1. #1

    Am I on the right track

    Below is my wowhead profile. And I would like to know if I am on the right track. I quest and BG with the smite spec. And use the disc for healing. I mostly quest solo and BG due to my limited time. I have been using the same gear for both spec's and I understand that I will need to gear separately when I hit 80. I am okay with mana. But wondering if my stam is low. I like my builds for now and I don't really think I will be changing much until I hit 80. Is there something I need to do different in a major way?


  2. #2

    Re: Am I on the right track

    Your gear is fine for a lvl 75 I guess.As for stamina it always comes when you hit 80 and start purchasing some pvp gear (you can craft the ring/neck and the cloth set for starter pvp gear).So just go that way to 80 then copy a pvp and/or pve build of a good disc priest and start doing some bgs.

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