We're looking for players to join our raid team to progress through the rest of ToS and beyond. We are currently 5/9 mythic progress and are looking for competent DPS plus a healer (preferably a priest that plays two specs, either both healing specs of one of the healing specs and shadow).

The guild is looking for people who want to be part of a team that puts the team’s goals ahead of personal goals. The guild goal is to achieve progress at a steady rate while having fun.

We’re a long standing guild who are a round 10 years old, we have a lot of old school players who are just unable to keep up with life and a hard core raiding schedule now they are a little older and have more responsibilities. But still show the discipline of an old school raider when it comes to preparation and commitment to the raid team.

What we don’t want are players that cut corners while the team is on a progress boss so they can shine as an individual. This inevitably ends up being at the expense of others enjoyment and progress.

We raid 3 evenings a week and are looking for playing who can maintain around an 87% and above attendance rate. Raid days are Wednesday, Sunday and Monday raid start at 19:45 and finish at 23:00. The first round of invites happen at 19:30 and the last round happen no later than 19:44.

The guild provides cauldrons, feasts and enchants for its raid members but ask for a small weekly donation of matts.

We’re a friendly and sociable bunch who are very active when it comes to Mythic + and off raids with alt runs and the like. We are happy for our raid member’s friends to join the guild as socials so they are able to play together.

If you feel you are competent and capable with the gear to raid our current progress bosses and like what you’ve read above, we would love to hear from you.

You can put an application in at def.shivtr.com . Alternatively contact me, our gm or any other member of the officer team in game or you can add me or our GM to real ID

Thank you for taking the time to read our advertisement.