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  1. #1

    Common Warrior Macros

    Updated: 1/02/2013

    NOTE: You can adjust all modifiers: [mod:ctrl], [mod:shift] or [mod:alt], whatever suits you best
    NOTE: For weapon Swapping i highly recommend making a specific set in the equipment manager.
    This is mainly for Fury warriors who have 2 of the same weapon, as /equip weapon can't set them apart.
    For the purpose of this thread i will use 4 sets as examples through all my macros to make it easier.

    /equipset SnB = Set equipped with a Shield and a One hander
    /equipset Axe = Set equipped with a two hander
    /equipset Fury = Set equipped dual wielding
    /equipset SnB Fury = Set equipped with a two hander in the main hand and a shield in the offhand.

    You must change the bolded part with the names of your own set from the equipment manager, it is sensitive to caps.

    NOTE: At the bottom you will find the section with the Slash Commands used, information about them and how to adapt them within your own macros.

    Pre-made Macros:

    - Shield Wall

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /equipset SnB
    /cast Defensive Stance
    /cast Shield Wall

    Fury version:

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /equipset SnB Fury
    /cast Defensive Stance
    /cast Shield Wall

    Alternative Shield Wall/Defensive Stance Macro:

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /cast [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance
    /equipset [stance:2] SnB
    /cast [stance:2] Shield Wall

    Will put you in defensive stance if you are not yet, if you just need the damage mitigation from Defensive Stance.
    Will equip Shield and Onehander and use Shield Wall if you're in Defensive Stance.

    - Spell Reflection

    #showtooltip Spell Reflection
    /equipset SnB
    /cast Spell Reflection

    Fury version:

    #showtooltip Spell Reflection
    /equipset SnB Fury
    /cast Defensive Stance
    /cast Spell Reflection

    - Pummel

    #showtooltip Pummel
    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Pummel
    /cast [nomod] Pummel
    /cancelaura Bladestorm
    /cancelaura Hand of Protection

    Will hit your focus if holding down ctrl. Will hit your current target if no modifiers are pressed.
    Cancelaura bladestorm and Hand of Protection added so you are free to interrupt.
    These will be found in many of the following macros.

    - Storm Bolt

    #showtooltip Throwdown
    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Storm Bolt
    /cast [nomod] Storm Bolt
    /cancelaura Bladestorm
    /cancelaura Hand of Protection

    - Shattering Throw

    #showtooltip Shattering Throw
    /cast Shattering Throw
    /cancelaura Bladestorm
    /cancelaura Hand of Protection

    - Spammable Heroic Leap Macro

    #showtooltip Heroic Leap
    /cast !Heroic Leap
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    A simple Heroic Leap macro to stop the targeting circle from toggling off if you're spamming the key.


    /cast [@targettarget, help] Vigilance

    Puts Vigilance on your targets target, if its a friendly target.
    Good for when your partner is getting focussed on.

    /cast [help] Vigilance
    /cast [@mouseover, help] Vigilance

    If you prefer to manually apply Vigilance to a target. If you have an ally selected, it casts Vigilance, otherwise it will use Vigilance on your mouseover.

    -Enraged Regeneration

    #showtooltip Enraged Regeneration
    /cast Berserker Rage
    /cast Enraged Regeneration
    /use <Battlemaster trinket>

    Enraged Regeneration requires an Enrage effect to consume. Berserker Rage is considered an enrage effect and will allow you the use of Enraged Regeneration when active.
    Does not consume Berserker Rage.
    Note: I prefer keeping Berserker Rage on a seperate key altogether unless its a necessity. As you will need Berserker Rage to prevent fear, sap and incapacitation in PvP and trigger Enrage to maximize damage.

    - Heroic Throw

    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Heroic Throw
    /cast [nomod] Heroic Throw

    - Charge/Intervene

    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Charge
    /cast [nomod] Charge
    /cast [nomod, help] Intervene
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    With mouseover:

    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Charge
    /cast [nomod] Charge
    /cast [nomod, @mouseover, help] Intervene
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    - Announcing Shield Wall/Last Stand to raid and party

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /rw <your name> used Shield Wall
    /p <your name> used Shield Wall
    /raid <your name> used Shield Wall
    /cast Shield Wall
    /dbm broadcast timer 00:12 <your name>'s Shield Wall

    #showtooltip Last Stand
    /rw <your name> used Last Stand
    /p <your name> used Last Stand
    /raid <your name> used Last Stand
    /cast Last Stand
    /dbm broadcast timer 00:20 <your name>'s Last Stand

    - Fast Marking

    /run if GetRaidTargetIndex("target")~=0 then SetRaidTarget("target",8)end

    Using this will mark your current target with a Skull Marking. Fast and Easy.
    Change the red number to anything from 1-8 to make it set a different mark.

