View Poll Results: Rate Illidan!

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    15 16.67%
  • 8

    16 17.78%
  • 7

    10 11.11%
  • 6

    5 5.56%
  • 5

    3 3.33%
  • 4

    3 3.33%
  • 3

    2 2.22%
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    1 1.11%
  • 1

    7 7.78%
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  1. #1

    [GAME] S2 - Rate The Character /10! SPECIAL Day #140: Illidan Stormrage


    - One character to be polled every day, to be voted on a scale of 1 to 10.
    - Each poll lasts for 24 hours and closes automatically. Shortly afterwards, a new Day starts!
    - We have an initial roster for S2 that will be picked from randomly. For the remainder of the Season, characters need 10 nominations to make it to the next poll, with players allowed a single S2 nomination a Day each.
    - Nominations expire every 5 days. Each day a character gets a new nominations, the 5 days counter resets again.
    - If a character has two incarnations, both from the main and alternative universes, then the poll will be referring to both versions simultaneously.
    - Every ten days, we will have a SPECIAL Day! We will host a character from Season 1 to re-vote! Meaning, Days #110,120,130... etc will be about characters from Season 1.
    - Days that end with 5 will always feature a major or an iconic character! Meaning, Days #115, 125, 135... etc will be similar to what the SPECIAL Days of S1 used to be, but the character will be picked from the nominations list instead of being a random major.
    - The same nominating rule apply for SPECIAL Days! Players can nominate a character for Season 2 AND for SPECIAL Days in the same post. So in other words, you can nominate twice per topic; once for S2, and once for S1!
    - The Game Master reserves the right to decline any nomination without giving the reason, though a reason will usually be provided.
    - The Game Master can participate in the voting, but is not allowed to nominate.
    - Regarding the S1 re-voted characters, there is no longer a criteria of votes to be achieved. Instead, the nomination will be treated like a competition; the character that gets the most votes before the next SPECIAL Day will be featured on the next SPECIAL Day.
    - Only SPECIAL Days nominations (S1 characters) are allowed during SPECIAL Days.
    - Have fun voting, everyone! And don't forget to place your nominations as well!
    Ranking Scale:

    10, and/or Contests Champions: Absolute Tier
    9.99 - 9: Deity Tier
    8.99 - 8: Great Tier
    7.99 - 7: Good Tier
    6.99 - 5: Average Tier
    4.99 - 4: Mediocre Tier
    3.99 - 3: Shit Tier
    2.99 - 1: Med'an Tier

    Today's Character: Illidan Stormrage
    "You are not prepared!"

    Ranking /10:

