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  1. #1

    WoD and Legion - very little variety in raid themes

    Let's look at different raids throughout WoW's history:

    MC - a fire elemental cave
    OL - a dragon's lair
    BWL - a dwarven citadel occupied by dragons
    AQ20 - an ancient titan ruins occupied by bugs
    AQ40 - underground tunnels occupied by bugs
    Naxx40 - a floating undead citadel

    Kara - a magician's tower
    Magtheridon's Lair - a dungeon with an imprisoned demon
    Gruul's Lair - an ogrelord's cave
    SSC - a naga cave
    TK - a hijacked naaru floating citadel
    MH - a battlefield vs demons
    BT - a draenei temple
    SWP - an elven fortress occupied by demons

    Naxx - a floating undead citadel
    OS - a traditional dragon's lair
    EoE - a magic dragon's lair
    Ulduar - a titan facility
    TotC - a tournament-style raid
    ICC - an undead citadel

    BoT - a cultist citadel
    BWD - a dwarven citadel occupied by dragons
    TotFW - an air elemental citadel
    FL - fire elemental lands
    DS - a battlefield vs Old God forces

    MSV - ancient mogu ruins
    HoF - an insect citadel
    ToES - mogu ruins occupied by the Sha
    ToT - ancient mogu ruins
    SoO - orcy orcs

    HM - the capital of the ogre empire
    BRF - orcy orcs doing orcy things in an orcy stronghold
    HFC - orcy orcs doing orcy things in an orcy stronghold with some demons thrown in

    EN - Old Gods doing things in a forest
    ToV - an ancient floating titan stronghold + some undead vikings
    NH - an elven palace with some demons thrown in
    ToS - elven ruins with some demons thrown in
    Antorus - more demons

    IMO SoO - BRF - HFC arc was unacceptable because it was thematically the same raid over and over again with slight variations in color scheme and design. HFC - NH - ToS - Antorus is shaping up to be even worse with demon bosses in purple and green strongholds over and over again.
    Last edited by Wilfire; 2017-09-05 at 08:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Yep 100% right shit game if you like it you should feel bad shut it down

    edit: pre-vanilla player btw

  3. #3
    I can play this game too

    MC - pixels
    OL - pixels
    BWL - pixels
    AQ20 - pixels
    AQ40 - pixels
    Naxx40 - pixels

    Kara - pixels
    Magtheridon's Lair - pixels
    Gruul's Lair - pixels
    SSC - pixels
    TK - pixels
    MH - pixels
    BT - pixels
    SWP - pixels

    Naxx - pixels
    OS - pixels
    EoE - pixels
    Ulduar - pixels
    TotC - pixels
    ICC - pixels

    BoT - pixels
    BWD - pixels
    TotFW -pixels
    FL - pixels
    DS - pixels

    MSV - pixels
    HoF - pixels
    ToES - pixels
    ToT - pixels
    SoO - pixels

    HM - pixels
    BRF - pixels
    HFC - pixels

    EN - pixels
    ToV - pixels
    NH - pixels
    ToS - pixels
    Antorus - pixels

    My post is totally not for randomly bashing Blizzard i promise!


  4. #4
    So, you say we have two copypaste raids for vanilla
    AQ20 - an ancient titan ruins occupied by bugs
    AQ40 - underground tunnels occupied by bugs

    Two completely identical raids from different expansions - naxxrammas

    Two almost identical raids from different expansions - dwarven citadels occupied by dragons with 4 more raids with dragons occupied by dragons with their dragon friends on dragons.

    4 raids with mogu riding bugs riding mogu riding bugs.

    BUT! 2 raids with orcs and 2 raids with elves is a little bit too much?
    Also, what is the difference between orcy orcs, nagy nagas, elvish elves, mogy mogu and buggy bugs?
    Last edited by istroxpro; 2017-09-05 at 09:10 AM.

  5. #5
    Feels like a bit of a stretch, but I do get what you mean. I would love to see something really fresh, getting a bit sick of the colour green.
    I don't mind too much though, as long as next expansion steers away from the theme Bring on that purple!

