1. #1

    Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Hold on a bit, i think moonkins are fine. Cat stealth>Starfire from 40 yds>Repeat, dead target.
    We are the king of AoE Pull 100 mobs and Hurricane<3
    The main problem is- i cant spam starfire at arena. Moonfire and Insect Swarm, and wrath if you have the correct timing. That's the only 3 spells im using ATM in arena, if not counting Travel Form, Starfall stun and HoTs.
    Moonkins are extremely strong if you can catch an unprepared player. Well, there arent any kind of those in duels and arena anyway

    I would like Nature's Grace to be 1 point talent again.

    Improved Moonkin Aura is for a pvp guy like me, a "diss". I just HAVE to spend points on this talent, moonkin form is the sex! It would be nice if we got spell damage bonus from Intellect instead!

    Moonkin form should regenerate 2% mana for the whole raid if you crit with a casting time spell

    Owlkin Frenzy. Yes, Owlkin Frenzy. If you compete with a Owlkin over Super Smash Bros and win, the Owlkin will turn yellow and cast starfire. You try to counterspell and stun it, but it wont affect the owl, and you get a Garlic Starfire on your face. Sadly, the more veteran nature maniacs dont have that power, sadly.

    Me does not like Typhoon very much. It damages like a newborn babys first breath, the knockback is laughable, and the mana cost.. well.. isnt that much. Dont get me wrong. I LOVE to interupt paladins healing with it.
    Well. I only use this spell for interupting. I wouldnt mind all damage removed and have it as a "counterspell". "Stuns and silences the target for 3 seconds. The targets spells gets counterspelled for additional 3 seconds after the effect if its affected by Moonfire and Insect Swarm."
    HA! There i got you! Syke! It should have a better knock back effect only 5 yds is crap

    Starfall. I used this to stun a hunter in range to get close and knock out stealthers. The CD is sick and the damage makes me cry. Well now i only use it to stun hunters in range so i can get close.
    I shouldnt blame this talent anyway. Hunters are extremely annoying in range and i want to get close. Very good talent, a nice point to put in IF YOU LIKE TO KILL HUNTERS like me

    What is better than a 5k starfire crit with only 800 spell damage<3?

  2. #2

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    This is obviously just a brain fart post. What would making suggestions here make any diff? Copy & Paste it to Blizz forums
    A closed mouth gathers no feet.

    Mage, Druid, DK & Shaman,

  3. #3

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Anyway, the only thing moonkin needs is a nerf. Trying to kill one is sometimes harder than killing a warrior, except they do insane damage. Something with that kind of damage output, the ability to heal, and two "oh, shit" buttons should not have armor on par with a tank.

  4. #4

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Quote Originally Posted by bedheadboi
    Anyway, the only thing moonkin needs is a nerf. Trying to kill one is sometimes harder than killing a warrior, except they do insane damage. Something with that kind of damage output, the ability to heal, and two "oh, shit" buttons should not have armor on par with a tank.

    Doesn't take much to lock down our dps.
    When we heal we have same armor as mages/locks and priests, even less maybe.
    Mind explaining which 2 oh shit buttons we have?
    We don't have iceblock, cloak of shit, FD, totems, shields, reflect, etc to nullify incoming dmg. When you cast a spell at us, it'll land. When you use a finisher, it'll land. Not like every other class that can nullify those attacks. Thats why we have the increased armor. And you still think it's unfair?
    Fine, take away the armor, but give us a cloak of shit or iceblock. Lets see how much ur gonna like that then........

  5. #5

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    barskin nullifys 10%...

    give 'Barkwall'
    Open a dictionary and look up what to nullify means.

    Anyway the original poster is undergeared and barely knows the class nor its mechanics.

    First of all starfire is great when used with the arena set bonus, look it up.

    Second of all starfall is a great damage bonus in arenas or any kind of small scale pvp with guaranteed stuns, while you're still able to do anything else you want. I usually get a kill with it in arenas against paladin/shaman teams because they can't get a heal off with all the stuns.

    Now typhoon is awesome to get rogues out of stealth or give you the breathing room to put up some hots/abolish or even cast entangling roots/cyclone.
    It will also be awesome when real rated arena starts again and you know how to use it. (Imagine a bridge and a knockback effect.) The damage is also good for that little bit of extra burt while you interrupt a heal.
    Anyway it's a talent you can easily skip if you don't want it.

    Owlkin Frenzy is pretty good, the 10% damage bonus can get you some interesting crits and you can get your procc'd (arena set bonus) starfire off easily when it's up.

    Your idea for moonkin aura ... is plain retarded sorry. It's like saying a healer should heal the entire raid with a single holy light/greater heal, it dumbs the game down and isn't needed we have plenty of (too much) utility in our tree.

    Btw look up lunar guidance.