    Day #035: Lei Shen - Champion of the Helheim Battle Royal
    Day #110: Khadgar - 9.12 (87 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #034 (8.77 | 80 votes)
    Day #100: Aegwynn - 8.79 (113 votes)
    Day #086: Nazgrim - 8.75 (81 votes)
    Day #010: Arthas Menethil - 8.71 (52 votes)
    Day #021: Gul'dan - 8.65 (57 votes)
    Day #033: Medivh - 8.48 (56 votes)
    Day #059: Tirion Fordring - 8.47 (81 votes)
    Day #051: Yogg-Saron - 8.43 (77 votes)
    Day #071: Muradin Bronzebeard - 8.38 (72 votes)
    Day #068: Malygos - 8.27 (63 votes)
    Day #066: Kil'jaeden - 8.16/10 (69 votes)
    Day #107: Durotan - 8.14 (72 votes)
    Day #006: Varok Saurfang - 8.11 (37 votes)
    Day #130: Uther - 8.10 (72 votes) \\\ Descended from Day #063 (9.08 | 77 votes)
    Day #062: Maraad - 8.09 (66 votes)
    Day #074: Sargeras - 8.07 (75 votes)
    Day #007: Daval Prestor - 8.05 (20 votes)
    Day #076: Nozdormu - 8.04 (50 votes)
    Day #084: Drek'Thar - 8.03 (67 votes)
    Day #120: Varian Wrynn - 8.01 (79 votes) \\\ Ascended from Day #036 (7.05 | 67 votes)
    Day #017: Cairne Bloodhoof - 7.98 (42 votes)
    Day #087: Katrana Prestor - 7.94 (77 votes)
    Day #053: Orgrim Doomhammer - 7.93 (80 votes)
    Day #001: Anduin Lothar - 7.90 (31 votes)
    Day #080: Ragnaros - 7.89 (71 votes)
    Day #070: Grommash Hellscream - 7.82 (72 votes)
    Day #132: Rommath - 7.81 (75 votes)
    Day #103: Kurdran Wildhammer - 7.78 (74 votes)
    Day #020: Illidan Stormrage - 7.77 (63 votes)
    Day #023: Ner'zhul - 7.76 (59 votes)
    Day #045: Zul'jin - 7.76 (54 votes)
    Day #026: Kel'Thuzad - 7.75 (62 votes)
    Day #052: Garrosh Hellscream - 7.73 (108 votes)
    Day #098: Vanessa VanCleef - 7.71 (62 votes)
    Day #125: Victor Nefarius - 7.71 (67 votes)
    Day #028: Anub'arak - 7.64 (50 votes)
    Day #054: Magni Bronzebeard - 7.62 (73 votes)
    Day #114: Cho - 7.57 - (73 votes)
    Day #037: Kael'thas Sunstrider - 7.55 (66 votes)
    Day #108: Kor'vas Bloodthorn - 7.53 (75 votes)
    Day #075: Sally Whitemane - 7.48 (71 votes)
    Day #032: Rexxar - 7.4 (63 votes)
    Day #135: Xavius - 7.39 (77 votes)
    Day #088: Darion Mograine - 7.38 (63 votes)
    Day #115: Kargath Bladefist - 7.36 (67 votes)
    Day #025: Bolvar Fordragon - 7.34 (61 votes)
    Day #124: Ga'nar - 7.33 (81 votes)
    Day #083: Nobundo - 7.32 (64 votes)
    Day #056: Vashj - 7.17 (72 votes)
    Day #072: Edwin VanCleef - 7.12 (67 votes)
    Day #065: Brann Bronzebeard - 7.09 (77 votes)
    Day #117: Varimathras - 7.08 (70 votes)
    Day #008: Fandral Staghelm - 7.04 (23 votes)
    Day #047: Alexstrasza - 6.95 (73 votes)
    Day #043: Malfurion Stormrage - 6.93 (73 votes)
    Day #094: Thassarian - 6.93 (67 votes)
    Day #136: Runas - 6.91 (64 votes)
    Day #004: Cho'gall - 6.88 (34 votes)
    Day #105: Algalon - 6.88 (73 votes)
    Day #082: Akama - 6.87 (61 votes)
    Day #093: Alexandros Mograine - 6.85 (86 votes)
    Day #119: Hamuul Runetotem - 6.81 (70 votes)
    Day #040: Thrall - 6.75 (83 votes)
    Day #027: Sylvanas Windrunner 6.74 (93 votes)
    Day #044: Moira Bronzebeard - 6.73 (67 votes)
