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  1. #21

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers

    When you agree with a nerf to the healing....but not to the extent of totally destroying a talent....and you get deleted and honestly think it's justified?
    Blah blah blah

    learn the damn class

    Blood is healing, BLOOD TREE is healing... NOT DK,,,, BLOOD,,, ITS VERY SIMPLE

    No where on unholy and frost tree do you see heals... why? BECAUSE ITS NOT THIER FLAVOR

    If you want to keep healing, then go blood, if not stop the damn QQ
    Reject common sense to make the impossible possible!

  2. #22

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Maybe you should get a holiday from this forum aswell so you get some time to think about how much of a dumbass you look like for all other classes except DK's.

    Do you think you have what it takes to be in a 12/12 ICC heroic (world 34th) guild that doesnt use alt raids and doesnt extend raiding? Check us out at

  3. #23

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    QQ Moar

    Paladins - SoR doesnt hit as hard as SoB/SoC or create threat similar to SoV, its a redundant skill it used to be tankings bread and butter.

    Just because its baseline doesnt mean it has to be useful for all specs, i cant imagine arcane missiles to be useful for a fire mage or wrath to a feral druid.

    Things change get used to it.

    From what I hear its still pretty useful for blood spec DK's, it wasnt supposed to be big burst healing for unholy/frost.

  4. #24

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    One thing that amuses me the most is the people that say things like "This is a business, right? Where's the customer service? Is this any way to treat a customer?", yet they still make their payments next month.

  5. #25

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    People are QQing about "removal DS from action bar", and I just can't understand what's wrong with that. As you guys said, DS can do nothing but self healing as Unholy or Frost.

    Now the question is: in what situation you may want to press that key to get self healed before the hotfix ?

    In a raid as DDer ? Why lowering your DPS when you have a healer taking care of your group ?
    In a raid as Tank ? Why lowering your TPS when you have a dedicated healer watching you ?
    Soloing ? Give me a break.
    PvPing ? That's the only reason.

    There is no other class, no other ability, act like DS. You guys get so much benefit from self healing, with so little sacrifice in exchange. You guys don't need to away from damaging area, don't need to wait for DoT expire, don't need to change stance, don't need to waste GCD and lot of mana for efficient-less heal spell, don't need to get out of combat to clear debuff, and no consumable limitations. All you guys did is an alternative move in your normal rotation.

    Nerf is needed.

  6. #26

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinshiva
    WTF? It's not about whether he has a DK!!! It's about the post deleted complaint. You're using something that's got nothing to do with the topic to try and pay him out. Don't do that. That's dumb.

    He's right, if it's been seen before, there's no need for another, you yourself said you ahd already written one. Do you not know how to "GET THE MESSAGE"?

    Look it up and contribute to one that's already going.

    No matter what your mother said, you are NOT that important

    No where did I say...I created a topic on the matter....I merely voiced my concerns in a thread that had already been created. Sadly some of you have decided to take the typical WoW poster route and threw out "QQ Moar". Please, can you be any more immature?

    Talamare: I know the class...I'm not a FOTM reroll....DS was there as a baseline for all the specs to use as a healing where does it say "Blood Spec Only"...last I checked..."Blood" is a DPS spec...I see no "Healing Spec" DK' apparently you need to learn the class.

    Scrawn: All Pally specs have Lay On Hands as a baseline which can heal them to full...but by your reasoning it wouldn't be as useful for Ret as it is for Holy....right? We're talking healing...not dps like your example of arcane missiles. You can bet your ass...if arcane missiles proc'd some sort of healing...all mages would use it. DS was a baseline ability for never hit as hard as the other abilities so they gave it higher it hit's harder in blood spec so they destroyed the healing on it...which in turn severely hurt both Frost and Unholy.

    Shinshiva: asking him if he even has a DK is directly related to a deleted post about DS....I complained about a post being deleted because I disagreed with a blue about it in a thread that was not created by me. He apparently has never had a DK or else he'd know how damaging this was to non-blood spec DK's.

