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  1. #21

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Oh don't get me started on this damn button mashing shit. Everything class is essentially a button mash fest. So let's not go there. This game is fucking dastardly easy and essentially makes every class is easy to play. So let's get off of our little high horse and join the rest of us here in lets say reality?

    In other words please go away with your stupid logic....

  2. #22

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    a. Nearly every DK has a stupid Name
    b. Nearly any DK tanks although the class is able to.

    But b is an aspect i hate in nearly every "DD" Hybridclass when joining a Party (i mostly play random Groups as RestoDruid) with a Palai or a Warri or a DK or another Druid or even more than one of them...guess what we are searching then...
    That's what i really hate, independent of classes.
    Gilneas EU - Germany, so I don't have to be perfect in English ;D

  3. #23

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    <---- my name is awesome. As for button mashing, That would hurt my laptop keyboard . I prefer to mouse click lmao. But really Don't be a player hater, Just wait till the Dark Ranger comes out and everyone QQ's cause of the new Ranged Hero class that can stealth.

  4. #24

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Why they are hated?

    Because they are stealing all the paladin and warrior loot.

  5. #25

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Yeah seriously. I know hunters that use nothing but the scroll wheel for their rotation and top the meters daily. So yeah when Dark Hunter's release (which I myself can not wait for) everyone will QQ about the new dps.

  6. #26

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    during wotlk beta i lvld a dk to 70+. then i made a premade dk and fall in love. it was so OP especially frost. they nerfed it BEFORE wotlk release. unholy has half of pvp potential now comparing to beta-frost. nevertheless i still lvled a DK as my main, leaving 70 rogue and a priest, both with good pve and pvp gear. when i look back sometimes i think i could still play a rgoue but guess what? ye - minus 30% on mutilate, but DK still rolls almost untouched. i enjoy pve blood tanking and sometimes pvp as unholy. i build threat in raids, i do damage in pvp, i am having fun and personally i dont give a shit about QQing noobs who a) arnt smart enough to investigate game machanics and DK weaknesses (which we do have b) rolling a DK to melt faces and still failing miserably.
    my 2 cents

  7. #27

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluetoez
    1. Alot of Dks don't know how to play
    2. They are OP
    3. They always have stupid names
    Wrath was out for ... 3 months? Give them time to learn the class? All 3 trees can be used as tank or as dps.

  8. #28

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Because no one who has played thier toon for years likes being out DPS'd, tanked, or PvP'd by a toon with a whopping 2 months invested into it.

  9. #29

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by direlock
    Because no one who has played thier toon for years likes being out DPS'd, tanked, or PvP'd by a toon with a whopping 2 months invested into it.
    can we say boohoo?

  10. #30

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Govodious
    i don't care for them manly cause they are every where. and a lot of ppl rerolled to play one..and abandoned their many DK's not enough variety in Dps.
    dps is dps, why do you need variety? (not saying that its bad.) do different-colored health bars/names make you more happy?

  11. #31

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    People hate DKs for many reasons:

    1) They QQ about them being to good. Ok, well a good player will still out dps a DK. Pure classes beat us out IF they are equal gear and spec. Just because your a mage doesnt mean you will do better, you have to not suck.

    2) People think DKs are easy to play. Essentially EVERY class is easy to play. Its a fkin game. Its playing the class well that sets us apart. If you run with a fail-knight, you will know. If you run with a good one, such as myself, you'll be like "holy shit". (lol hada toot my own horn a bit)

    3) Pvp. I don't bother with pvp much tbh. I think its just to imba atm. But from my encounters with other DKs not just as a DK myself, but on my hunter & pally, 80% of them are stupid. Once they blow their CDs, its easy to kill them.. So I don't get the QQ on this. ( like I said, I don't pvp much, I have very limited areana xp, so take this for w/e its worth)

    4) Yes, people are threatened by us. I have had tanks yell at me. Yes, literally yell at me. Saying how can I tank as dps spec and just switch gear. I tried to explain that I'm not as good as he thinks. I'm just able to survive and I know what I'm doing. I think he got mad when I told him to switch certain talents.. lol..

