1. #1

    incoming stat changes and gear

    I'm wondering, agi and strenght will give both 1 AP.
    Is blibli changing stats on T4/T5/T6 and arena stuffs to add some agi ?

    In fact I'm wondering this in case of a pre-WotLK patch that contains (like the pre-BC patch) the new talents and class changes.

  2. #2

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    I dont think they will add agi to the old armor sets but will probably give agi and less crit on the new sets.

  3. #3

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    If they are gonna follow the same strategy as in tBC launch, we'll probably not see any change in gear.
    Which is sad, because if you're in BT/Sunwell gear now you'll be lvl80 by the time there is better gear.

  4. #4

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    If they do so, enh t6 will sucks a lot ...

  5. #5

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    pls gud hope the fix the tier gear or i will get greens in the first quest -.-

  6. #6

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    Quote Originally Posted by aT1C
    pls gud hope the fix the tier gear or i will get greens in the first quest -.-
    Ninja some random hunter gear drops from raids while you have the chance to farm them.

  7. #7

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    yeah, that' the plan...

  8. #8

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear


    if your already walking around in hunter al you should se is an upgrade to your attack power.
    if your running around in tier gear, thatl be changed so the transistion will be less of an impact, so you wont be rolling need on the first piece of hunter mail armor in WotLK if your in full tier 6.

  9. #9

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    I'm finding that with my ZA/Tier5 Shaman stuff... I'm not replacing anything in the first zone. But with my Hunter that's been in Kara once or twice, greens are replacing blues... haven't replaced a purple yet.

  10. #10

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    I just started a sham alt with the intention of going enhance and one of the more interesting things to me about the class was that 1str = 2ap


  11. #11

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    I'm looking forward to the change... with Agi, Int (Mental Dexterity), and the raw AP on the item... I've seen peices that will offer more than 200 AP

  12. #12

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    Quote Originally Posted by haeresis
    I just started a sham alt with the intention of going enhance and one of the more interesting things to me about the class was that 1str = 2ap

    even if it looks like the old system is better, its not.
    the change in stats have opend a whole new arsanal of gear for any enhancement shaman.
    lower lvl shaman will probably see an increase in there DPS, especialy nearing level 60.
    as there is hardly any mail gear with STR on it, oposed to mail gear wil AGI. (this is excluding any bought gear throug the PvP system or throug tier set tokens)

  13. #13

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    I believe i read somewhere they would address some gear changes for the classes that have been reworked cant confirm it do... ???

  14. #14

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    They have to change relics which address spells thats being removed (or they are dumb) and probly they might have to change all spelldamage and healing to spellpower when all spell is factored by that stat. and hit/crit/haste should be change because of the merge, so in that turn they´ll might give a little change to all tier gear.

  15. #15

    Re: incoming stat changes and gear

    I remember reading a blue post about how there are intentions for classes to look different. Now we'll have sham/hunter gear and dual int enchants.

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