    Antisocial: if I got a "vacation" as you put it from these boards...then mmo-champ would be no better than Blizzard for silencing people that don't agree with them. You contributed nothing to this by that admission you should be given a vacation as well....right?

    Ulyssesric: We're complaining because of how badly it was nerfed....if everyone would read....there are very few DK's that want it back to "18k crit heals"...we pretty much all agree it should have been toned down...not to the point of if being a completely worthless ability there is absolutely NO reason for a Non-Blood Spec DK to ever use DS again. What happens if some of your healers die in a raid...DS was a way for DK's to alleviate some pressure on the remaining healers....same with a tank...a single DS strike will not affect your TPS...but can give you a nice heal. Soloing...absolutely if by accident you pull more mobs than normal.

    I posted here for some actual mature thoughts/input...not to see it devolve into WoW Forums2.

    So people who agree with the destruction of DS for non-blood...give me your reasons why you think an ability that does less healing than a single tick of a frost weave bandage is "balanced" addition to wasting runes and hitting for less than the other abilities in each tree.

  7. #27

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    They delete them because there are thousands of people trying to make the same thread every day. If they didn't the forums would be a mess. First 3 pages would be "DS NERF SUX".

    Check around, there is probably an ongoing thread talking about it already that blizzard want you to confine your DS talk to.

    If not...I don't know what else to say lol.

    EX - <PIE CHART> US TOP 10 Check 'em out

  8. #28

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers

    No where did I say...I created a topic on the matter....I merely voiced my concerns in a thread that had already been created. Sadly some of you have decided to take the typical WoW poster route and threw out "QQ Moar". Please, can you be any more immature?

    Talamare: I know the class...I'm not a FOTM reroll....DS was there as a baseline for all the specs to use as a healing where does it say "Blood Spec Only"...last I checked..."Blood" is a DPS spec...I see no "Healing Spec" DK' apparently you need to learn the class.

    Scrawn: All Pally specs have Lay On Hands as a baseline which can heal them to full...but by your reasoning it wouldn't be as useful for Ret as it is for Holy....right? We're talking healing...not dps like your example of arcane missiles. You can bet your ass...if arcane missiles proc'd some sort of healing...all mages would use it. DS was a baseline ability for never hit as hard as the other abilities so they gave it higher it hit's harder in blood spec so they destroyed the healing on it...which in turn severely hurt both Frost and Unholy.

    Shinshiva: asking him if he even has a DK is directly related to a deleted post about DS....I complained about a post being deleted because I disagreed with a blue about it in a thread that was not created by me. He apparently has never had a DK or else he'd know how damaging this was to non-blood spec DK's.

    Antisocial: if I got a "vacation" as you put it from these boards...then mmo-champ would be no better than Blizzard for silencing people that don't agree with them. You contributed nothing to this by that admission you should be given a vacation as well....right?

    Ulyssesric: We're complaining because of how badly it was nerfed....if everyone would read....there are very few DK's that want it back to "18k crit heals"...we pretty much all agree it should have been toned down...not to the point of if being a completely worthless ability there is absolutely NO reason for a Non-Blood Spec DK to ever use DS again. What happens if some of your healers die in a raid...DS was a way for DK's to alleviate some pressure on the remaining healers....same with a tank...a single DS strike will not affect your TPS...but can give you a nice heal. Soloing...absolutely if by accident you pull more mobs than normal.

    I posted here for some actual mature thoughts/input...not to see it devolve into WoW Forums2.

