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  1. #21
    Bloodsail Admiral Moggie's Avatar
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    Opening of AQ... my what a messy event and most memorable. The dr4m4 llama was strong with this.
    Opening of TBC... before they learned to stabilize servers.
    Range tanking Twin Emps. Was fun at least in a zone I’d eventually begin feigning RL stuff to avoid like the plague.
    Watching every guild implode from 40-15\25man raids for TBC, mine included.
    Constantly hearing how Warlocks were so great during Vanilla...they were not.
    Guardian of Blizzard guarding restricted areas. Oh the nightmares.
    Zoning into Naxx40 for the first time when it was release. Unlike any previous zones we’d seen.
    Watching guilds implode over Immortal achievements from Naxx and ToGC. Always that one person...
    Something like World 60th Yogg no light.
    Killing KJ right before the huge nerf in SWP that kicked off WotLK.

    About it. Nothing really memorable or the likes pops out later than that. Kind of uneventful starting in Pandaria though Panadaland was a eye catching expansion... in the beginning. Guild quit after Heroic whatshisname in SoO before Mythic was introduced. WoD was more casual for me to relax and started back up in Legion.

  2. #22
    Most of my best memories i already told in other threads but i will post them here....again.

    TBC: Watching PvP videos of Akrios as a rogue and trying my best to pretend to be him

    1) First time i raided seriously was in Wrath, Naxxramas was amazing to me and i managed to complete tier 7.5.
    I was beautiful and cool for the firt time in WoW, i felt amazing with my tier 7.5 and offs pieces. I never felt so good about my character ever again in WoW.
    Everyone looked like a clown because there was no transmog BUT ME? I was awesome. I will never forget that feeling of actually completing a tier set and off pieces.

    2) Reached 2100 rating in 5v5 arenas with my friends playing a hybrid spec (HARP Rogue) fully gemmed with stamina and Tank trinkets. I felt different from every other rogue and it was a nice feeling. It was also the first time i managed to buy the shoulders for PvP and complete the PvP set. Amazing feeling.

    1) I organized a raid to Stormwind. Turns out another guild decided to join us! We had 2 entire raids to storm the castle.
    We killed the boss and to end things right we decided to take over the Auction House.
    Amazing feeling to be able to conquer a city and make fun of the citizens

    2) I continued playing a "fully gemmed stamina rogue with tank trinkets" and it was better than ever before because of a spell called "recuperate"
    Rogues were overpowered in Cataclysm so i decided to "gank" people in Stormwind.
    Stormwind was my home for a couple of months. I would login everyday just to kill people in Mage Tower.
    Every time i would kill someone, groups of 8 people would come to the rescue and to kill me.
    Several people would whisper me and ask me "why tha hell are you here everyday?"

    My "ultimate technique" was what i liked to call "Welcome to the Forest of Death"
    I would taunt people on top of Stormwind Bank to follow me to the forest behind. Problem is...if you died in that forest, you had to "rezz sickness" on the gravyard because it was inaccessible on foot.
    It was a duel to the death my ultimate technique.

    Nowadays is impossible to kill people in Stormwind so...this is just a thing of the past...

    3) I decided to quit WoW in end Cataclysm and skip MoP. So as a farewell i decided to place my corpse in front of Stormwind Auction house (as a Horde) to say goodbye to my dear friends that i ganked everyday.
    I spammed the emote /love before dying in front of the auction house because i loved those guys.
    Like 10 people did the achievement of "Make Love Not Warcraft" on my dead corpse.
    It was such a beautiful goodbye
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-10-12 at 03:32 PM.

  3. #23
    Pulling all nighters with friends at Lan parties, smoking giant blunts and getting fucking trashed yo.

  4. #24
    vanilla pvp as enh shaman 1shooting everything with Unstoppable Force and rank 13 gear. I hear some ppl say Legion is the grind. Let me remind you about farming 30 arcanite crystals to craft Invulnerable mail. Shit lasted forever but was indeed rewarding because u could literally forget about dying to melees. Now those were pretty unbalanced but hellota fun times!

  5. #25
    I have plenty, but the most epic one?

    Killing the Lich King. It felt like the end of some era in the Warcraft Franchise.

  6. #26
    Before hitting the level cap on my very first character during TBC, just enjoying the experience of taking my time questing and meeting up with people along the way... just immersing myself to the magical world of Warcraft.