  6. #6
    I'm over seeing fel. Fel is everywhere and they need something different for a while. Aside from that considering we are against the legion lately it's clear we have a lot of demons.

    | Mage | Rogue |
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilfire View Post
    Let's look at different raids throughout WoW's history:

    MC - a fire elemental cave
    OL - a dragon's lair
    BWL - a dwarven citadel occupied by dragons
    AQ20 - an ancient titan ruins occupied by bugs
    AQ40 - underground tunnels occupied by bugs
    Naxx40 - a floating undead citadel
    Fire elementals > dragon > dragons > trolls (because you forgot ZG) > bugs > bugs > undead. 7 raids, 4 major themes. Let's ignore the fact that during all of Vanilla WoW, LBRS and UBRS were both run as 15 man raid groups and Scholomance and Stratholme were both run as 10 man raid groups, because that would make 4 dragon instances and 3 undead instances in a single "expansion".

    Kara - a magician's tower
    Magtheridon's Lair - a dungeon with an imprisoned demon
    Gruul's Lair - an ogrelord's cave
    SSC - a naga cave
    TK - a hijacked naaru floating citadel
    MH - a battlefield vs demons
    BT - a draenei temple
    SWP - an elven fortress occupied by demons
    We had Karazhan which was occupied by dragons and demons, Mag's Lair which was occupied by a demon, Gruul's Lair which was a gronn cave, not ogre. Then we had a Naga raid including blood elves, a BE raid, Hyjal that was a throwback for fun but chock full of demons, BT which was full of demons and BEs, and Sunwell which was full of....demons and BEs.

    Naxx - a floating undead citadel
    OS - a traditional dragon's lair
    EoE - a magic dragon's lair
    Ulduar - a titan facility
    TotC - a tournament-style raid
    ICC - an undead citadel
    Wrath! Featuring an undead raid, a dragon raid, another dragon raid, an old god raid, a raid filled with more undead bosses (Twin Valks and Anub), and then a whole citadel filled with undead! You conveniently left off VoA which was elementals and Ruby Sanctum which was *gasp* another dragon raid featuring a single main boss, just like the previous 2 of the expansion. Oh, and the re-release of Onyxia's Lair, another single boss dragon raid. 4 raids with single dragon bosses, 3 raids full of undead (including a rehashed and nerfed/watered down version of an original raid) and then 2 unique raids.

    SoO - orcy orcs

    HM - the capital of the ogre empire
    BRF - orcy orcs doing orcy things in an orcy stronghold
    HFC - orcy orcs doing orcy things in an orcy stronghold with some demons thrown in

    EN - Old Gods doing things in a forest
    ToV - an ancient floating titan stronghold + some undead vikings
    NH - an elven palace with some demons thrown in
    ToS - elven ruins with some demons thrown in
    Antorus - more demons
    At this point you become incredibly biased and start describing the mobs inside the locations instead of the locations themselves. Siege of Orgrimmar starts in a Titan facility guarding the heart of an old god and then moves to the main city where you fight an entrenched Horde led by Garrosh. Warlords contains an ogre city state, a massive forge which includes the forge itself, an assembly line, and even a dock area with a boat to fight in, while Hellfire Citadel was just that: a citadel engulfed in flames and fire. I could say ORCS ERRYWHURR but that isn't helpful because they were drastically different settings, just like the raids I listed above with a shitty biased view like your own.

    Wrath had 4 raids in separate instances containing one main dragon boss each, but I'd hardly call them all boring and the same. Malygos used vehicle combat, Sartharion had multiple difficulty levels and was one of the first bosses to ever do so (and in a very unique manner at that), Onyxia was a rehash for an anniversary, and Halion led into Cataclysm and also had a very unique fight. If you had described things with equal effort throughout your post, you'd probably have something more along the lines of:

    EN: The Emerald Nightmare, using multiple locations of Azeroth through portals.
    ToV: Floating stronghold of the Prime Designate and the undead realm of the keeper of Hel.
    Nighthold: Elven city stormed into through the sewers through the Nightwell and into the stronghold of the elven leader.
    Tomb: Elven temple desecrated over thousands of years by demons and haunted by ghosts of elves from the Sundering.