    Day #013: Wrathion - 6.68 (40 votes)
    Day #078: Mal'Ganis - 6.66 (57 votes)
    Day #109: Farondis - 6.65 (70 votes)
    Day #005: Liadrin - 6.64 (36 votes)
    Day #139: Taran Zhu - 6.63 (72 votes)
    Day #039: Archimonde - 6.58 (81 votes)
    Day #067: Ysera - 6.57 (70 votes)
    Day #113: Loken - 6.56 (70 votes)
    Day #069: Taretha Foxton - 6.52 (60 votes)
    Day #042: Lor'themar Theron - 6.49 (94 votes)
    Day #079: Darius Crowley - 6.46 (56 votes)
    Day #046: Tyrande Whisperwind - 6.4 (73 votes)
    Day #111: Krasus - 6.33 (72 votes)
    Day #030: Azshara - 6.32 (75 votes)
    Day #038: Magatha Grimtotem - 6.27 (55 votes)
    Day #096: Arugal - 6.21 (70 votes)
    Day #118: Ymiron - 6.18 (66 votes)
    Day #128: Li Li Stormstout - 6.16 (75 votes)
    Day #019: Rokhan - 6.15 (38 votes)
    Day #041: Nathanos Blightcaller - 6.1 (70 votes)
    Day #003: Maiev Shadowsong - 6.09 (33 votes)
    Day #022: Jaina Proudmoore - 6.04 (66 votes)
    Day #014: Johnny Awesome - 6.03 (37 votes)
    Day #012: Genn Greymane - 6.02 (54 votes)
    Day #011: Baine Bloodhoof - 6 (43 votes)
    Day #095: Vincent Godfrey - 5.96 (72 votes)
    Day #102: Halduron Brightwing - 5.91 (73 votes)
    Day #090: Mannoroth - 5.9 (73 votes)
    Day #126: Anveena Teague - 5.9 (75 votes)
    Day #091: Teron Gorefiend - 5.88 (66 votes)
    Day #121: Y'shaarj - 5.88 (81 votes)
    Day #031: Shandris Feathermoon - 5.86 (57 votes)
    Day #015: Garona Halforcen - 5.8 (25 votes)
    Day #000: Kalecgos - 5.74 (31 votes)
    Day #018: Alleria Windrunner - 5.73 (40 votes)
    Day #101: Helya - 5.73 (80 votes)
    Day #116: Taylor - 5.73 (71 votes)
    Day #092: Gruul - 5.72 (68 votes)
    Day #050: The Hero - 5.71 (77 votes)
    Day #137: Chromie - 5.68 (63 votes)
    Day #064: Sinestra - 5.62 (65 votes)
    Day #057: Millhouse Manastorm - 5.53 (66 votes)
    Day #077: Valeera Sanguinar - 5.52 (61 votes)
    Day #029: Vol'jin - 5.4 (82 votes)
    Day #002: Velen - 5.39 (23 votes)
    Day #127: Kur'talos Ravencrest - 5.3 (71 votes)
    Day #104: Catherine Rogers - 5.24 (81 votes)
    Day #060: Anduin Wrynn - 5.23 (79 votes)
    Day #049: Elune - 5.21 (70 votes)
    Day #073: Jarod Shadowsong - 5.18 (55 votes)
    Day #138: Thoras Trollbane - 5.17 (58 votes)
    Day #112: Gelbin Mekkatorque - 5.15 (80 votes)
    Day #131: Nekros Skullcrusher - 5.09 (65 votes)
    Day #099: Neptulon - 5.01 (68 votes)
    Day #081: Putress - 4.97 (64 votes)
    Day #061: Yrel - 4.78 (75 votes)
    Day #058: Moroes - 4.77 (66 votes)
    Day #133: Pepe - 4.76 (69 votes)
    Day #089: Falstad Wildhammer - 4.75 (51 votes)
    Day #123: Malorne - 4.73 (64 votes)
    Day #009: Lilian Voss - 4.64 (33 votes)
    Day #085: Rhonin - 4.61 (67 votes)
    Day #048: Daelin Proudmoore - 4.48 (73 votes)
    Day #134: Othmar Garithos - 4.4 (75 votes)
    Day #055: Vereesa Windrunner - 4.27 (82 votes)
    Day #129: Mudmug - 4.16 (63 votes)
    Day #122: Aggra - 3.65 - (81 votes)
    Day #097: Jastor Gallywix - 3.64 (66 votes)
    Day #106: Phaoris - 3.18 (67 votes)
    Day #024: Med'an - 2.37 (70 votes)

