1. #1

    Rate your last WoW Experience

    This game get's a lot of grief, but still have an incredible amount of subscribers and fan base. So I thought about making this thread.

    Rate your last online wow experience out of 10! Whether it was a raid, arena, to do dailies whatever.

    Mine. 8/10.
    Bad start to the night with losing 2 RBG's in a row and a lot of team arguing. Team came back strong and started winning again! Happy Days!
    After RBG's few of us just had a laugh sat on discord and doing WQ's whilst learning each other language. overall good night!

  2. #2

    Dungeon run on my DK. Tank and 1 DPS signed together, so of course the DPS could pull whatever and the tank would not complain. And of course that DPS could slack a bit too and nobody would complain. But the healer did. That DPS happened to be number two on damage done, with me only a bit ahead, and was active most of the time, even in chat. WE joked around a bit now and then, throughout the run, but obviously the healer didn't find it at all funny when the DPS just stopped for a bit.

    All in all a good experience, as I rarely find people actually using the chat while doing dungeon runs for anything other than GOGOGO or to complain about stuff. And we got it done in a pretty good time, compared to my previous runs through that particular dungeon. The only thing dragging it down, was the complaint from the healer. The remaining DPS said something now and then, but not much, so meh. It was only Darkheart Thicket on Heroic, so no big deal.

  3. #3

    Heroic Elisande dead and got Gul'dan down to 15%ish. Twas a good night. Should get the Gul'dan kill next week. Woot woot.

  4. #4
    I just wrote up the whole story of what happened on Battle.Net, here is the link if you want to read it: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20754375617#1

    Last night I had some crazy world PvP with a dwarf paladin my level. I'm an undead rogue, and we were both questing in the same area. He killed me, I killed him in retaliation and ate his body, and then he continued to pursue me for the rest of the night. I killed him a few times, and he got me twice. Most of the time I managed to escape and vanish (I love being a rogue). At the end he attacked me in the questing hub. He got wrecked by high level players and they stood over his body using the /slap emote over and over.

    Definately a 10/10

  5. #5
    Legendary! Pony Soldier's Avatar
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    It's been a while since I last played. My very last experience playing it was when I was looking for a group to do mythic dungeons and raids and wasting hours of my time because I kept getting declined and people kept giving up and leaving in the groups I made. Not to mention that it also took hours of my time forming up those groups. I eventually got fed up with that bullshit and stopped playing. So 5/10 I guess. I gave it a 5 because I was having fun up until that point.

    I'm just getting so sick of the community of this game lately. It just seems like the majority of people who play this game are impatient assholes who expect instant gratification, at least at end game. It's just really annoying because I'll miss out on content because of this mentality. I'll spend hours forming up a group and we'll wipe one time and they'd be like "omg wow this guy is such a noob I'm outta here I'm too good to be wasting my time with these faggots". Like there's no teamwork in this game. Everyone is against each other because someone did something wrong and instead of helping that person learn how to be better they just ridicule him/her and make the person feel bad which results in that person being discouraged from joining any groups because who wants to deal with people like that again? Especially when that is your real life job, to deal with assholes all day. Then you wonder why people want more solo content. I just don't understand why people have to be such dicks to other people who play the same game they do. You'd think it would promote comradery.

  6. #6
    Field Marshal Tyriama's Avatar
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    Went to do my quests that I got from all the garrison missions. Ended up getting most done, except for "Win a battleground."
    I'm horde, so that went about as expected.
    3 Hours later I needed 12 kills to unlock the hidden artifact appereance from PVP, and we were winning in AB. Until someone decided they should start spawncamping, leading to a chain-reaction of stupid deaths, backcaps and us loosing 1500-1350.
    All in all, typical wow. 5/7

  7. #7
    I think Random BG's the biggest frustration in the game

  8. #8

    my last 6 wow experiences (besides weekly boring farm raid) were the try to login to farm AP or Legionfall rep. i failed on all 6, by staying on couch and watch tv, bc of wowissoboring.com.

  9. #9
    8/10 : We killed the first 5 boss on heroic pretty fast, and I got a new head piece and a new chest piece. ( And went past the 3.5 health !). Sadly I play on a potatoe and have a bad connexion, which made me die on Trilliax twice.

  10. #10
    Elemental Lord callipygoustp's Avatar
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    10/10 - I retired while still, for the most part, loving the game.

    I was doing Heroic HFC fri/sat runs with a cross server group of long time friends. Once we beat H.Archi and I could go no further with my friends, I quit.

    Its been over a year, I still miss playing with the various friends I made. Sadly, the ridiculous restriction on running mythic cross server, ultimately, killed the game for me.

  11. #11
    Got my 4th golden trait and went to bed 10/10

  12. #12
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Killed a raging PvP'er, 10/10. He claimed that RP'ers couldn't PvP.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  13. #13
    9/10 WoW is great just my computer sucks for trying to play WoW

  14. #14
    I give it a solid and unquestionable 10 out of 10 if Holinka got fired, but unfortunately he didn't get fired... so 5.

  15. #15
    Logged in did my legionfall dailies loged out so i guess 2/10

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