  8. #8
    The vast majority of raids, from the beginning of WoW to the present, have something to do with either the Void/Old Gods or the Fel/Legion. Those are the two cosmic forces, from what we can tell, that have always been out to get us. We are wrapping up one of those this expansion, and will focus the other next.

  9. #9
    Idk if you actually done these raids, but just for clearing the air here:

    Immerseus - a giant water fountain. (not an Orc)
    Guardians - Pandas (Not orcs)
    Nuroshen - A Sha simulation (no orcs)
    Sha of Pride - Still not an orc
    Galakras - a Proto drake with an orc on its back #first orcs you encounter in the instance (the mob pack with the cannons)
    Iron Juggernaut - a monster truck skorpion (not an orc)
    Shamans - Orcs. Fair enough.
    Nazgrim - Orc. Fair.
    Malkorok - A dumb Orc.
    Spoils - All sorts of Mogu and Mantid (no orcs other than probably the anouncer, idk who he is though)
    Thok -angry Dino (not an orc)
    Blackfuse - a Goblin manipulation a tree cutting machine. (no orc)
    Klaxxi - still no orcs.
    And Garry... An old god heart infused Orc. Fair.

    So out of 14 bosses, 4 are straight up orcs and 1 is an Orc you dont actually fight (she just fills your ears with hatespeech)

    Lets go to BrF, shall we?

    Oregorger - Not an orc
    Gruul - Not an orc
    Beastlord - an orc that you mostly fight his pets. But, fair enough.
    Thogar - an orc.
    Hanz&Franz - orcs (but just way too cool of a fight to be dissmissed as "Orcs")
    Flamebender - orc.
    Kromogg - not an orc.
    Furnace - blended, mostly orcs, but gronn and elemental crazy fire as well...
    Maidens - orcs.
    Blackhand - epic orc fight.

    So in an expac focused about orcs a raid on the main arms factory of the orcs we encounter more orcs, but not all... And mostly, the fights were epic. At least imo.

    HfC then:
    Hellfire assault - all kinds of tanks and mutated orcs and stuff.
    Iron Reaver - orc operated XT.
    Kormrok - not an orc.
    Coucil - orcs, fair enough.
    Killrogg - orc.
    Gorefiend - not an orc (anymore)
    Iskar - not an orc
    Socrethar - not an orc
    Velhari - not an orc
    Zakuun - not an orc (mainly dissmissing the stupid orc tied to a tree there)
    Xulhorac - not an orc
    Mannoroth - on mythic the orcs sacrifice themself opon pull, so im gonna count as no orcs.
    Archimonde - deffinetly not an orc.

    So again, 3 out of 13 fights are straight up orcs and one is an orc, draenei, machinery add fight. (and again a machine operated by an orc)

    They do have a lot of demonic influence, but thats something that was not touched upon since BC in a raid instance untill HfC...

    I know it was a hard expansion to pass, but the raids have mostly been a great execution by blizzard (apart from silly bugs) and to be honest, i loved the wod raids way more than ToS...
    Every raid has its own theme, but it is still varied enough for a breath of fresh air.
    and if you consider any raid at any point in time to be more varied than SoO (which was the most unique raid in WoW history in my eyes) then i have no idea what you're on about...
    I don't see how you got to the "unacceptable" conclusion
    But i personally strongly disagree... Antorus looks to be another great one in my eyes, and looking forward to it.
    Last edited by killwithpwr; 2017-09-06 at 08:44 AM. Reason: Forgot Malkorok. i hate Malkorok

    Madness will consume you!!!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by killwithpwr View Post
    Idk if you actually done these raids, but just for clearing the air here:

    Immerseus - a giant water fountain. (not an Orc)
    Guardians - Pandas (Not orcs)
    Nuroshen - A Sha simulation (no orcs)
    Sha of Pride - Still not an orc
    Galakras - a Proto drake with an orc on its back #first orcs you encounter in the instance (the mob pack with the cannons)
    Iron Juggernaut - a monster truck skorpion (not an orc)
    Shamans - Orcs. Fair enough.
    Nazgrim - Orc. Fair.
    Spoils - All sorts of Mogu and Mantid (no orcs other than probably the anouncer, idk who he is though)
    Thok -angry Dino (not an orc)
    Blackfuse - a Goblin manipulation a tree cutting machine. (no orc)
    Klaxxi - still no orcs.
    And Garry... An old god heart infused Orc. Fair.

    So out of 14 bosses, 3 are straight up orcs and 1 is an Orc you dont actually fight (she just fills your ears with hatespeech)

    Lets go to BrF, shall we?

    Oregorger - Not an orc
    Gruul - Not an orc
    Beastlord - an orc that you mostly fight his pets. But, fair enough.
    Thogar - an orc.
    Hanz&Franz - orcs (but just way too cool of a fight to be dissmissed as "Orcs")
    Flamebender - orc.
    Kromogg - not an orc.
    Furnace - blended, mostly orcs, but gronn and elemental crazy fire as well...
    Maidens - orcs.
    Blackhand - epic orc fight.

    So in an expac focused about orcs a raid on the main arms factory of the orcs we encounter more orcs, but not all... And mostly, the fights were epic. At least imo.

    HfC then:
    Hellfire assault - all kinds of tanks and mutated orcs and stuff.
    Iron Reaver - orc operated XT.
    Kormrok - not an orc.
    Coucil - orcs, fair enough.
    Killrogg - orc.
    Gorefiend - not an orc (anymore)
    Iskar - not an orc
    Socrethar - not an orc
    Velhari - not an orc
    Zakuun - not an orc (mainly dissmissing the stupid orc tied to a tree there)
    Xulhorac - not an orc
    Mannoroth - on mythic the orcs sacrifice themself opon pull, so im gonna count as no orcs.
    Archimonde - deffinetly not an orc.

    So again, 3 out of 13 fights are straight up orcs and one is an orc, draenei, machinery add fight. (and again a machine operated by an orc)

    They do have a lot of demonic influence, but thats something that was not touched upon since BC in a raid instance untill HfC...

    I know it was a hard expansion to pass, but the raids have mostly been a great execution by blizzard (apart from silly bugs) and to be honest, i loved the wod raids way more than ToS...
    I dont see how you got to the "unacceptable" conclusion
    But i personnaly strongly disagree... Antorus looks to be another great one in my eyes, and looking forward to it.
    Excellently, beautifully said, my friend. When I read the OPs post I got to thinking. Are there even any orcs at all on the upper floor of HFC? I ran it through in my head. To Xhul, nope demons and fel hounds. To Zakuun, nope succubi and felguard. To Iskaar, different kinds of birds. To Velhari, some really sick demonic draenei (loved that trash).

  11. #11
    Yeah, who would've thought that a xpac called legions would have to deal with demons. I demand a refund.

  12. #12
    If anything, the themes of the expansions have become more narrowed. though I will miss the days of TBC where we could have multiple themes in the same expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by XDurionX View Post
    Yeah, who would've thought that a xpac called legions would have to deal with demons. I demand a refund.
    With this logic, all they needed to do was put demons into Elwynn Forest and it would have satisfied you.

    Tossing "loldemons" at every corner of the expansion named Legion doesn't help its narrative, structure or theme. If anything it's an over-saturation that we may never have to return to.
    There is absolutely no basis for individual rights to firearms or self defense under any contextual interpretation of the second amendment of the United States Constitution. It defines clearly a militia of which is regulated of the people and arms, for the expressed purpose of protection of the free state. Unwillingness to take in even the most basic and whole context of these laws is exactly the road to anarchy.