    And then came raiding, my innocence was forever lost after.
    Last edited by Daedius; 2017-10-12 at 03:43 PM.

  7. #27
    Banned Video Games's Avatar
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    Everything i did in bc, from leveling my warrior to going to 5/6 sunwell pre 3.0

  8. #28
    My 1st raiding guild, they took me in as off-tank for Ulduar 10 clear (before ToC patch). We cleared it and I fell in love to: paladin tank, the guildies and Ulduar.

  9. #29
    Stood in the Fire Spaze's Avatar
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    My favorite memory is my guild and me progressing sindragosa heroic and were very close to kill her.
    Last try of the evening (pull was shortly before 23:00) and we started and it was the best try of the evening all players played perfectly through the whole fight.
    I was very concentrated on healing as resto shaman. The clock went to 23:00 and I got disconnected. My father wasnt a big fan of me playing the whole evening so he set the router to kick me out at 23:00 every fucking day (my guild notice was "23:00 o'clock discoball").
    Long story short we killed sindragosa at 23:01 everyone got the achievment expect me.... I was fucked up as hell but it was kinda funny

  10. #30
    - My first few times playing in Vanilla open beta and having NO IDEA WTF I was doing.
    - Oddly, the lag I had in Stormwind because I was playing on a crap computer. It was amazing how much better it was when I got a good pc.
    - Getting my first mount and that feeling of freedom that provided. (Even flying for the first time didn't measure up.)
    - Helping my friends (both old and new) with quests, profession items, whatever.
    - The time I ran a dungeon on my priest as a healer, despite being fully specced into Shadow, and one of the dps talking about how good it was to run with a competent healer instead of a SPriest trying to fake their way through it. We remained friends all through Vanilla after that.
    - My guild's first Ragnaros kill. We had ONE survivor - a badass mage who did the last 3% on his own.
    - Being the first guild on our server to clear BWL in under 3 hours.
    - Having a guild mate (who I had barely met at the time, as I was new to the guild) just give me an Eye of Shadow for my Benediction. I didn't even have my Eye of Divinity yet, and it would be several weeks before I got it. But this act of generosity (when EoS were going for the at the time ungodly amount of over 1kg) cemented my membership with that guild better than anything else could have.
    - The friendships I made during Vanilla, some of which still hold.
    - I could list a few things from Wrath, but nothing else remotely compares to the Wrathgate cinematic. Going into that almost completely unspoiled (I knew only that the end of that questline was awesome) left me speechless. Simply the best lore moment in the game at that point, hands down.

  11. #31
    Titan I Push Buttons's Avatar
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    The very beginning of my time with the game since everything was new and fresh and seemed so expansive... And then my time raiding from Wrath through MoP in 10 man heroic.

    Been a casual scrub since the got rid of 10 heroic. Only reason I play at all anymore is WoW addiction and not wanting to abandon the characters I spent literally thousands of hours on over the years.

  12. #32
    Flying from Rut'theran Village to Auberdine for the first time and realizing how big the world really was, for that matter the run from the Wetlands to Stormwind as well at low levels.

    Dinging 58 and going through the Dark Portal for the first time.

    Winning the roll on the HH mount back in 2008, luckiest roll I've ever had.

    Being level 70 and having a blast with the zombie plague before the launch of Wrath.

  13. #33
    Warchief Regalbeast's Avatar
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    Basically just leveling in Vanilla and BC. Trying to figure out what the fuck was going on on my NE Hunter. Running into random people and trying to do a dungeon together when none of us had any clue. Seriously, those days were so much fun

  14. #34
    Recent favourite part: First time coming on deck of the ship in Maw Of Souls, music aligned perfectly, still my favourite dungeon ever now.

    Older favourite parts would be the opening of AQ, that shit was crazy fun.

  15. #35
    Bloodsail Admiral digichi's Avatar
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    Lots of things i can't quite think of right now, but a few things i thought of quickly:

    First time seeing those gold spammers dying in Orgrimmar to spell their website names..

    Getting invited to a kara pug as a shadow priest in PvP gear lol... didnt last long at all.

    That time achievements came out and everyone was spamming LFG to make groups for [For the Horde!] or [For the Alliance!] achieves, taking boats together all around azeroth and killing all the race leaders, then mounting up on the black war bears at the end lol.

