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  1. #21

    Re: Looking for advices on faction champions hard mode 10man

    what we do in both 10 and 25 heroic modes:
    we kill the first 2-3 highest melee dps which is: rogue, warrior, ret pally, then kill the rest.
    why kill the dps first ?
    because the burst damage on our raid will drop significantly after 2 minutes.

    if you kill the healers first, the raid burst damage is there for the whole duration of the fight, and trust me someone will get gibbed and get like 1 shot if 3-4 npc's target the same person.
    Stop standing in fire...

  2. #22

    Re: Looking for advices on faction champions hard mode 10man

    use your CC. With that raid setup polymorph the priest and kill the druid first with the non MS toon locking out the shaman (MS should always be on the focus target). pop Bloodlust right way. Your Blood DK needs to respec as well because heart strike is considered an AoE effect and is gimping his damage (try unholy i is OP on almost every fight in TOC). If possible get a rogue or a feral druid into the raid over one of the mages. rogues and druids can completely lock out casters so they won't be able to get a spell off the entire fight.

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