    So people who agree with the destruction of DS for non-blood...give me your reasons why you think an ability that does less healing than a single tick of a frost weave bandage is "balanced" addition to wasting runes and hitting for less than the other abilities in each tree.
    Here's the reason - DK is a DPS/tank class. They are not a healing class. Palis get their heals because they are that sort of hybrid. And Lay on Hands is a terribad comparison - it has a TWENTY MINUTE CD. Seriously, wtf.
    Moreover, if your healers die in a raid, a DK should not be able to somehow compensate for that while tanking. Even a pali tank only has the length of their bubble to stay alive, all the self-heals in the world aren't going to mitigate the damage a specced healer can do. If healers are dead, and there is more than 1-5% left, it's a god damn wipe, deal with it. You should not get an ability that lets you survive without your raid healers. Healers need to be kept alive at all times during a raid, almost even moreso than the tank, so if they're dying, tough rocks, you shouldn't have an ability to mitigate that.

    Furthermore, it's Blizzard's class. It seems pretty clear that the original design intent was to make DS primarily a Blood ability, but in the original release of DKs, it obvious was not. They've fixed that. It's not YOUR class, it's theirs. And again, you can still pull some serious crittage with DS, so stop with the 'it's so damn weak now' argument. It just doesn't crit-heal you for buttloads.

  9. #29

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers

    Blizzard destroyed a core ability of the DK due directly to the crying and whining of the PVPers...mainly the rogues.
    No matter if you were banned or if everyone in here is crying orwhatever..

    Its hard to argue against that DK's were somewhat OP pvpwise And im not a rogue, nor do i want to play a rogue. But it's pretty obvious that blizzard have to tune the Death knight alittle more, especially when they decide to Nerf a bunch of other classes

  10. #30

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    DK's had it coming and you know it.

    Although I don't agree with seesaw balancing where its never even, I guess thats the best blizzard can attempt to accomplish.

    I hope they nerf DKs even more though with how buffed they were before.
    Why not you paid your $15 right?

  11. #31

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers the point of if being a completely worthless ability there is absolutely NO reason for a Non-Blood Spec DK to ever use DS again.
    And what's wrong with that ?
    When I play combat Rogues, I won't waste energy on Shiv, even it's much faster collecting combos.
    When I play fire Mage, I won't waste mana on Frostbolt, even the snare effect is quite useful.
    When I play shadow Priest, I won't waste mana on any heal spells.

    Now you're Unholy or Frost, and you find DS is useless for you, so what's the big deal ?

    I'm Unholy myself in heroic blue Tank and 10-man raid DPS gears. DS can only do little damage / taunt comparing to SS. I've never specced into Frost but I guess there won't be too much difference (DS vs OB or HB). The only reason I'd press DS is soloing or tanking 5-man heroic with n00b healer.

    My main character is Rogue, a class risks taking large amount of damage and lacks of any self-healing ability. I'm trained to avoid damage, make most of mitigation acts, and trust your partner.

    This Nerf means only two thing to me: there will be bandage/food time when grinding or doing daily quests, and I've to kick bad healers out. I can live with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers
    What happens if some of your healers die in a raid...DS was a way for DK's to alleviate some pressure on the remaining healers....same with a tank...a single DS strike will not affect your TPS...but can give you a nice heal. Soloing...absolutely if by accident you pull more mobs than normal.
    When you in a raid, your healer sucks or dead, you wiped.
    When you soloing and you pulled too much adds, you die.
    That's the way other classes play this game.

    There is no other class, no other ability, act like DS. DKs get so much benefit from self healing, with so little sacrifice in exchange.

    DKs can self heal, and
    don't need to away from damaging area,
    don't need to wait for DoT expire,
    don't need to change stance,
    don't need to waste GCD and lot of mana for efficient-less heal spell,
    don't need to get out of combat to clear debuff,
    no consumable limitations.

    All DKs did is an alternative move in the normal rotation, and the only thing you sacrifice is a little DPS/TPS.

    Do you really think that's fair to all other classes ?

  12. #32

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by RestoRiven
    I hope they nerf DKs even more though with how buffed they were before.
    Sadly it's tards like you that Blizzard seems to listen to in terms of class balancing.