    - Focus Target charge/intercept

    #showtooltip Charge
    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Charge
    /cast [nomod] Charge
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    #showtooltip Intervene
    /cast [mod:ctrl, @focus] Intervene
    /cast [nomod] Intervene
    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    Additionall specific target Intervene:

    #showtooltip Intervene
    /cast [@NAMEOFPLAYER] Intervene

    I find myself most commonly using this to Intervene your Arena Healer to eat a Hunter trap.

    - Burst Macro

    #showtooltip Recklessness
    /cast !Deadly Calm
    /cast !Avatar
    /cast !Recklessness
    /cast !Berserker Rage
    /cast !Skull Banner
    /use 14

    __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    Commands: Do-It-Yourself.

    #showtooltip <Name of ability>

    Using this will keep the normal tooltip of a dedicated ability if there are multiple abilities within the same macro. It shows cooldown and GCD triggers on the icon.


    I recommend using this in macros with hamstring, mortal strike, Bloodthirst and more important damaging abilities.
    Prevents you from having to right-click the target if you tab target without rage.

    EDIT: In MoP this is much less of a problem with the changes to rage management.

    /equipset <Name of Set>
    /equipslot 16 <Mainhand>
    /equipslot 17 <Offhand>

    Due to the nature of Warrior abilities requiring us to often swap to a Shield and One hander, it is better to have a single key dedicated to swap back to your main weapon.

    /cancelaura Bladestorm

    Bladestorm locks you out of abilities. But some abilities are important in certain situations. For example: Pummel, Throwdown, Shattering Throw, etc.
    You will want to cancel Bladestorm to use this if necessary.

    /cast [mod:shift], [mod:alt] or [mod:ctrl]
    /cast [nomod]

    Adding modifiers into macros gives you the option to add multiple abilities with a GCD into one.
    Hold down Shift, Alt or Ctrl with the proper modifier added to a /cast ability. If no modifier is held down it will choose the [nomod] line.

    /cast [@target]
    /cast [@focus]
    /cast [@mouseover]
    /cast [@*]

    *= the name of the target you wish to dedicate this ability to. For example Vigilance on party member
    This will dedicate a /cast to a specific target, be it your current target, your focus, your mouseover or a specific ally.

    /cast [stance:1]
    /cast [stance:2]
    /cast [stance:3]

    Uses an ability only when in a specific stance.
    1 = Battle Stance, 2 = Defensive Stance, 3 = Berserker Stance

    Alternatively you can use these:

    /cast [nostance:1]

    This will cast an ability if you are NOT in Battle Stance


    /cast [nostance:1/2] Berserker Stance
    /cast [stance:3] Whirlwind

    This macro will put you into Berserker Stance if you are in either Battle or Defensive Stance, if you are in Berserker Stance it will Whirlwind instead.

    /use <name of trinket>

    Obvious one, this allows you to attach a Trinket to other abilities/cooldowns.
    For example, Deadly Calm has a 2min CD, many trinkets have the same cooldown, you can attach them to one another to reduce clutter on your action bars.

    /cast [harm]
    /cast [help]

    This will allow to to specifically use an ability depending on wether your target is friend or foe.
    For example, Intervene is built so it also activates if the target of your target is friendly, often collides with charge and intercept if in the same macro.
    Adding a /cast [harm] charge and /cast [help] Intervene will prevent this from bugging

    /castsequence reset=*

    This allows you to use multiple abilities that have a GCD to share one macro without modifiers.
    For example:

    /castsequence reset=15 Charge, Intercept

    This will cast Charge on the first push and Intercept on the second. If There is no second push after 15 seconds to initiate the Intercept action, it will reset.
    The reset timer is determined by the cooldown of Charge in this case.

    /target arena 1
    /target arena 2
    /target arena 3

    Dedicated for arena (3v3) to targets the opposite team quickly.

    /cast [@arena 1]

    Is also possible, but i prefer to use /focus as a warrior, because our control is very limited anyway.

