1. #1

    Seal Twisting for Ret?

    I just have some general comments and questions and would like anyone's intellgient response and advice.

    First, with the late BC gear and xpac gear, haste rating seems to be killing the overall effectiveness of Seal of Command in regards to PVE. Judgement of Righteousness has been nerfed hurting the effectiveness despite the higher 2H weapon scaling the seal has. Seal of the Martyr seems like it will become the new dps seal for Ret in the xpac with all the haste rating gear since Command it meant for the big slow weapons. It seems on ptr that this will end up being the case in my limited testing.

    If seal of the martyr is indeed the better pve spec now (please let me know if it is not if you have tested it at 80 and let me know your reasons) it led me to start thinking about seal twisting. Since Vengeance duration has now been increased to 15 seconds and it stacks on every strike, would it be advantageous to stack vengeance right away and then switch to martyr and twist the seal to keep vengeance stacked at 5 while still using Martyr primarily? I am intrigued by the thought but have no beta and would like to hear the opinions of the Rets who have the haste gear and have tried the Ret pally at 80 using seal twisting.

    Rogues QQIng about ret dps can use a different post to respond to please.

    Thanks for your time!

  2. #2

    Re: Seal Twisting for Ret?

    wasn't seal twisting nerfed?
    Tirithor - Death Knight of Rapture
    Like The Fall of Rome. . . You Will Come Crashing Down

  3. #3

    Re: Seal Twisting for Ret?

    BOM is by far most superior dps seal in raid enviroment couse it scales with haste. Yes SoC scales with haste as well but BOM scales better.
    Seal twisting is posible still , but it is not that viable anymore , for the reason of not having gcds anymore. Judgmenet is on gcd now most targets are ud/demons and u have tons of other better things 2 do.

    On the other hand keeping seal of corruption vengnace stack is viable on some fights and using BOM in between. But it is realy mana heavy.

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