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  1. #1

    EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Download from


    SpellCast & SpellCrit triggers no longer ignore FireNova casts
    Talisman of Volatile Power now triggers on Spell Cast not on Spell Damage
    Changed Fire Nova to allow cast when MT or ST are not in the rotation (ie. there is 5 min fire totem up)
    Added necrotic touch proc (added this as yet another option in config and gui)
    Necrotic Touch does not deal shadow damage yet. This is implemented as physical damage for now. Will change as soon as the rest of the info comes available
    Added option to cast cl instead of lb when additional targets are in range
    Implemented the aoe block calculation, sim now picks a random point in time for the aoe (duration depends on additionaltargetpercent)
    Improved the aoe calculations for fn/mt and cl to better work with proc talents like elemental devastation
    Fixed the Stormstrike usage of cl when hitting multiple targets
    Added a new aoe class for these changes
    Added a additionaltargetlevel in the aoe class (feature nyi)

    GUI Changes
    display item names rather than ids. Added for enchants, gems, totems and trinkets
    Added "additional procs" list box for other items that may need to be modelled from weapons/items that are not totems or trinkets. Converted necrotic touch to use the box
    Formatting and code cleanup. Please try to use the existing regions when adding new functions to the code.
    Removed web browser.
    Added links menu. Feel free to add suggestions or just insert new items.
    Moved "use SR as soon as available" to the rotation tab as it seemed more appropriate there.
    Fixed issue with the GUI holding onto file handles too long. Added dispose calls for the StreamReader objects.
    Added warning if minimum lag values set too low.
    Updated gui to have a checkbox for cl instead of lb (under boss tab, with other aoe settings)
    Added web links for Rawr & EJ forum thread

  2. #2

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Hey Levva,

    I am having a few issues with the new release. First off, necrotic touch is auto-displayed in the "additional procs" menu and there is no way to clear it. I think it is being used as my dps values have gone up substantially.

    Second, if you have "cast chain lightning when additional are in range" checked and have additional targets set to 0, and then adjust the "additional targets percent" to anything but 0, it results in a dps loss. There should be no change at all if "additional target" is set to 0. Unless the sim thinks that there is more targets, you just can't hit them? More likely tho, is that it is auto casting chain lightning at a single target for that % of time, as evident here (50% additional target percentage, 0 additional targets, cast chain lightning when in range is checked):

