1. #1

    rogue + moonkin, viable?

    hi everyone.

    im playing since vanilla beta and i guess im prety good at my class after 4 years. im a moonkin. same for my mate, rogue. when wotlk was announced, my plan was to play a charakter to level 80 and make him a very good bg char, since ive got not so much time to play atm. but things changed and now that i got full pvp gear (2 furious, rest hatefull/deadly) i want to do arena with my sublety rogue friend.

    our tactic is mass cc most of the times. we often win against some in our opinion prety hard combos like healpala/retpala, rogue/frostmage, discpriest/rogue. we are at 1400-1500 now and its getting hard for us to get any higher.

    dks and retripalas are our problem. in the very most of the games where we face a dk or ret plus a hard-to-kill-healer (lets say 20+k hp healdruids and dicpriests or skilled other healers) or a secound not-so-sucky-dd (anything above 20k hp or w/e) we get owned. ret dk is worst case as u can image, we can survive as long as we are able to completly cc one of them, but if they are somehow able to get out of our controle they hit me away in very few gcds.

    we thought about playing rogue/healdruid, caus we think healdruids are prety good in arena atm, but my m8s resilience is to low and my whole gear is critbased. thats not a problem in our current setup, because most of the time im their focus target.

    ok now dks and rets melt our faces but we can(!) kill most of the other classes/specs. but somehow we face dks in about 50-70% (guess) of all games.

    if any dk or ret has got pwned by a rogue and a moonkin, have u got suggestions how this 2 could beat you? whats your weakness?

    does any1 see rogue/balance in higher ratings? is it viable in any form? we just want 1850 for arena weapons, but we are doing something wrong maybe or our combo is just sux

    maybe some other rogue/moonkin players got tips.

    thanks for enduring this long post. im sorry for my english.


  2. #2

    Re: rogue + moonkin, viable?

    Watch buddhist + lewt on wcm.

    Rogue community: the thing that makes us OP is a combination of 130 energy and overkill, not mutilate damage.

    Ghostretard: Nah, we'll cut the balls off mutilate, lawl

    Rogue community:...................

    Ghostretard: We're happy where rogues are in PvP

    Ghostretard: Wait, NM we'll also nerf overkill now and give you absolutely no fucking compensation while deathtards and retnubs still do gross amounts of damage with better defensive capabilities.

  3. #3

    Re: rogue + moonkin, viable?

    there is neither a dk nor a ret paly in it. any qualified answers?^^

  4. #4

    Re: rogue + moonkin, viable?

    Quote Originally Posted by sirrk
    there is neither a dk nor a ret paly in it. any qualified answers?^^

    need ma troll be gone spray. anyone got the pic?

    I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species

  5. #5

    Re: rogue + moonkin, viable?

    Moonkin rogue = buddhist + lewt

    'nuf said

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