and SSC even though they had BT on farm because it dropped amazing trinkets.
    Your probably blasting through EN and it's giving you some AP (and I think AP will be guaranteed of bosses soon). So it's not a total waste of time.

    If their going to keep loot so random they should consider allowing people to trade gear even if the ilvl is better then anything they have. That's just stupid.

  4. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by IceMan1763 View Post
    When the expansion first launched, people made genuine posts asking if there was a bug because the range for WF/TF was so large.
    it wasnt. they increased TF range when the raid launched...

  5. #385
    I don't care about gear much anymore, so WF/TF isn't that big issue for me, but it sometimes just feels like a big fuck you, when you do the same thing as your buddy and you get the item you want.
    "Yeah I got it finally!" and your buddy also gets one! "Hey I got it too and it's shiny gold one!", but you only got normal one
    I am happy for my buddy, but my normal item seems like crap now.
    We are both good, we got the same item, but for some reason, his item is just better.

    "Hey, but come back next week, you might get gold one too!"
    You do it again.
    "You got the item again! But we just give you this bronze one this time."
    "The fuck?"
    "Please come back next week and try again"
    "I already got the item, why should I?"
    Because it can be better.
    "Then why the hell, you keep giving me these shit versions and my buddy got the best one right away?"
    Because RNG.
    "I think I hate this RNG."

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