1. #1

    ask mr robot and resto shaman mastery

    I noticed on Ask mr robot it does not have a profile for mastery resto shaman - they value other stats above mastery - why is that?

    What values do you personally use for your resto shaman to pick the best items.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    I think AMR's Raid Heal/Max Heal stat weights are more for healing as long as possible without going out of mana. Therefore, their stat weights value Crit moreso than Mastery due to refunding mana. Where in real life, Crit is definitely useful to maintain mana, but Mastery allows for more throughput and overall bigger heals. Once you reach a certain % of Crit (usually 20%-30%), Mastery becomes the stat to stack as high as possible.

    You can do custom stat weights in AMR and put a cap on Crit and see how that works out for you. For my normal Raid Heal setup I have about 24-25% crit with about 120% mastery. Ideally, if you struggle with mana might want to bump crit up or use a mana-regen/mana saving trinket. Really depends on the fight.

  3. #3
    Mastery is crap because by the time you can make use of your mastery - your mastery heals are already sniped by other healers.

    Stack +crit all the way

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