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  1. #1

    BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Alright so, I've finished off leveling my hunter recently and really enjoy the use of BM. I could careless about exotic pets. (4 point bonus is lovely though) I know that BM is currently the red headed step child of raiding specs, but is there any viable ones out there for it?

    Reason I like BM so much (Possibly reasons others like it?) is because of how much you buff your pet and vice versa.

    Also, if possible could you give me tips on what gems I need to look for?

    I'm not used to a hunter...
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    Because I cannot summon Shadowmourne and actually have to wait until a GM does it before I can query the stats, just like anyone else.

    No, just kidding, it's a huge conspiracy of course.

  2. #2

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    I am so sorry to say NO ! There is officially no viable BM spec in the game(live or PTR) for PvE.
    Not only because your Max dps(when you are standing still and following your prio exactly) is lower than viable SV or MM specs but also because your pet is extremly likely to die on most boss encounters.
    I am kinda pro at managing my pet but sometimes you can't do anything at all about him dying. And when your pet dies as BM you have officially lost 39% of your total dps which is already lower than what it should be.

    As you said you have just dinged 80 I am not gonna suggest any MM builds though that is your ultimate spec when you are more geared.
    So spec SV and gem agil to the fuckin end.
    Actually this is how you shall gem :
    Gem everything using the red agil gem ( yes. Ignore socket bonus) UNLESS :
    1. You are lower than the 8% hit cap.
    2. The socket bonus is Agi or ArP or hit(if not capped yet) and you need to gem a yellow for that.
    Whatever you do don't gem blues.

    you can also check caleb's SV guide at I found that guide kinda useful for beginner hunters.
    80 Orc Hunter
    80 Tauren druid
    80 Tauren Warrior
    80 Orc Warlock
    80 Blood elf Death knight
    To Be continued...

  3. #3

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaskal
    I am so sorry to say NO ! There is officially no viable BM spec in the game(live or PTR) for PvE.
    Not only because your Max dps(when you are standing still and following your prio exactly) is lower than viable SV or MM specs but also because your pet is extremly likely to die on most boss encounters.
    I am kinda pro at managing my pet but sometimes you can't do anything at all about him dying. And when your pet dies as BM you have officially lost 39% of your total dps which is already lower than what it should be.

    As you said you have just dinged 80 I am not gonna suggest any MM builds though that is your ultimate spec when you are more geared.
    So spec SV and gem agil to the fuckin end.
    Actually this is how you shall gem :
    Gem everything using the red agil gem ( yes. Ignore socket bonus) UNLESS :
    1. You are lower than the 8% hit cap.
    2. The socket bonus is Agi or ArP or hit(if not capped yet) and you need to gem a yellow for that.
    Whatever you do don't gem blues.

    you can also check caleb's SV guide at I found that guide kinda useful for beginner hunters.
    If your pet dies on a fight, you are bad. Theres like no fights these days that will kill your pet. Sarth and Mim are the only 2 that really have a chance at your pet dying. Anyways, @OP, this is like the billionth thread this week about "what should I gem, what should I enchant?", so not to be mean or anything, but seriously hit the search button or something.

    But as a sidenote: the Devilsaur, an exotic pet, is best dps for BM atm. Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  4. #4

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    for bm raiding you should roll with a Devilsaur, it gives the most dps. If i were pve bm It'd look something like this:,O-8-q3,10623
    i left out two points for what ever you need be it hit rating, invigoration, or what ever you like.

  5. #5

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    While last time I checked was only a few weeks ago, the best DPS spec for BM is,Oyt-q3,10623 Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  6. #6

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    im sorry but no... this is the best spec,Oy8-q3,10623

    and this is the best spec for "fluffy"


    kill shot > arcane shot > multi shot > serpent sting > steady

    if serpent is about to run out but arcane and/or multi is available... use them before refreshing serpent
    Oh yes, there is a method to my madness O.o
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    We generally consider 0 / 0 / 71 builds to be a failure.

  7. #7

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Oh hey ya, sry was modifying his spec so I didnt see the 5/5 frenzy, knew I had something off... But ya what the guy above me said. Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  8. #8

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaskal
    I am so sorry to say NO ! There is officially no viable BM spec in the game(live or PTR) for PvE.
    Not only because your Max dps(when you are standing still and following your prio exactly) is lower than viable SV or MM specs but also because your pet is extremly likely to die on most boss encounters.
    I am kinda pro at managing my pet but sometimes you can't do anything at all about him dying. And when your pet dies as BM you have officially lost 39% of your total dps which is already lower than what it should be.