    Season 2 Roster:

    Aethas Sunreaver
    Alonsus Faol
    Cordana Felsong
    Harrison Jones
    Huln Highmountain
    Kilrogg Deadeye
    Lorna Crowley
    Ly'leth Lunastre
    Meryl Felstorm
    Monkey King
    Terenas Menethil
    Thisalee Crow
    Varedis Felsoul


    Drakuru** - 7/10 (Ethenil, Craw, Neil, Wind, Xiu, Superman, Count)
    Danath Trollbane*** - 5/10 (Superman, Captain, Xiu, Ethenil, Kalec)
    Reshad** - 5/10 (Ethenil, Kalec, Superman, Xiu, Arafal)
    Eitrigg** - 4/10 (Roudene, Ethenil, Xiu, Surfy)
    Mathias Shaw** - 4/10 (Roudene, Ethenil, Arafal, Amaterasu)
    Zaela* - 4/10 (Neil, Roudene, Xiu, Superman)
    Detheroc*** - 3/10 (Ethenil, Houle, Neil)
    Jubeka Shadowbreaker* - 3/10 (Roudene, Amaterasu, Ethenil)
    Leyara*** - 2/10 (Snow, Roudene)
    Shaohao* - 2/10 (Roudene, Craw)

    SPECIAL Days Re-voting:

    Vol'jin - 10 (Zulkhan, Craw, Xiu, Superman, Wind, Star, Kalec, Amaterasu, Arrashi, Aeula)
    Kalecgos - 10 (Star, Amaterasu, Xiu, Superman, Ethenil, MK, Arafal, Enthralled, Runes, Kalec)
    Gul'dan - 9 (Wind, Star, Xiu, Superman, Bat, Arafal, Shampro, MK, Craw)
    Maiev Shadowsong - 7 (MK, Shampro, Bat, Craw, Luka, Arafal, Amaterasu)
    Kael'thas Sunstrider - 6 (Random, Superman, Star, Xiu, Enthralled, Amaterasu)
    Arthas Menethil- 6 (Wind, Neil, Star, Superman, Arafal, Xiu)
    Sylvanas Windrunner - 6 (FImmo, Craw, Runes, Arafal, Xiu, Amaterasu)
    The Hero - 5 (Craw, Aeula, Snow, Cereal, Wind)
    Anduin Wrynn - 5 (Wind, Craw, Amaterasu, Arafal, Jason)
    Medivh - 5 (Wind, Superman, Xiu, Bat, Arafal)
    Lor'themar Theron - 4 (Chase, MK, Arafal, Amaterasu)
    Zul'jin - 3 (Captain, Superman, Zulkhan)
    Alleria Windrunner - 2 (Star, Snow)
    Sargeras - 2 (Jason, Wind)
    Ysera - 2 (MK, Zanjin)
    Nazgrim - 2 (Saaf, Claw)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 2 (Wind, Arafal)
    Nozdormu - 2 (Wind, Enthralled)
    Vereesa Windrunner - 2 (Runes, Arafal)
    Elune - 2 (Ethenil, Arafal)
    Ner'zhul - 2 (Craw, Houle)
    Yrel - 1 (Wind)
    Anduin Lothar - 1 (Wind)
    Garrosh Hellscream - 1 (Wind)
    Bolvar Fordragon - 1 (Craw)
    Aegwynn - 1 (Bat)
    Nathanos Blightcaller - 1 (MK)
    Last edited by mmoc4dd871e486; 2017-02-28 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    oh great, its holydan angelrage.
    i give him a 7 for WotA - wc3.
    -1 for bc, -1 for turning him into an angel in the illidan novel, and -1 for the xe'ra questchain.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  3. #3
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    His rewrite is bullshit. I really don't like this "He is the chosen one!!" thing they made with him, because it makes him boring. Before, everything he did was on his own accord, he wanted to all these things because he was power hungry or because he was in love, or because he just found it enjoyable, but now he is apperantly guided by fate.

    They made him worse in Legion then in warcraft/TBC and in Legion he is pretty much just an idol, a statue, who has very little to do so far.

    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  4. #4
    I really thought about it a lot. I ended up giving him a 7/10.

    Three facts:

    1- He IS one of my favorite characters on the account of his original writing.
    2- I can't swallow Light-infused Illidan.
    3- I don't like the white washing of his actions done by Xe'ra, but I cope with that by just telling her that she can kiss my ass.

    Part of his appeal was being an arrogant piece of shit. He was greedy, but I DO believe he also loved Azeroth genuinely. Also, I don't mind the universe treating him like a real asset now, provided that I am allowed to form my personal opinions about his person.

  5. #5
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    I really thought about it a lot. I ended up giving him a 7/10.

    Three facts:

    1- He IS one of my favorite characters on the account of his original writing.
    2- I can't swallow Light-infused Illidan.
    3- I don't like the white washing of his actions done by Xe'ra, but I cope with that by just telling her that she can kiss my ass.