    You can have a combination of different bracketted commands.
    For example:

    #showtooltip Charge
    /cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance
    /cast [mod:shift, @focus, harm] Charge
    /cast [nomod, harm, @target] Charge

    This macro will have a priority check like this:
    1. Are you in Battle Stance?
    No -> Activates Battle Stance
    Yes -> Next step
    2. Do you have Shift down?
    Yes -> Charges focus Target
    No -> Next step
    3. Charge current target
    Last edited by Powell; 2013-02-01 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Update

  2. #2

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    I personally have cancel bladestorm on the same makro with /cast charge, it makes sense, whenever you cancel bladestorm it's because you want to charge because you are obviously out of range.
    also my bladestorm is on SHift+Q so it's gonna be kind of hard to hit ctrl and that again.

    by the way my intervene makro didn't really work, I once tried to make it on my own but I just couldn't get the modifier [target=name] to work. my makro now is just
    /target name
    /cast intervene
    so maybe I did something else wrong

    also I have in my spellreflect makro /cast [stande:3] Battlestance, not defensive stance, because most likely when you are in berserker, you are being offensive, so if you want to then hit spellreflect, it would only make sense that you charge right after, therefore go into battlestance right away

  3. #3

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Quote Originally Posted by Bananengurke
    I personally have cancel bladestorm on the same makro with /cast charge, it makes sense, whenever you cancel bladestorm it's because you want to charge because you are obviously out of range.
    also my bladestorm is on SHift+Q so it's gonna be kind of hard to hit ctrl and that again.

    by the way my intervene makro didn't really work, I once tried to make it on my own but I just couldn't get the modifier [target=name] to work. my makro now is just
    /target name
    /cast intervene
    so maybe I did something else wrong

    also I have in my spellreflect makro /cast [stande:3] Battlestance, not defensive stance, because most likely when you are in berserker, you are being offensive, so if you want to then hit spellreflect, it would only make sense that you charge right after, therefore go into battlestance right away
    i fixed the intervene macro, it should have modifier part first, so it does a check
    ctrl pushed down? yes -> use mod, no -> use next line, normal intervene
    anyway, i like the idea on charge to cancelaura, i will add that.

    and, i can agree with the wanting to charge right after, you can change the /cast def to /cast battlestance
    but if your for example being focussed by a rmp your likely to need to go defensive stance either way
    i personally dont have any of the /cast stance in my macro, i keybind them all so i switch for whatever situation is best for it
    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  4. #4
    Scarab Lord Master Guns's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Nice post, some helpful macros in there.

    Check out the directors cut of my project SCHISM, a festival winning short film

  5. #5

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    added a few more macro's
    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  6. #6

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Cool post Your "Swift one shot macro" is a tad more complicated though, as you'd want more than just the stancedance with Recklessness and Shield Block in there.
    Signature removed. Please read our guidelines. Venara

  7. #7

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Quote Originally Posted by XtreO
    Cool post Your "Swift one shot macro" is a tad more complicated though, as you'd want more than just the stancedance with Recklessness and Shield Block in there.
    i CAN complicate the macro much more then it needs to be, with modifiers etc, but this is the base macro to start the chain of events.

    the following abilities are charge and shieldslam, and these are generally keybinded on easy-to-acces keys

    /use <Trinket>

    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  8. #8

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    As prot raiding warrior I tend to use some macro's to announce my Last Stand in /say, yet less usefull, but the following one is quite usefull: Announcing my Shield Wall use (and timer) on DBM.
    I'm not at home atm though, so can't copy the macro on here. Will do so as soon as I come home.
    The healers are loving it, knowing exactly when to pop a new cd on me or to throw some more heals to me, finish that quick heal on someone else, or whatever

  9. #9

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    i can imagine it would be something like

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /cast Shield Wall
    /p <Name> used Shield Wall
    /raid <Name> used Shield Wall

    can complicate it for pvp or arena with

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /equipslot 16 <1hander>
    /equipslot 17 <Shield>
    /cast Defensive Stance
    /cast Shield Wall
    /p <Name> used Shield Wall
    /raid <Name> used Shield Wall
    /equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 16 <2hander>
    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  10. #10

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Thanks for the macro's my warrior just hit 80 and those were the macros i was looking for

  11. #11

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's


    #showtooltip Spell Reflection
    /equipslot 16 <1H>
    /equipslot 17 <Shield>
    /cast Spell reflection
    /cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance
    /equip [modifier:ctrl] <2H>


    If you're in Zerker stance, you'd be better suited swapping to Battle for the spell reflect, since you would rather not incur the 10% dmg penalty.

    Unless your aim is to use the move purely defensively perhaps in conjunction with shield wall, well then use your D stance macro and or your shield wall macro and then use spell reflect, so you dont go to battle.