  6. #6

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Quote Originally Posted by naturetauren

    Improved Moonkin Aura is for a pvp guy like me, a "diss". I just HAVE to spend points on this talent, moonkin form is the sex! It would be nice if we got spell damage bonus from Intellect instead!
    This is why i think you are an idiot, 3% spell haste is a nice thing

    apparently you dont appreciate .9 seconds wrath much

    Quote Originally Posted by naturetauren

    Me does not like Typhoon very much. It damages like a newborn babys first breath, the knockback is laughable, and the mana cost.. well.. isnt that much. Dont get me wrong. I LOVE to interupt paladins healing with it.
    Well. I only use this spell for interupting. I wouldnt mind all damage removed and have it as a "counterspell". "Stuns and silences the target for 3 seconds. The targets spells gets counterspelled for additional 3 seconds after the effect if its affected by Moonfire and Insect Swarm."
    HA! There i got you! Syke! It should have a better knock back effect only 5 yds is crap
    funny, with those 5 yards, i can cyclone or root..... and it is a nice interrupt if you can use it correctly....

    Quote Originally Posted by naturetauren
    Starfall. I used this to stun a hunter in range to get close and knock out stealthers. The CD is sick and the damage makes me cry.
    i dont know what you been doing, its working fine for me against healers and mages
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  7. #7
    The Patient
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    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Quote Originally Posted by bedheadboi
    Anyway, the only thing moonkin needs is a nerf. Trying to kill one is sometimes harder than killing a warrior, except they do insane damage. Something with that kind of damage output, the ability to heal, and two "oh, shit" buttons should not have armor on par with a tank.
    Our school of magic is Nature, lock us out of it and we'll bend over, like we have anything else to do when it happens.

  8. #8

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Quote Originally Posted by yellowbiz
    Our school of magic is Nature, lock us out of it and we'll bend over, like we have anything else to do when it happens.
    SF, Starfall, moonfire...

  9. #9
    The Patient
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Mar 2008
    Ariel, Israel.

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    True, but I'll be an ass and say that SF takes 3 seconds to cast.
    OOMFire is not very effective.
    Starfall has 3 min CD that was most likely used at the start of the match.

    It's really a joke to be a Moonkin, when we run away we're not that dangerous, are we ? We basically give you the time to heal up or even stealth.

  10. #10

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    I don't even know what to say to the OP... was this a joke post? Super Smash Bros?

    Moonkin are fine right now. We need a few small changes and we'll be perfect, I think.

    Faerie Fire needs a 2 or 5 min duration. It is a chore to keep it up on the target, plus it lowers DPS having to refresh it every 40 sec.

    Eclipse should be charges, not just a duration. I'd say a Starfire crit gives 10 Wrath charges and a Wrath crit gives 5 Starfire charges. That way we won't lose time on the first cast (if you're chain casting, you will almost always lose a second or two from Eclipse's duration) and you won't lose time on it having to refresh things like Insect Swarm, Moonfire, or Faerie Fire. Plus it allows you to keep the charges if you have to move.

    Starfall needs to be put back to its original destealthing mechanic, or have the cooldown reduced. I would also like to see it pay attention to LoS and also only damage targets that are currently in combat.

    Haven't used Typhoon, so I can't say anything about it.

    Insect Swarm needs to be stronger and have a longer duration more in line with Moonfire. It is not worth the GCD to cast it, plus the timing makes it incredibly wonky to use.

  11. #11

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Well, I apologize for my ignorant comment. All I know is that when I start fighting a moonkin, I start hitting for half the normal amount, regular hits as well as crits. Could have something to do with resilience, but I can never see the druid's gear to tell. As for "oh, shit" buttons, I kinda thought that's what trees and starfall were? Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but when I try to go up against a moonkin in BGs by myself, it's either one or the other and I usually get demolished.

  12. #12

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Oh shit buttons are things like ice block, divine protection, cloak of whine, blessing of protection, shield wall etc.
    To a lesser extent priest aoe fear is one too, they're all ways to lower incoming damage dramatically.
    You could also call instant heals oh shit buttons, since they can restore about 50% of your or someone else's hit points. Examples here are nature's swiftness (shaman and druid), lay on hands.

    All we have is barkskin which lowers incoming damage by 20% for a few seconds every minute and decent armour in moonkin/bear form.
    Compared to most other classes we die quickly, but we have more spells/abilities (cc, starfall, typhoon, hots, etc) to compensate.

    This was a short lecture on oh shit buttons ...

  13. #13

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    Quote Originally Posted by yellowbiz
    True, but I'll be an ass and say that SF takes 3 seconds to cast.
    OOMFire is not very effective.
    Starfall has 3 min CD that was most likely used at the start of the match.

    It's really a joke to be a Moonkin, when we run away we're not that dangerous, are we ? We basically give you the time to heal up or even stealth.
    Starfire isnt 3 seconds if you spec right. or if you are geared enough

    fastest starfire i seen was about 1.5

    oomfire spam isnt something we use often, it's what we use when things are running from us

    but i do agree, starfall is mostly use at the start of the match......

    oh, one final note

    moonkins are more dangerous when they are running imho.... you can potentially kite something to death.... and yes I have done it before

    and pano, would you consider ng an oh shit button?

    cuz it's for me.... idk about everyone else

    and nice lecture btw
    All of Time and Space, Everything that has happened or will happened, Where do you want to start?

    "If you ever see a rogue, either rogue is overgear or the rogue has problems"

  14. #14

    Re: Serious moonkin suggestions:<

    If you mean nature's grasp, then no. It's just roots without a cast time; aka a crowd control ability.

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