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    [H] [US-Illidan] Burning Bridges Reform of US top 100 raiders LF RDPS for NH!

    Guild Name: <Burning Bridges>
    Server: Illidan - Horde (CST)

    Currently 2/10m 10/10h. We are trying to round off our core with a few more solid individuals so that we can hit Mythic Nighthold content as swiftly as possible. Several of our founding members have US top 100-50 kill experience with guilds such as Vicarious of Area 52 and Indestructible of Kel'thuzad.

    Current Class Needs: (Bear in mind we take a "performance plays" approach to filling raid positions and exceptional individuals will always be considered.)

    Death Knight: Closed
    Demon Hunter: Closed
    Druid: Balance
    Hunter: Open
    Mage: Open
    Monk: Mistweaver
    Paladin: Closed
    Priest: Shadow
    Rogue: Closed
    Shaman: Resto/Ele
    Warlock: Open
    Warrior: Closed

    About Us:

    <Burning Bridges> is a newly reformed guild focused on swiftly progressing through Legion's mythic content. Our leadership and core are comprised of a large group of former top 5 US raiders with competitive raiding experience dating back through each expansion all the way to early Vanilla. We firmly believe that in a group consisting of genuinely competent and like-minded individuals, there is no need for the elitist or rage-prone atmosphere that is commonly found in other cutting edge progression guilds. We have raided at the highest level, and intend to return to it while still having a ridiculously good time.

    Raid Schedule:
    (Raid times are not subject to change, however, depending on the content and progress being made - raids may run slightly later than scheduled on occasion.)

    Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. CST
    Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. CST
    Thursday: 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. CST

    Loot System:

    We have always operated under a common sense based Loot Council system that takes a number of factors into consideration including: player performance, level of upgrade, attendance, and seniority. We feel this allows us to make decisions concerning loot without the bias and favoritism we've seen plague other loot council set-ups in the past. Rest assured that our officers and raid core are the first to pass on something in the interest of overall raid benefits.

    Our Philosophy:

    We are aiming to create a raid without a weak link. As such, our expectations when it comes to raid performance are relatively high. With that said, we also don't feel the need for lengthy application processes and trial periods that leave you absent loot for weeks on end. If you are confident enough in your ability and class knowledge to transfer for the sake of cutting edge progression raiding, then we are willing to let your parses do the talking.

    We keep a laid back atmosphere in the guild and joke around A LOT. A majority of us are in our mid to late 20s and spend a lot of time in discord drinking and acting a fool outside of raids. We welcome anyone and everyone to join us and strongly discourage cliques within the guild. Inside raids that are not on farm, however, we expect a certain degree of respect for raid leadership so we can get things done.

    Contact Information:


    You can reach one of us at almost any time of day. We typically ask interested individuals to join us in Discord for a quick chat before moving forward with anything else. We also truly appreciate you taking the time to read through this insanely lengthy post, and look forward to hearing from ya. Thanks.
    Last edited by Goog; 2017-02-26 at 11:34 PM. Reason: Progression Update

  2. #2


    Still looking for solid individuals!

    - - - Updated - - -

    H Elisande down with ease, still looking for solid RDPS.

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