    Part of his appeal was being an arrogant piece of shit. He was greedy, but I DO believe he also loved Azeroth genuinely. Also, I don't mind the universe treating him like a real asset now, provided that I am allowed to form my personal opinions about his person.
    I think it would have been a lot more interesting story if Illidan was a renegade, who did what he thought was best, but did not really care about what we thought of it or wanted to do with it His rebellious nature was kind of original feature in a world, where nearly everybody folows the horde/alliance black or white nature.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  6. #6
    Never really cared much for him, I care even less now that he's a lightboy

    He went from being a depressed teenager's wet dream to just a giant pile of "what the fuck?".

    Also, screw you too Xe'ra, your own damn kind sent me to kill him.

    Last edited by Captain Douchebag; 2017-02-28 at 12:54 PM.

  7. #7
    The Insane Aeula's Avatar
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    Nearby, preventing you from fast traveling.

    Still holding out hope he won't become a light-loving hussy.

  8. #8
    8. I think that the Illidan hate is very premature, and mostly based on the nonsense Xe'ra is spouting. I don't care about Holydan as much as the next person, but Illidan joining the Army of Light or being an asset as Kalec put it isn't an unacceptable concept in my eyes if they kept his asshole persona intact.

    Note to self: Nominate Danath tomorrow.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    I think it would have been a lot more interesting story if Illidan was a renegade, who did what he thought was best, but did not really care about what we thought of it or wanted to do with it His rebellious nature was kind of original feature in a world, where nearly everybody folows the horde/alliance black or white nature.
    I mean really, just make him a Magus (from Chrono Trigger) kind of character.

    There you go; Illidan written properly in one line.

  10. #10
    eeeeeeeeeeh still not bad but want to see how he turns out first

    i'll give him the same vote i would give him of 8/10 for now

  11. #11

    I always liked him since he was introduced in WC3 RoC. The holy Illidan part is dumb, although it doesn't bother me as much as most others. So I'll only substract one point for that.

    However, they have to stop with that goddamn "Not prepared" meme. It wasn't funny back in BC and it's not funny now.

  12. #12
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    10/10 fanboy confirmed. I won't judge based on what he might become before I see it. Only what I have now.

    Hmmm nominating Shaohao.

  13. #13
    Druid wannabe, mage, first demon hunter, child of light and shadow, half elf half demon abomination who serves as a lure for a fanservice expansion (which is quite good actually, I must admit)? That's 1/10 to me

    I like the concept of the character that wants to achieve his goal at any cost but it's executed very poorly in my opinion. Especially since Legion is turning him away from this road.

    And this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sangris View Post
    However, they have to stop with that goddamn "Not prepared" meme. It wasn't funny back in BC and it's not funny now.
    @Amaterasu65 We can nominate for re-vote only on special days.
    Last edited by mmocf89c8b0f36; 2017-02-28 at 09:54 AM.

  14. #14
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    I mean really, just make him a Magus (from Chrono Trigger) kind of character.

    There you go; Illidan written properly in one line.
    ........Shame Room..............

    I have not played Chrono Trigger!

    ........Shame Room.............
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  15. #15
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    @Roudene, forgot once again, thanks for reminding! Revoking my Shaohao nomination for a new Arthas one!

  16. #16
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    I find it amusing how many similarities illidans story has with Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions
    I mean:
    Eye patch - bitch that motherfucker wears whole blindfold
    Hidden powers - check
    Inner demon - check
    Fighting forces of evil hoping to get reunited with your loved one - check
    Being sure that you know some truths everyone else is oblivious of - check

    Illidan aint any demon hunter, or any savior. He is just delusional teenager.

    I give him 3/10 for being anime reference character tho.

  17. #17
    High Overlord Superman Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    I mean really, just make him a Magus (from Chrono Trigger) kind of character.

    There you go; Illidan written properly in one line.
    That would be a very interesting direction for the character, indeed. Magus remains my favorite character in CC.

    As for Illidan, I know that it's cool to crap on him nowadays, but I don't think I can give him a low score just based on what changed without seeing the whole story unwrap first.

    I will also take Kalec's side on the notion that just because Xe'ra says Illidan is holier than thou now it doesn't mean that I have to believe the crap she spouts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Kalec View Post
    What I think about Naisha:

    "No matter how much the elite neckbeard corps wet dream about it and wants to believe it to be real, Maiev and Naisha were not and will never be a couple of lesbian night elf lovers."