  13. #33

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers
    WoW...had you decided to wait and be an adult for 3 hours more, you'd realize that:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler
    We have since made another hotfix to just change the way the healing works completely. It now heals 5% of the death knight's health per disease on the target, up to a max of 15%. This should allow Frost and Unholy to benefit from Death Strike healing while letting Blood benefit from extra Death Strike damage. The tooltip will not reflect this change until we can patch the client.
    Posting on the WoW forums worked well for me...

  14. #34

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of the WOW population won't even read up on what the ability did, how it was used or what this nerf means. They'll see 'DK nerf' and assume that it's to a justified extent and in a good direction, and if you try to say otherwise they'll say 'qqqqqq noob.' This forum's a good example of that.

    The DS nerf was the wrong way to nerf the class. It fulfilled its intent of bringing Blood's healing more in-line with the rational, but it destroyed a non-OP and functional ability from Unholy and Frost, thus making the class a little more boring.

    vvv you're not helping things :P vvv

  15. #35

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    I hope all the mouthbreathers that were happy for the completely retarded previous hotfix numbers can choke on their own bile now that DS is back to being usefull.Apparently,dipshits,Blizzard disagreed with you on what balance is.

    Special mention to Rogues and Locks:Mutilate and Conflagrate aint coming back ever.Enjoy.

  16. #36

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by seaboogers

    When you agree with a nerf to the healing....but not to the extent of totally destroying a talent....and you get deleted and honestly think it's justified?

    Post after post...that has agreed the healing being nerfed...but not as drastically as it was...has been deleted.

    Blizzard destroyed a core ability of the DK due directly to the crying and whining of the PVPers...mainly the rogues.

    DS was used mainly as a healing wasn't there for "dps"....Frost and Unholy relied on that to heal themselves...they have plenty of other dps options.

    I could careless about PVP...I PVE...I've never done arena on this toon...I've run SOTA once...and ran WG maybe a handful of times...PVP is not my thing....Blizzard needs to stop nerfing PVE because of PVP period.

    Like all of us Frost/Unholy DK's have been saying....YES...DS needed to be toned down...not's pretty sad when a single tick of a heavy frostweave bandage or a rune of the fallen crusader proc now heals for more than a DS crit does.

    There isn't a single good reason...for a non-blood DK to have DS on their action bars anymore.....sadly...anytime this is mentioned on the WoW forums...."Delete/Ban"!!!!
    how and where in hell do you raid? im rading as blood and unholy 3k dps and i never EVER used DS to raid

  17. #37

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    IT/PS/DS/HS/HS RP dump

    This is the standard setup for blood these days. DS is used to create Death Runes.

    Obliterate isn't really in vogue anymore.

  18. #38

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    you got hit with the balance bat, get over it.
    If you only stack stam to tank, go to the auction house and buy all the "of stamina" gear you can get your little fingers lets see how well you do.

  19. #39

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Yeah, doesn't matter they hotfixed DS again. It's fine now. But OP, you bash all these people for not reading what you say when how much of what they've said has gotten to you? I see idiots on both sides of the argument. Then for mainly not knowing much about DS and making stupid assumptions. You for believing there's some huge conspiracy theory to shut up people who speaks out. Um no, posts got deleted because that's all that has been on the DK boards the past few days. Not to mention if I can go by your OP on here, you were probably spamming your opinion if you spent two days posting about it. Now, maybe you'll actually read this post you'll realize that you're pissing and moaning over something that WAS your fault and if the other people read this maybe they'll actually realize they should know the in and outs of something before they decide to act like an expert about it.

  20. #40

    Re: Don't bother posting in the "official" WOW Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by Revnant
    Yeah, doesn't matter they hotfixed DS again. It's fine now.
    I'm just going to say that it's not fine when it's healing is almost matched by blood pressence or fallen crusader. might be fine for blood but since it's ignoring some of the ways it use to work it's not fine for all. I particularly like how it doesn't grant more healing for having 3 diseases.
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