    EnhSim version
    miss        957054     7.16%
    dodge        1285      0.01%
    glancing      3207724    23.99%
    hit         1764425    13.20%
    crit        7440012    55.64%
    average ap     8123.94    
    clip        59120     0.44%
    MH Windfury:
    procs/hits     14.05%
    procs/swings    13.16%
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        378      0.01%
    hit         1656039    41.39%
    crit        2344299    58.60%
    average ap     8124.45    
    MH Storsmtrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        193      0.01%
    hit         756897     41.39%
    crit        1071606    58.60%
    average ap     8111.65    
    miss        958758     7.17%
    dodge        1291      0.01%
    glancing      3209375    24.00%
    hit         1761282    13.17%
    crit        7440503    55.65%
    average ap     8126.28    
    clip        58505     0.44%
    OH Flametongue:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         9201049    58.12%
    crit        6629661    41.88%
    average sp     3037.73    
    OH Stormstrike:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        196      0.01%
    hit         754868     41.28%
    crit        1073439    58.71%
    average ap     8135.73    
    Earth Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1052120    58.15%
    crit        757130     41.85%
    average sp     3034.99    
    Flame Shock:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         520655     58.01%
    crit        376821     41.99%
    average sp     3034.99    
    dots hit      3130705    58.14%
    dots crit      2254150    41.86%
    average dot sp   3042.80    
    Lava Lash:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        157      0.01%
    hit         658536     41.38%
    crit        932707     58.61%
    average ap     8119.95    
    Lightning Bolt:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         787534     58.14%
    crit        567000     41.86%
    average sp     3036.24    
    Chain Lightning:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         641200     58.23%
    crit        460006     41.77%
    average sp     3034.36    
    Fire Nova:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         1005858    58.16%
    crit        723535     41.84%
    average sp     3035.54    
    Lightning Shield:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         3658509    100.00%
    crit        0       0.00%
    average sp     3042.09    
    Spirit Wolves:
    miss        0       0.00%
    dodge        0       0.00%
    glancing      2010760    24.05%
    hit         5390964    64.47%
    crit        960044     11.48%
    average ap     8132.53    
    Magma Totem:
    miss        0       0.00%
    hit         4761042    58.08%
    crit        3436122    41.92%
    average sp     3038.96    
    Maelstrom Weapon:
    PPM         49.20
    flurry uptime         93.11%
    unleashed rage uptime     0.00%
    elemental devastation uptime  86.28%
    elemental oath uptime     0.00%
    mh enchant uptime       41.45%
    oh enchant uptime       35.05%
    searing totem uptime      0.00%
    magma totem uptime       90.99%
    trinket1 uptime        32.51%
    trinket2 uptime        18.72%
    racial uptime         0.00%
    totem uptime          40.07%
    metagem uptime         0.00%
    gloves enchant uptime     0.00%
    cloak enchant uptime      27.95%
              MRPS without overregen
    mana regen     0.00   0.00%
    mp5         17.71   8.11%
    replenishment    43.48   19.90%
    unrelenting storm  0.00   0.00%
    judgement of wisdom 9.07   4.15%
    shamanistic rage  148.20  67.84%
    mana potion     0.00   0.00%
    misc        0.00   0.00%
    stormstrike     0.00   0.00%
              DPS         PPM    MPS
    white        2817.48  33.21%  89.14
    windfury      983.24  11.59%  6.67
    flametongue     596.44  7.03%   52.77
    stormstrike     431.81  5.09%   6.10   33.58   14.10%
    lava lash      259.57  3.06%   5.30   10.53   4.42%
    magma totem     582.48  6.87%   2.91   54.16   22.74%
    earth shock     568.22  6.7%   6.03   22.10   9.28%
    flame shock     410.81  4.84%   2.99   10.41   4.37%
    lightning bolt   488.58  5.76%   4.52   25.91   10.88%
    chain lightning   375.73  4.43%   3.67   55.45   23.28%
    fire nova      291.55  3.44%   5.76   22.79   9.57%
    lightning shield  367.76  4.34%   1.79   0.00   0.00%
    spirit wolves    308.88  3.64%   0.40   3.27   1.37%
    DPS         8482.57
    MPS         238.20
    MP2min       28584.23
    MRPS        253.52
    Out of mana time  0.82%
    elapsed simulation time: 5000.00h
    elapsed real time: 23.42s
    simulation speed: 768541x
    unchecking "cast CL if..." removes this confound, but it is confusing considering the default is 50% add uptime and having the box checked.