    As you said you have just dinged 80 I am not gonna suggest any MM builds though that is your ultimate spec when you are more geared.
    So spec SV and gem agil to the fuckin end.
    Actually this is how you shall gem :
    Gem everything using the red agil gem ( yes. Ignore socket bonus) UNLESS :
    1. You are lower than the 8% hit cap.
    2. The socket bonus is Agi or ArP or hit(if not capped yet) and you need to gem a yellow for that.
    Whatever you do don't gem blues.

    you can also check caleb's SV guide at I found that guide kinda useful for beginner hunters.
    This is not really all that true anymore, the difference between MM and SV at the highest levels is minimal, and the lower gear threshold for playing MM is lower than a lot of people think. Personally I'm a fan of SV, but I know either spec is raid viable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Weerra View Post
    Casual/hardcore and skill/noskill are not related.
    You can casually raid a couple short nights per week, and if you are skilled, you will clear that content eventually.
    Or you can bang your head on it every night for 5 hours straight and eventually you will clear it even with crap for skills.

  9. #9

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by VonGimli
    If your pet dies on a fight, you are bad. Theres like no fights these days that will kill your pet. Sarth and Mim are the only 2 that really have a chance at your pet dying. Anyways, @OP, this is like the billionth thread this week about "what should I gem, what should I enchant?", so not to be mean or anything, but seriously hit the search button or something.

    But as a sidenote: the Devilsaur, an exotic pet, is best dps for BM atm.
    Pretty much this. You're absolutely terrible if your pet dies on any fight besides Mim (hard-mode), personally I think even sarth is easy. Unholy dk, but yea..a melee pet is a melee pet

  10. #10

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    I don't get why you would let your guild/raid down by not speccing to maximize your DPS. If I were a raidleader, I would NEVER invite someone who's not correctly specced.

  11. #11

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by VonGimli
    If your pet dies on a fight, you are bad. Theres like no fights these days that will kill your pet. Sarth and Mim are the only 2 that really have a chance at your pet dying. Anyways, @OP, this is like the billionth thread this week about "what should I gem, what should I enchant?", so not to be mean or anything, but seriously hit the search button or something.

    But as a sidenote: the Devilsaur, an exotic pet, is best dps for BM atm.
    faction champs, heigan, KT, iron council, can all kill your pets if you arent paying attention.

  12. #12

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by weshallarise
    faction champs, heigan, KT, iron council, can all kill your pets if you arent paying attention.
    Oh, and try sarth with a devilsaur... lets see you survive THAT lava wall! Hes to big and literally cannot fit inbetween the walls, I even tried eyes of the beast to perfectly position him.... Its possible if he doesnt have either BW or Heroism up... but when he has both? Not even close to a chance Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  13. #13

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Oh, and try sarth with a devilsaur...
    That is.. so incredibly easy to do..

    Like most people say, it is all about how you control your pet.

    I'll let you think about that for a moment, if you cannot figure out how to get your Devilsaur to avoid Flame Wall then you need to work on your pet control.

  14. #14

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Using I got better dps with this Spec

    The biggest difference is that you never break Aspect of the Beast unless you oom.

    And astonishingly I got 90 more dps then my current survival build.

  15. #15

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sim
    That is.. so incredibly easy to do..

    Like most people say, it is all about how you control your pet.

    I'll let you think about that for a moment, if you cannot figure out how to get your Devilsaur to avoid Flame Wall then you need to work on your pet control.
    Wow, you really are dumb. Its literally bigger then the hole at certain points, the pet grows so much in combat. Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  16. #16

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by VonGimli
    Wow, you really are dumb. Its literally bigger then the hole at certain points, the pet grows so much in combat.
    I thought that was fixed when they dabbed with pet scaling. Their hitboxes are smaller then bw size as well.

  17. #17

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it. Should help.
    ( I am joking and shamelessly hijacking this thread to further my own joke. Repent. )

  18. #18

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrizesu
    I thought that was fixed when they dabbed with pet scaling. Their hitboxes are smaller then bw size as well.
    Hmm... perhaps... I havent done it since the days where sarth+3 was srs business... Maybe the guy before just never did sarth till then. I remember my devilsaur would be able to attack the adds in phase 2 malygos, the ones that fly around. His hitbox was so big that he could reach them, but since he was meleeing them, for some reason the game wanted him at equal level with them... so therefore he would literally "fly" up and hover next to them, attacking them. Was pretty hilarous to see the flying dinosaur eating them. Amazing video of 60+ devilsaurs raiding Undercity!

    My God, what a horrible creation. People seeing what they want? Thank God they tried to shy away from that. I know it pisses me off when I'm in an heroic raid, yet in the back of my head all I can think is 'some casual player is playing a heroic dungeon and not wiping.' -Vodkarn

  19. #19

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    Im pretty sure they reduced the stacking size on Monsters Bite. At 3 stacks its like what 1 stack used to be. Tho BW and Hero/BL still make it incredabile huge

  20. #20

    Re: BM spec, yes I'm asking it.

    my huge monster doesnt fit in sarth's tiny hole
    Oh yes, there is a method to my madness O.o
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    We generally consider 0 / 0 / 71 builds to be a failure.

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