  18. #18
    Bloodsail Admiral Rathbourne's Avatar
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    I gave him a 9/10. Then I remembered holydan and Xera...........


  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathbourne View Post
    I gave him a 9/10. Then I remembered holydan and Xera...........

    I didn't even know you still vote.

    Keep posting often, dude.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thank you @Starshade for reminding me that I didn't calculate Taran Zhu's score yet! I was really about to forget it for good. My life without you is like salad without lettuce.

  20. #20
    Best character in all of WoW. Arguably you'd need to count Uther as a cardboard cutout and not a real character for that, but it's only arguable. They're both so amazing it's hard to make a definite statement about which is better (though it needs to be said that Kurdran is right behind the two of them).

    Let's see what makes Illidan great:
    -Most retcons in Warcraft. It shows Blizzard is taking great care of their story. Gotta keep the suspense somehow and nothing says suspense better than "we can pull whatever change to established lore out of our ass at any moment". It keeps the consumers on their toes, puts new and fresh ideas to the character progression. There's too much to count on how retcons are the best so I'll leave it at that.
    -Speaking of new and fresh ideas in regards to character progression, Illidan's book and Legion portrayal is Blizzard's freshest story to date. They've never done anything remotely similar. Any similarities to Kerrigan in SCII are especially nonexistent. She's a girl, he's not. See, totally different. Hell, it's the most fresh idea I've seen in fantasy in decades.
    -The chosen one. Best trope there is. Blizzard doesn't stop the suspense at retcons. They double down on suspense and add the apotheosis of suspense by making a character the chosen one. And the weight it adds to all his actions and choices... It's impossible to describe it in a way that does this trope justice. Being put on a path of destiny (from the very beginning of the universe no less, because that's how amazingly important and amazingly amazing Illidan is) makes everything about Illidan all the more impactful.
    -Xe'ra. Because someone as important as Illidan needs a herald to spread the news of their awesomeness. It showcases just how awesome the character is. And who doesn't like exposition? One of the best narrative tools there are. Even bester when it's used to expose aforementioned awesomeness. Also, a pleasurable character in its (her?) own right.
    -Creepy obsession with Tyrande. Because obsessing about her after 10k years and doing things for her doesn't undermine the exciting narrative that Illidan is just a misunderstood selfless hero who always had the best interests of the whole of Azeroth in his heart, his mind, his soul and his penis.
    -His view on what makes the Illidari better than the Legion when they use the same tactics. Because "we will stop at nothing to defend Azeroth from the Legion" is totally more heroic and more righteous than "we will stop at nothing to defend the universe from the Void Lords (which I'm conveniently going to phrase as focusing solely on destruction of Azeroth)" of Sargeras. Illidan, my hero, my thoughts go out to you and your moral high ground.
    -Negative communication skills. His downfall could have been averted by communicating with his followers. But that's a part of what makes him so cool and edgy and coolly edgy. And edgy in a cool way. And cool in an edgy way. It also adds to how tragic and misunderstood he is. After all, his followers should either never second guess him for even more moral high ground or they should read his mind because that mind is so awesome it should illuminate everyone around him. It also led to his creepy obsession about Tyrande being properly portrayed.
    -I'm not 100% sure if his book retconned it out or not, but if not, then his delusion about the outcome of his fight with Arthas. Nothing says Lord and Savior like outright denial and inability to cope with failure.
    -How everyone is in awe of a slaver tyrant we fought against in the past and whom we just witnessed to be possessed by Sargeras just because a chandelier told us so. Us, Khadgar (allied with Sha'tar at the time of campaign against Illidan), Liadrin (Blood Elves were also involved in it). Even more solid character progression. Not only for Illidan, but everyone illuminated by his incoming holiness.
    Last edited by Mehrunes; 2017-02-28 at 06:01 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Does the CIA pay you for your bullshit or are you just bootlicking in your free time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    I'm quite tired of people who dislike something/disagree with something while attacking/insulting anyone that disagrees. Its as if at some point, people forgot how opinions work.

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