    here is my config for reference:
    ### Saved by v1.9.2.0 of EnhSimGUI
    simulation_time         5000
    simulation_time_combatlog    30
    combat_length          7.00
    report_count          80
    threads             1
    combat_length_rng_factor    0.35
    min_lag             200
    max_lag             250
    simulate_mana          1
    cast_sr_on_cooldown       0
    ep_precision          2
    ep_base_stat          ap
    ep_ap              200
    ep_crit_rating         30
    ep_hit_rating          30
    ep_expertise          4
    ep_haste_rating         30
    ep_armor_penetration_rating   30
    ep_spellpower          150
    ep_dps             7.5
    ep_mana             250
    ep_spirit            150
    ep_mp5             20
    mh_auto_attack         1
    oh_auto_attack         1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd       0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd    0
    bloodlust_casters        1
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets  1
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left    15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left  4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active   1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left    0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left  3
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left  1
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left    15000
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left  0
    necrotic_touch         1
    rotation_priority_count     13
    rotation_priority1       SW
    rotation_priority2       FS
    rotation_priority3       MW5_LB
    rotation_priority4       ES_SS
    rotation_priority5       SS
    rotation_priority6       ES
    rotation_priority7       FN
    rotation_priority8       MT
    rotation_priority9       LS
    rotation_priority10       LL
    rotation_priority11       SR
    rotation_priority12       MW3_LB
    rotation_priority13       MW4_LB
    miss              8.0
    dodge              6.5
    glancing            24.0
    armor              10643
    spell_miss           17.0
    nature_resistance        0
    fire_resistance         0
    frost_resistance        0
    arcane_resistance        0
    shadow_resistance        0
    additional_targets       0
    additional_target_percent    50
    cast_cl_when_aoe        1
    armor_debuff_major       20.0/20.0
    armor_debuff_minor       5.0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff  4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff        20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat     687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier  99.7/99.7
    spell_haste_buff        5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff    5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff       13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff         280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff     3.0/3.0
    haste_buff           3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase   3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff       3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier         10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff          51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff      178/178
    intellect_buff         60/60
    replenishment          1
    water_shield          0
    mana_spring_totem        0
    blessing_of_wisdom       1
    judgement_of_wisdom       1
    mixology            0
    flask_elixir          flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir         -
    potion             potion_of_speed
    food              fish_feast
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon     ###
    race              draenei
    mh_speed            2.6
    oh_speed            2.6
    mh_dps             196.5
    oh_dps             196.5
    mh_crit             38.31
    oh_crit             38.31
    mh_hit             12.84
    oh_hit             12.84
    mh_expertise_rating       139
    oh_expertise_rating       139
    ap               5037
    melee_haste           15.30
    armor_penetration        12.79
    str               147
    agi               1187
    int               683
    spi               172
    spellpower           1511
    spell_crit           27.70
    spell_hit            15.05
    spell_haste           11.77
    max_mana            15000
    mp5               0
    mh_imbue            windfury
    oh_imbue            flametongue
    mh_enchant           berserking
    oh_enchant           berserking
    mh_weapon            axe
    oh_weapon            axe
    trinket1            deaths_verdict
    trinket2            shard_of_the_crystal_heart
    totem              totem_of_electrifying_wind
    set_bonus1           t9_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2           -
    set_bonus3           -
    metagem             chaotic_skyflare_diamond
    gloves_enchant         -
    cloak_enchant          swordguard_embroidery
    glyph_major1          feral_spirit
    glyph_major2          flame_shock
    glyph_major3          stormstrike
    glyph_minor1          -
    glyph_minor2          -
    glyph_minor3          -
    ancestral_knowledge       2/5
    improved_shields        1/3
    mental_dexterity        3/3
    shamanistic_focus        1/1
    flurry             5/5
    elemental_weapons        3/3
    unleashed_rage         3/3
    weapon_mastery         3/3
    dual_wield_specialization    3/3
    mental_quickness        3/3
    improved_stormstrike      0/2
    static_shock          3/3
    maelstrom_weapon        5/5
    convection           0/5
    concussion           5/5
    call_of_flame          3/3
    elemental_devastation      3/3
    reverberation          2/5
    elemental_focus         1/1
    elemental_fury         5/5
    improved_fire_nova       1/2
    call_of_thunder         0/1
    unrelenting_storm        0/3
    elemental_precision       0/3
    lightning_mastery        0/5
    elemental_oath         0/2
    lightning_overload       0/5
    lava_flows           0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire      0/3
    shamanism            0/5

    edit: looks like you already put the necrotic touch one on the issue list .

  3. #3

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Update: going into the config file, you can set necrotic touch from 1 (which looks like its auto-setting) to 0. This does seem to disable to proc and is allowing for my dps values to go back to similar ones as the previous release.

    On that note, necrotic touch is doing ~300 dps on the sim?! That seems absurdly high.

    DPS without N.T.: 8361.19
    DPS with N.T.: 8684.84

  4. #4

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    I've posted these two as issues so Eralun can have a look at it. He coded those bits yesterday.

  5. #5

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3


    Is there any chance you could update the FAQ with mac instructions (or compile a more user friendly mac version)? When I try to load it I get the following error:

    EnhSim-v1.9.2.0-beta/Mac/EnhSim: cannot execute binary file


  6. #6

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Quote Originally Posted by Mckeone

    Is there any chance you could update the FAQ with mac instructions (or compile a more user friendly mac version)? When I try to load it I get the following error:

    EnhSim-v1.9.2.0-beta/Mac/EnhSim: cannot execute binary file

    Sure. If you can find a C++ developer who uses a Mac to join the team we can provide a Mac binary. There are no Mac developers on the team so there is no way we can compile a Mac binary. I really ought to disable the copy of the file it does stick in the zip though, as that is no doubt confusing.