  12. #12

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /rw * Your Name: Shield Wall Up *
    /use Shield Wall
    /dbm broadcast timer 00:12 Venun's Shield

    That's the macro I was describing abit ago
    It basically gives DBM a timer for your shield (needs raid assist or lead to use it)

  13. #13

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Quote Originally Posted by Venun
    #showtooltip Shield Wall
    /rw * Your Name: Shield Wall Up *
    /use Shield Wall
    /dbm broadcast timer 00:12 Venun's Shield

    That's the macro I was describing abit ago
    It basically gives DBM a timer for your shield (needs raid assist or lead to use it)
    you could add /p * Your Name: Shield Wall Up * or/and /raid * Your Name: Shield Wall Up *
    i highly doubt it would be annoying in raids, due to the time between usage, and would also help in /p

    do you also need leader or assist for the DBM to work, btw?

    but i'll add that

    Quote Originally Posted by bw13187

    #showtooltip Spell Reflection
    /equipslot 16 <1H>
    /equipslot 17 <Shield>
    /cast Spell reflection
    /cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance
    /equip [modifier:ctrl] <2H>


    If you're in Zerker stance, you'd be better suited swapping to Battle for the spell reflect, since you would rather not incur the 10% dmg penalty.

    Unless your aim is to use the move purely defensively perhaps in conjunction with shield wall, well then use your D stance macro and or your shield wall macro and then use spell reflect, so you dont go to battle.
    added it to the explanation, so ppl can choose

    but i tend to not use any of them because of this issue, you will never know whether you need it for defensive issues or as a offensive spellreflect
    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  14. #14

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Yes you need assist at the minimum for it to work
    and the /raid and /p would be unnecesary, as you already put it in DBM timers and on a /rw (raid warning) ;-)

  15. #15

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Quote Originally Posted by Venun
    Yes you need assist at the minimum for it to work
    and the /raid and /p would be unnecesary, as you already put it in DBM timers and on a /rw (raid warning) ;-)
    yea, thats pretty much why i asked
    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  16. #16

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    added a very handy warbringer macro for all you prot warriors having trouble using modifiers.
    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  17. #17

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    these macros suck, it's like 1 macro for each ability
    as a warrior you need your macros to have as many abilities in 1 to make it easier to fight
    you'll just get them mixed and fail terrible if you use these
    nice effort tho

  18. #18

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Quote Originally Posted by archdevilro
    these macros suck, it's like 1 macro for each ability
    as a warrior you need your macros to have as many abilities in 1 to make it easier to fight
    you'll just get them mixed and fail terrible if you use these
    nice effort tho
    owke, if you are gna be an ass, atleast be correct.

    how can a macro that helps suck?
    a macro that equips your shield and spellreflects/shieldwalls/shield bash, suck?
    almost all the macro's have multiple abilities and equipments combined, as mouseovers or modifiers

    and no, you are wrong... how can a macro with as many abilities in 1 make a fight easier?

    if you want a castsequence macro of all abilities thats fine by me, make one that i can add.
    then again, ALL abilities are important in different situations, you cant use make a macro for a castsequence of your important abilities, because you will get fucked if you need certain abilities for certain situations.

    if you have the least knowledge of playing a warrior you would know this, if you have the proper knowledge of ANY class you will know that combining as many important abilities into 1 will ALWAYS go wrong.

    There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

  19. #19

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    Quote Originally Posted by archdevilro
    these macros suck, it's like 1 macro for each ability
    as a warrior you need your macros to have as many abilities in 1 to make it easier to fight
    you'll just get them mixed and fail terrible if you use these
    nice effort tho
    or you can ebay your account and have someone else play it for you... it's the ultimate in lazyness...

  20. #20

    Re: Common Warrior Macro's

    i sayd it's a good effort
    but all the macros can get improved, and it also depends on play style
    for a person who like to have 40 buttons to push, yes your macros are good
    for example BS macro with charge is shit you actually need to have 2 button to start end bladestorm
    /cast /cancelaura but i guess some of you go parkinson disease and like to spam button i'm ok with that
    i also use 1 macro for stance dance +charge+intercept + hamstring
    and the spell reflect and shield wall macro can get improved aswell
    hmmm, what happens if no rage, ohh fuck i died, try putting bloodrage there see what happens
    and you would also like to use enraged regenaration and battlemaster trinket when you shield wall, trust me, it helps alot
    and there alot of other things that you can do
    most usefull warrior macro is /cast bloodrage /cast demo shout you won't believe how good is that

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