<Famiglia di Ythrl> is a guild on Maelstorm, Horde, as you could probably gather from the title of this thread. We’ve been a raiding staple on Maelstrom since vanilla with healthy roster through every expansion and tier so you get some stability if you're into that kind of thing.

In past tiers we have been competitive for our realms progression, and members of our guild look to enjoy all aspects of the game. We provide capable raid leaders, a stable guild environment and a good social atmosphere along with nice and capable players. We plan to stick around, as we have done since 2006, and to enjoy all game aspects with good, fun and social people that enjoy this game as much as we do.

Our guild is actually big enough to support several full raid groups. It's important to recognize we don't see ourselves as the "A/B/C" teams. Everyone kinda finds which raid they belong in and makes their way there. In fact one of our rules is to not recruit out of other guild raid groups.

This recruitment is for our two Heroic / Mythic progressed groups known as "Lobster Nipple Clamps" (fondly known as ‘LNC’) and "3st". We also have a third raid group that runs Normal Tomb of Sargeras on Saturday evenings that is open to all guild members to bring alts or play as offspecs.

As Antorus looms on the horizon both raid groups will be looking to advance into that content, and will be moving to heroic as quickly as possible. With the right members, we will move to Mythic…. AND YOU COULD BE A PART OF IT!

LNC is looking for: Ranged/Melee dps

3st is looking for: 2 Healers (monk/druid/shaman) 1 tank (bear/monk/DK/Warrior) DPS (rogue/boomy/spriest/mage) any dps honestly but those are specs/classes we don’t have in group atm)

Each raid group is self-sufficient and provides flasks / pots / feasts. We have guild repairs on for all raiders, and a huge pool of crafters/enchanters/gemcutters that will gladly help you create anything you need if you supply the mats.

If you like the cut of our jib and want to join but aren't a ranged dps, we can still have a chat if you're confident you're a good fit.
We also do other things besides raiding! If you’re just looking for a fun home where social stuff happens, we’re the right place for you, too! We have officer-driven community events frequently, as well as enough people that you can pretty much always get a group for a M+ even if you’re the token frost mage of the group.

Other things:
LNC raids Tuesday/Wednesday 6:00-9:00 PST (8:00-11:00 server) 3st raids Tues / Sun 5-8 PST (7-10 server)

Finally, and this is a big one. We don't abide weirdos. Through the years we've had opportunities to replace people with much better players and we've always said no because we genuinely like everyone we raid with. We have a roster of 20+ people and everyone likes everyone else and our biggest strength is that there's no drama.

So if you want to join here's what you do. Add one (or more!) on BTag and whisper away!


I'm sure I'm forgetting something but let's be honest all you looked at is our raid times, progression and what we're recruiting so whatever, just message one of our officers and come on by! =)