    What we need is a Mac developer so he can release a Mac ready version on the same day as the PC version is released.

  7. #7

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Quote Originally Posted by kudzupo
    Hey Levva,

    I am having a few issues with the new release. First off, necrotic touch is auto-displayed in the "additional procs" menu and there is no way to clear it. I think it is being used as my dps values have gone up substantially.

    Second, if you have "cast chain lightning when additional are in range" checked and have additional targets set to 0, and then adjust the "additional targets percent" to anything but 0, it results in a dps loss. There should be no change at all if "additional target" is set to 0. Unless the sim thinks that there is more targets, you just can't hit them? More likely tho, is that it is auto casting chain lightning at a single target for that % of time, as evident here (50% additional target percentage, 0 additional targets, cast chain lightning when in range is checked):
    You are correct, it results in a dps lose because when you check the 'cast cl when additional targets are in range' it will actually start casting chain lightning if the additional_target_percentage is not set to 0, even though you have the additional targets on 0. Basically casting chain lightning and only hitting the boss, thus resulting in the dps loss. I'll make sure it doesn't cast cl when additional targets is set to 0 no matter what the other settings are.

    Update: going into the config file, you can set necrotic touch from 1 (which looks like its auto-setting) to 0. This does seem to disable to proc and is allowing for my dps values to go back to similar ones as the previous release.

    On that note, necrotic touch is doing ~300 dps on the sim?! That seems absurdly high.

    DPS without N.T.: 8361.19
    DPS with N.T.: 8684.84
    Silly typo in the procs per minute which made it proc insanely high

  8. #8

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Thanks for clearing that up .

    Good to know I am not crazy!

  9. #9

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Thanks for clearing that up Eralun (and welcome to MMO-Champion forums btw). Should I do formal introductions??

    Eralun meet the MMO-Champion shammy community. <fx:shakes virtual hands>

    MMO-Champion shammy community meet Eralun one our new principal EnhSim developers.

    Oh and btw folks v1.9.2.1 with Eralun's fixes have just been released on the EnhSim site.

  10. #10

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Excellent! Grabbing it right now. Nice to have you here Eralun. You'll be seeing more of me on codeplex.

  11. #11

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.0 released for patch 3.3

    Haha, thanks for the introduction Levva Nice to meet you all :P

  12. #12

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Have anyone else tryed having Flame Shock above MW5_LB in rotation priority? For me it's constantly sim-ing 8 DPS higher then default priority with glyphed Flame Shock and 4 DPS higher without glyph. I'm currently AP & Crit gemmed, could be very different for ppl stacking haste. Also as mentioned somewhere else - having LL_QE in priority list results in a big DPS loss.

  13. #13

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Are you seeing that dps loss, regardless of where it's placed in the queue?

  14. #14

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Quote Originally Posted by Embermoon
    Are you seeing that dps loss, regardless of where it's placed in the queue?
    Yes, 65-35 dps loss depending how high LL_QE is.

  15. #15

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Quote Originally Posted by Crythe
    Have anyone else tryed having Flame Shock above MW5_LB in rotation priority? For me it's constantly sim-ing 8 DPS higher then default priority with glyphed Flame Shock and 4 DPS higher without glyph. I'm currently AP & Crit gemmed, could be very different for ppl stacking haste. Also as mentioned somewhere else - having LL_QE in priority list results in a big DPS loss.
    Could you post your config file? I've tried to replicate the LL_QE 'issue' with the default config but I only seem to get a dps when I move it lower than its default position. I've also glanced over the LL_QE code which seems correct so I would like to test some things with your config.

    FS is quite interesting, even in default config (unglyphed) it gives a whopping 0.5-1.5 dps increase

  16. #16

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Quote Originally Posted by Eralun
    Could you post your config file? I've tried to replicate the LL_QE 'issue' with the default config but I only seem to get a dps when I move it lower than its default position. I've also glanced over the LL_QE code which seems correct so I would like to test some things with your config.