  16. #36
    The Lightbringer Cæli's Avatar
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    playing before the cataclysm

  17. #37
    Starting wod and doing dk starting zone for first time, going through dark portal (for bc and draenor), downing normal mannoroth and archimonde with old guild(not hard bosses but with how the guild was very casual and how it ended it was amazing (just me as tank left alive at end on mannoroth and just barly killing him). With other guild on kazzak in wod downing Mythic archimonde, this honsestly is best experience ive had ever in wow,and still my proudest kill. Never will forget how it ended that kill it was just pure awsomeness.
    In legion doign return to kharazhan and getting lost xD (more then once even xD) killing hc guldan after my reroll from dk to monk with fresh guild.

  18. #38
    Vanilla - I was new to the game in 2006 which was the last year of Vanilla before TBC came out that following January. I had a lot of fun leveling my first character (Human Rogue) and the original Dead Mines holds a very special place in my heart.

    TBC - I hit 60 on my rogue literally the day TBC released. I remember pushing hard for the release date not realizing that you could zone in at lvl 58 XD. I regret that I didn't push hard enough in Vanilla so I could experience the raids but what can you do. TBC I started playing a Shadow Priest and loved it! Karazan was definitely the pinnacle of my experience in that expansion because I was still so new to raiding and didn't realize how much there actually was to it.

    Wrath - Ah yes Wrath. IMO the best iteration of WoW ever. I was so happy to see Naxx since I missed it in Vanilla. Definitely getting The Undying title was a huge deal to me. I still sport that title to this day. Ulduar was one of the funnest raids I've ever been a party of for sure. Unfortunately I was forced to take a hiatus from the game for personal reasons when ToGC released. I'm not really sad that I missed that raid but I also missed ICC which is unfortunate.

    Cata - My hiatus took me right past Cata and didn't get to experience a single bit of it.

    Pandaria - My triumphant return! Despite a lot of negative press becase of Pandas and what not, I LOVED THIS EXPANSION! I hit my heaviest stride of raiding with this exp and definitely had the most fun I've ever had in WoW. From leading a top 20 Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras through the first 3 raids and most of Isle of Thunder (trying to switch to 25 man killed the guild), to joining a top 50 US guild to finish out the expansion, it was definitely an amazing experience!

    WoD - 0 good memories from this game, didn't even play it much to be completely honest. I started it out, couldn't stand Garrisons or the raids. None of it felt good at all. I will agree that the leveling zones were pretty fun, but otherwise, not a fun expansion from what i could tell.

    Legion - No.... no no no no no..... The Legendary system in this expansion is by far one of the worst systems I've EVER seen implemented, in any game, ever...... It was enough that my frustration with not having the ones I needed to boost my performance in raids caused me to leave the game entirely. I have since come back, and joined a raiding guild with a friend and we've cleared Heroic ToS and I'm definitely having fun again. I'm just playing a lot more casually now so I don't care about the legendaries and overall performance as much. Is Legion a complete failure of an expansion, no, but it's defiitely not a good one in my book. Easily a close second to WoD. But I can also see a lot of things they did right and I'm happy for that. So I do hope that things will be better with what comes next.

  19. #39
    Really tough question. It would have to be sometime during Vanilla - TBC. Dungeon running during vanilla, dungeons were epic back then. Running karazhan in TBC, we only got tired of it near the end of the expansion, even when we were well into T6 raiding. Such memories from the social aspect of how it was back then, everyone and everything felt far more connected. AV in the vanilla-TBC era as well, I used to love the multi hour fights.

    Wotlk was an overall great expansion, it just didn't quite seem to have the same epic feeling as vanilla/TBC.
    Last edited by Demithio; 2017-10-12 at 05:44 PM. Reason: added the wotlk part, as I feel it deserves credit

  20. #40
    First steps in the world, it was shock. Was first mmo for me. (one of the first miltiplayer game) Perhaps this increased the effect. It was like miracle, fairy tale alive with you inside. All there people around you, was fresh original and does not look like anything.
    I have no words to convey my feelings. I just want to live here, want to explore this world days and nights all the while. No other game has given such experiences.

    So many memorable moments some of the most: first kill Ragnaros, first warglave (guild/server) was mine. Grand Crusader Trial, it was very tense: fingertips twitched, accelerated heartbeat etc. But when succeeded there was real satisfaction and joy.

    There was social aspect, server community was real and was improtant part of the game. There was friends (some became real ones) and foes, true emotions: crazy fun jokes, inguild memes, love, hate, dramas and more.
    Now I miss it in modern game, maybe its problem of me, dont know.

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