  13. #13
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    We haven't been playing the same game.
    The concepts might be narrowed now, with not so many themes being developed, but saying that WoD and Legion are on the same scale when it comes to diversity in raiding environment means you've never played the game.
    WoD was orc enslavers- orcs- fel orcs. Boring, we can all agree.
    But Legion...
    Emerald Nightmare= corrupted ancestral home of the druids
    Trial= titan themed raid with vrykul vibe meant to close Helya's story
    Nighthold= elves
    Tomb= demons in a titan facility
    Antorus= home of all demons
    You may say that there are demon bosses sprinkled around the place and that the last two raids are demon-heavy, but face it, how believable would be an Antorus raid where not all bosses are demons? On Argus, of all places?

  14. #14
    We had 2 demon bosses in NH.... 3 if you count Guldan (though he is no demon, he had the fire theme).

    What do you expect in a Legion xpac. At first you wanna have 3 raid tiers, now you are fed up by 3 raid tiers with demons? They tried different themes with EN, ToV (titans), NH (a very nice palace and not even close to a ruin. A ruin in TOS and well Antorus now. But with Antorus being on a planet occupied by legion...

    I think the demons wont be a big part next xpac.

  15. #15
    The Lightbringer chrisisvacant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cronovey View Post
    Fire elementals > dragon > dragons > trolls (because you forgot ZG) > bugs > bugs > undead. 7 raids, 4 major themes. Let's ignore the fact that during all of Vanilla WoW, LBRS and UBRS were both run as 15 man raid groups and Scholomance and Stratholme were both run as 10 man raid groups, because that would make 4 dragon instances and 3 undead instances in a single "expansion".
    Um, were you even there? Because no.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Kinda bizarre the OP forgot ZA and ZG.

  16. #16
    I mean, aside from all the amazing points other made, like how WoD raids aren't more repetitive than other expansion raids (especially with Wotlk having 3 raids undead, 3 raids dragons... uggggh), I'd like to say that Nighthold is mostly Night elven, and not demonic, it really didn't feel that demonic to me. Then ToS is the real demonc presence, but even then, there are some nice switch ups, with naga forces and night elven forces. Next Antorus, sure it has tons of demonic presence, but it's the last fight against the legion (for now at least), and even then, there are some 'titan' focused fights. Wotlk wasn't different in that regard, if anything it was even worse.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisisvacant View Post
    Um, were you even there? Because no.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Kinda bizarre the OP forgot ZA and ZG.
    Perhaps you should try looking up some information about these dungeons?

    Patch 1.3.0 capped UBRS and LBRS as 15 man instances and Stratholme and Scholomance as 10 man instances.
    Patch 1.10.0 capped UBRS and LBRS as 10 man instances and Stratholme and Scholomance as 5 man instances.

    From the 1.10 patch notes:

    High-Level Instance Changes

    Along with the new Armor Sets, the high-level 5-10 man dungeons have received some changes regarding loot. Many items have been improved in quality and use. In addition, several epic items, such as Headmaster's Charge and the Runeblade of Baron Rivendare, have had their drop rates significantly increased. In order to preserve the challenge of these dungeons, they have had their instance caps lowered. Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Depths now allow a maximum of five players inside, and Blackrock Spire allows a maximum of ten.
    All 3 of these dungeons (I say 3 because LBRS and UBRS were technically one dungeon at the time) were originally done by small raid teams. I remember this distinctly, having played and arranged these groups because I used to run the Scarlet Stratholme (commonly known as SS back then) for Righteous Orbs for Crusader enchants on my mage that had over 90 days of play time before BC ever released. But please, tell me more about these dungeons and how they worked.

  18. #18
    You morons are really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find shit to complain about. Troll harder.

  19. #19
    What the hell HFC did you play that it was "orcy orcs" ?

    There was literally only 3 orc bosses in the entire instance

    Seems you're really, really stretching to make a dumb and whiny point, OP.

  20. #20
    I don't even like wow anymore but some of these haters make me facepalm pretty hard.

    The Expansion is about demons attacking. Fuck did you expect to fight in the raids if not demons?

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