    FS is quite interesting, even in default config (unglyphed) it gives a whopping 0.5-1.5 dps increase

    Hi Eralun (I am Pintor on EJ/Codeplex btw).

    Here is my config, saved with (though for some reason the gui is still running in, though the changes in the new version seem to be present):

    ### Saved by v1.9.2.0 of EnhSimGUI
    simulation_time         5000
    simulation_time_combatlog    30
    combat_length          7.00
    report_count          80
    threads             1
    combat_length_rng_factor    0.35
    min_lag             200
    max_lag             250
    simulate_mana          1
    cast_sr_on_cooldown       0
    ep_precision          2
    ep_base_stat          ap
    ep_ap              200
    ep_crit_rating         30
    ep_hit_rating          30
    ep_expertise          4
    ep_haste_rating         30
    ep_armor_penetration_rating   30
    ep_spellpower          150
    ep_dps             7.5
    ep_mana             250
    ep_spirit            150
    ep_mp5             20
    mh_auto_attack         1
    oh_auto_attack         1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd       0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd    0
    bloodlust_casters        1
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets  1
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left    15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left  4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active   1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left    0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left  3
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left  1
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left    15000
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left  0
    necrotic_touch         0
    rotation_priority_count     13
    rotation_priority1       SW
    rotation_priority2       FS
    rotation_priority3       MW5_LB
    rotation_priority4       ES_SS
    rotation_priority5       SS
    rotation_priority6       ES
    rotation_priority7       FN
    rotation_priority8       MT
    rotation_priority9       LS
    rotation_priority10       LL
    rotation_priority11       SR
    rotation_priority12       MW3_LB
    rotation_priority13       MW4_LB
    miss              8.0
    dodge              6.5
    glancing            24.0
    armor              10643
    spell_miss           17.0
    nature_resistance        0
    fire_resistance         0
    frost_resistance        0
    arcane_resistance        0
    shadow_resistance        0
    additional_targets       0
    additional_target_percent    50
    cast_cl_when_aoe        0
    armor_debuff_major       20.0/20.0
    armor_debuff_minor       5.0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff  4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff        20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat     687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier  99.7/99.7
    spell_haste_buff        5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff    5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff       13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff         280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff     3.0/3.0
    haste_buff           3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase   3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff       3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier         10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff          51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff      178/178
    intellect_buff         60/60
    replenishment          1
    water_shield          0
    mana_spring_totem        0
    blessing_of_wisdom       1
    judgement_of_wisdom       1
    mixology            0
    flask_elixir          flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir         -
    potion             potion_of_speed
    food              fish_feast
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon     ###
    race              draenei
    mh_speed            2.6
    oh_speed            2.6
    mh_dps             196.5
    oh_dps             196.5
    mh_crit             38.31
    oh_crit             38.31
    mh_hit             12.84
    oh_hit             12.84
    mh_expertise_rating       139
    oh_expertise_rating       139
    ap               5037
    melee_haste           15.30
    armor_penetration        12.79
    str               147
    agi               1187
    int               683
    spi               172
    spellpower           1511
    spell_crit           27.70
    spell_hit            15.05
    spell_haste           11.77
    max_mana            15000
    mp5               0
    mh_imbue            windfury
    oh_imbue            flametongue
    mh_enchant           berserking
    oh_enchant           berserking
    mh_weapon            axe
    oh_weapon            axe
    trinket1            deaths_verdict
    trinket2            shard_of_the_crystal_heart
    totem              totem_of_quaking_earth
    set_bonus1           t9_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2           -
    set_bonus3           -
    metagem             chaotic_skyflare_diamond
    gloves_enchant         -
    cloak_enchant          swordguard_embroidery
    glyph_major1          feral_spirit
    glyph_major2          fire_nova
    glyph_major3          stormstrike
    glyph_minor1          -
    glyph_minor2          -
    glyph_minor3          -
    ancestral_knowledge       2/5
    improved_shields        1/3
    mental_dexterity        3/3
    shamanistic_focus        1/1
    flurry             5/5
    elemental_weapons        3/3
    unleashed_rage         3/3
    weapon_mastery         3/3
    dual_wield_specialization    3/3
    mental_quickness        3/3
    improved_stormstrike      1/2
    static_shock          3/3
    maelstrom_weapon        5/5
    convection           0/5
    concussion           5/5
    call_of_flame          3/3
    elemental_devastation      3/3
    reverberation          0/5
    elemental_focus         1/1
    elemental_fury         5/5
    improved_fire_nova       2/2
    call_of_thunder         0/1
    unrelenting_storm        0/3
    elemental_precision       0/3
    lightning_mastery        0/5
    elemental_oath         0/2
    lightning_overload       0/5
    lava_flows           0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire      0/3
    shamanism            0/5
    Using LL_QE with this config results in a dps loss no matter where it is placed (unless it is placed lower than LL, but that's fairly obvious :P )

