1. #1

    Death Rune Mastery Broken

    Forgive me if this has been answered but I haven't found an explanation. When I DS, the Frost/Unholy runes light up like Death Runes however they function as though they were not death runes at all. As a test i did 2 DS 2 BS. I couldn't use any one Blood rune ability until the blood runes were off CD. Thoughts?

  2. #2

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    Having played my DK as blood ever since his creation, I have never had this happen to me.

  3. #3

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    I have not ever had that problem, not even after the patching and all the restarts last night.

  4. #4

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    i have run into this problem while tanking just a few times.... it will tell me that i dont have runes available for Heartstrike when im staring at a deathrune in the bloodrune spot, because my rotation messed up or something, and my bloodtap was used.... dunno what it is

  5. #5

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    I suppose you can do your best to duplicate this, record everything you've done from the beginning of your test (rotation, spec, every button you push basically) then go on the bug forum (or whatever it's called) and let blizz know. Maybe other people have said something similar, maybe not, but they'll want to know as much as possible about what you did because they're going to try and duplicate it.

  6. #6

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    It could be something with your addons not working properly. I know I have had a few times using Runewatch where it showed the runes as active however I wasn't able to use them.

  7. #7

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    Quote Originally Posted by HighTower128
    It could be something with your addons not working properly. I know I have had a few times using Runewatch where it showed the runes as active however I wasn't able to use them.
    Yes, this addon sometimes show you that you have active runes, but you cant use it, it doest matter what addon shows, it cant be broken by addon, it only display to you, if you got error message about not enought runes, then it cant be from addon..because you will be able to make addon that will display to you always full runes and you can spam one ability forever

    I have never had this insue whith blood, but whith unholy, sometimes blood runes doesnt shou up as death, but as blood, and yes, i cant use ss after 2s bs, so it isnt addon problem

  8. #8

    Re: Death Rune Mastery Broken

    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm
    i have run into this problem while tanking just a few times.... it will tell me that i dont have runes available for Heartstrike when im staring at a deathrune in the bloodrune spot, because my rotation messed up or something, and my bloodtap was used.... dunno what it is
    Its a client side glitch. What has happend to you is that you did indead use that rune BUT the animation for the cooldown didnt trigger on your screen. So it apears that you cant use it but you already have.
    When people say "pls" just because its shorter then "please", I feel totally justified to say "No" just because its shorter then "Yes".

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