    5) There really are to many DKs.. So many of them fail hard. I ran with one last night who had a +35agi enchant on his weapon.. He was dps spec with tanking blues gemmed with res. His spec was atrocious. His dps was like, 1300. My fkin dancing rune weapon's dps is 1750. Comon, read a forum or something..

    6) People just need something to bitch about. They see DKs topping meters, and tanking, and they cry OP. They need to accept that it may not be us, but them. If you have a shitty spec and are in blues, well yea, I'm going to out dps you. Don't assume because you are a pure class you are better then me, b/c obviously your not.

    Hopefully people will come to terms with DKs soon. I don't think they are OP, at least not in a PvE sense.
    Once everyone comes to accept them, and gets used to them, things will be back to normal. We can once again QQ about stunlock & fear. ;D

    EDIT: about the face-roll thing. lolwut? We have more stuff to watch then most classes.

    We have to keep diseases up, watch rune CDs. Depending on spec, you have a bunch of different attacks.

    What do other classes have? Someone mentioned ret pallies and their 3 button rotation.
    My warlock friend spams 2 attacks and tops the charts.
    The list goes on...

    We have way more stuff to watch and do, even while tanking for that matter. You can argue that we can spam 2 buttons if we wanted. Sure we could, if we want to do crappy dps.

    If you don't know anything about the class, stfu.

  12. #32
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Oct 2007

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by lazydk
    A little over exaggerated much? Howling blast and Obliterate both have to have diseases on the target to do good damage, so spamming one button is false. Also 6 second cooldown with a 10 second cool down. This makes a rotation a must for doing any type of good damage.

    I personally tank as Frost and have tanked every boss encounter so far without any problems. I find certain encounters easier than warrior/pally/druid, but there's others that they are superior.

    I admit, there are a lot of people who don't know how to play the class, and that's why they've gotten a bad reputation. Having a warrior/priest/warlock/mage/druid before hand has helped me because I understand the mechanics of the game and it was a fairly easy transition. The biggest change was having a good solid rotation that is pretty much required to maintain top TPS/DPS.
    Anyone that tries to claim that DK have a complicated rotation system or takes a lot of skill is delusional. You have 2 Diseases (3 if your unholy) and really only 4 Offensive ability's in your rotation. You have 2-4 really powerful defensive ability's with remarkably short cool downs any other similar ability have twice the cool down duration.

    Most of the people i know that started playing DK were utter failures at their mains and can kinda play a DK to a remote level of competence. About only useful as raid filler or BG fodder.

    And yes DK have probably the stupidest names ever. I think that creative spelling of "death knight" is a required ability.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimlor
    Deleted half the thread and gave someone a well deserved ban.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, this forum is NOT grammar school, this forum IS a gaming community. We ask everyone to post in their best-as-possible English.

    We do NOT want to see people getting bashed for poor English writing skills. I read the OP's post and I understood him perfectly fine if I put some effort into it. If you are unwilling to put effort into reading a post, please don't put effort in writing your unwanted opinion about it's grammar/spelling/choice of words.

  13. #33

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by biggredd
    as title says. i do not understand why they are hated so much. is because they are op or what.
    They aren't as op as they think they are. They don't tank as well in many cases as a warrior or paladin. They don't top the charts when it comes to actual boss damage (although the top the charts for overall raid damage).

    People hate them because they seemed to be a beacon for newbonic moronic asshats that do things like dps with defense gems or no gems at all and never worry about enchants. You should hate the player not the class, but by the 800th time you have ran into SuckyDK1-800 you just simply stop trying to find anymore good ones. Out of all the DKs I have seen I think I have see 3 good ones. They are the new huntards that everyone levels because it is easy but 99% of the players that play them suck.
    "The round, metal cooking utensil referring to the larger, cookware customarily used for, but not limited to, stews, as being of a dark shade or possibly of African descent." ~~ Fixed for now. But keep in mind any one of the words used in that fix may become politically incorrect or offensive at any moment for any reason. Further amendments may be required to prevent frivolous lawsuits in the future.