  17. #17

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    I did some more testing and after including FN in rotation and putting MT higher in rotation I was able to get the highest DPS(8559) by using SW-SS_0-MT-MW5_LB-FS-ES_SS-SS-ES-LL-FN-LS rotation. Could that rotation somehow have higher SS debuff uptime allowing MW5_LB to be higher than FS? Maybe only "FS_SS_0" should be higher than MW5_LB?
    Anyway here is my config for Eralun:
    ### Saved by v1.9.2.0 of EnhSimGUI
    simulation_time         5000
    simulation_time_combatlog    300
    combat_length          10.00
    report_count          80
    threads             1
    combat_length_rng_factor    0.35
    min_lag             200
    max_lag             300
    simulate_mana          0
    cast_sr_on_cooldown       0
    ep_precision          2
    ep_base_stat          ap
    ep_ap              80
    ep_crit_rating         40
    ep_hit_rating          40
    ep_expertise          4
    ep_haste_rating         40
    ep_armor_penetration_rating   40
    ep_spellpower          46
    ep_dps             7.5
    ep_mana             600
    ep_spirit            40
    ep_mp5             40
    mh_auto_attack         1
    oh_auto_attack         1
    wait_ss_with_wf_cd       0.00
    cast_ll_only_if_wf_on_cd    0
    bloodlust_casters        1
    sync_bloodlust_with_trinkets  1
    cast_lvb_only_if_ed_left    15.0
    cast_lvb_only_if_fsdots_left  4
    cast_lvb_only_if_fs_active   1
    cast_fs_only_if_dots_left    0
    cast_ls_only_if_charges_left  0
    cast_magma_only_if_ticks_left  0
    cast_sr_only_if_mana_left    1250
    use_mana_potion_if_mana_left  3000
    necrotic_touch         0
    rotation_priority_count     12
    rotation_priority1       SW
    rotation_priority2       SR
    rotation_priority3       SS_0
    rotation_priority4       MT
    rotation_priority5       MW5_LB
    rotation_priority6       FS
    rotation_priority7       ES_SS
    rotation_priority8       SS
    rotation_priority9       ES
    rotation_priority10       LL
    rotation_priority11       FN
    rotation_priority12       LS
    miss              8.00
    dodge              6.50
    glancing            24.00
    armor              10643
    spell_miss           17.00
    nature_resistance        0
    fire_resistance         0
    frost_resistance        0
    arcane_resistance        0
    shadow_resistance        0
    additional_targets       0
    additional_target_percent    0.00
    cast_cl_when_aoe        0
    armor_debuff_major       20.0/20.0
    armor_debuff_minor       5.0/5.0
    physical_vulnerability_debuff  4.0/4.0
    melee_haste_buff        20.0/20.0
    melee_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    attack_power_buff_flat     687/687
    attack_power_buff_multiplier  0/99.7
    spell_haste_buff        5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_buff     5.0/5.0
    spell_crit_chance_debuff    5.0/5.0
    spell_damage_debuff       13.0/13.0
    spellpower_buff         280/280
    spell_hit_chance_debuff     3.0/3.0
    haste_buff           3.0/3.0
    percentage_damage_increase   3.0/3.0
    crit_chance_debuff       3.0/3.0
    stat_multiplier         10.0/10.0
    stat_add_buff          51/51
    agi_and_strength_buff      178/178
    intellect_buff         60/60
    replenishment          1
    water_shield          0
    mana_spring_totem        0
    blessing_of_wisdom       1
    judgement_of_wisdom       1
    mixology            0
    flask_elixir          flask_of_endless_rage
    guardian_elixir         -
    potion             potion_of_speed
    food              fish_feast
    ### Everything in the section below can be replaced by information obtained ###
    ### from your paper doll stats or exported by the ShockAndAwe addon     ###
    race              orc
    mh_speed            2.7
    oh_speed            2.7
    mh_dps             188.1
    oh_dps             178.9
    mh_crit             40.61
    oh_crit             40.61
    mh_hit             12.29
    oh_hit             12.29
    mh_expertise_rating       127
    oh_expertise_rating       127
    ap               5290
    melee_haste           15.86
    armor_penetration        8.00
    str               149
    agi               1217
    int               688
    spi               172
    spellpower           1587
    spell_crit           29.41
    spell_hit            15.36
    spell_haste           12.20
    max_mana            14436
    mp5               0
    mh_imbue            windfury
    oh_imbue            flametongue
    mh_enchant           berserking
    oh_enchant           berserking
    mh_weapon            fist
    oh_weapon            -
    trinket1            deaths_choice_heroic
    trinket2            blood_of_the_old_god
    totem              totem_of_quaking_earth
    set_bonus1           t9_battlegear_4
    set_bonus2           -
    set_bonus3           -
    metagem             chaotic_skyflare_diamond
    gloves_enchant         -
    cloak_enchant          -
    glyph_major1          feral_spirit
    glyph_major2          flame_shock
    glyph_major3          stormstrike
    glyph_minor1          -
    glyph_minor2          -
    glyph_minor3          -
    ancestral_knowledge       2/5
    improved_shields        3/3
    mental_dexterity        3/3
    shamanistic_focus        1/1
    flurry             5/5
    elemental_weapons        3/3
    unleashed_rage         3/3
    weapon_mastery         3/3
    dual_wield_specialization    3/3
    mental_quickness        3/3
    improved_stormstrike      0/2
    static_shock          3/3
    maelstrom_weapon        5/5
    convection           0/5
    concussion           5/5
    call_of_flame          3/3
    elemental_devastation      3/3
    reverberation          2/5
    elemental_focus         0/1
    elemental_fury         5/5
    improved_fire_nova       2/2
    call_of_thunder         0/1
    unrelenting_storm        0/3
    elemental_precision       0/3
    lightning_mastery        0/5
    elemental_oath         0/2
    lightning_overload       0/5
    lava_flows           0/3
    storm_earth_and_fire      0/3
    shamanism            0/5