  14. #34

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by spiny
    • They are blizzard's darling class
    • They are OP (they make OP paladins look like Enh Shamans)
    • There are a bazillion of them (SWG Jedis unite!)
    • They are all named something with dark, night, darth, or some worthless pun.
    • 99% of them are truly bad at this game
    • Almost none of them tank, or could tank if they tried.
    • They start at 55, which is essentially like buying your toon on ebay: you know nothing about it.
    I agree with half of this
    They are blizzard's darling class - You meant Hero class?
    99% of them are truly bad at this game - Not so much
    They start at 55 - Again Hero class, made for Hero players who dont need to learn basics of game by leveling from level 1. Plus you actually only start with 2-3 abilities / talent points and get 1-2 new ones every level.

  15. #35

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Iosif
    Anyone that tries to claim that DK have a complicated rotation system or takes a lot of skill is delusional. You have 2 Diseases (3 if your unholy) and really only 4 Offensive ability's in your rotation. You have 2-4 really powerful defensive ability's with remarkably short cool downs any other similar ability have twice the cool down duration.

    Most of the people i know that started playing DK were utter failures at their mains and can kinda play a DK to a remote level of competence. About only useful as raid filler or BG fodder.

    And yes DK have probably the stupidest names ever. I think that creative spelling of "death knight" is a required ability.
    Didn't claim they had a complicated rotation. I claimed there must be a rotation in order to do good TPS/DPS, not just button mashing.

  16. #36

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    i tank as a dk and i am in blood. remove subversion and use frost presence and i have np with threat generation. only time was last nite with a lvl 78 shaman. he had to slow down a bit and start a tad bit later. but blood is much better now that they fixed it.

  17. #37
    Fluffy Kitten Zao's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Aug 2008

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Most people just hate DKS because the get wtfpwnd by them... And they think that the DKS who just spam Obliterate are exactly the same DKs that are topping the damage meters...The ignore that hunters/ffb mages and Destro WLs.

    As some people already said: wait a year or to and DKs will be accepted tha same as rogues and hunters were accepted through vanilla and bc.

    80% are retards but if you can prove that you are a decent DK you will have equal chances to get in a guild as every other class.

  18. #38

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    I dislike DKs for a few reasons...

    - They're everywhere. I've healed several instance groups with four DKs and my one Holy Paladin.
    - Most of them are controlled by truly bad players. In any given 5-man, I can guarantee that the DK DPS will take more damage than anyone else besides the tank, probably because they don't realize that Death Grip is a taunt.
    - They are a perfect example of the direction Blizzard seems to want to go with every class, but hasn't yet. Strong self-healing, strong defense, strong damage both single-target and AoE, strong snares, strong cooldowns, and strong anti-CC abilities. Did I miss anything? Few classes can claim to be strong in so many areas.
    - Death Grip falls into the same category as the Boomkin and Ele Shaman knockback abilities. Bad design, which Blizz wisely avoided until Wrath.

  19. #39

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    For me it is the shear amount of abilities they have:

    Self-heal whilst dishing out damage
    Absorb a mass amount of damage, melee or spell.
    Silences and interrupts
    High melee + disease/frost damage
    Extremely hard to cc, get away from them or kite them.
    They can purge/dispell spells without using a global cd like other classes.
    Then they die and come back as a Ghoul that can dish out very nice damage and has mass hp.

    All they need is a mortal strike ability and they will have everything.

    It is also because they are the most faceroll class going (only surv hunters compete) -

  20. #40

    Re: why are DKs hated so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by biggredd
    i see it all the time that guild s do not want DKs
    This has more to do with every guild being spammed with applications from DKs, and the thing is that many of these guilds have long standing members that decided to re-roll as DKs for the expansion, and those are the DKs that are taking up any spot that a guild would normally have for a DK. Normally, those DKs are better than most of the other DKs that are applying so the result is that guilds don't want DKs. Guilds normally don't want hunters either because they normally end up bogged down with hunter applications. If you want to end up in a raiding guild than level a class that no one normally plays. Traditionally that has been shaman for the alliance and paladin for the horde (which is probably changing now that ret is awesomely overpowered).
    "The round, metal cooking utensil referring to the larger, cookware customarily used for, but not limited to, stews, as being of a dark shade or possibly of African descent." ~~ Fixed for now. But keep in mind any one of the words used in that fix may become politically incorrect or offensive at any moment for any reason. Further amendments may be required to prevent frivolous lawsuits in the future.

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