  18. #18

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    Quote Originally Posted by Crythe
    I did some more testing and after including FN in rotation and putting MT higher in rotation I was able to get the highest DPS(8559) by using SW-SS_0-MT-MW5_LB-FS-ES_SS-SS-ES-LL-FN-LS rotation. Could that rotation somehow have higher SS debuff uptime allowing MW5_LB to be higher than FS? Maybe only "FS_SS_0" should be higher than MW5_LB?
    *snip code*
    Hi Crythe,

    I get a dps loss using your rotation. I think it has to do with how you are modeling mana. Try setting "Cast SR only if mana left" to your maximum mana, putting it on the lowest priority and unchecking "Use SR as soon as it is available". You can check that last box again once you get 2 pc t10. I find having SR at the (near) lowest priority but used at maximum mana to be the best usage of it at the moment. When I do this and use the priority : SW>FS>MW5>ES_SS>SS>ES>FN>MT>LS>LL>SR>MW3>MW4, I get ~80 dps more.

  19. #19

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    I wasn't simulating mana at all since it haven't been an issue in raids so far and if it seems to become problematic with Fire Nova I'll stick 1 point in Improved Stormstrike. Also MW3&MW4 are something I don't realisticly use in raids and therefore skipped in simulation. Thanks for the tip though, was able to go from 8559 to 8596 by changing rotation into SW>SR>SS_0>FS>MW5_LB>ES>SS>FN>MT>LS>LL. Having separate ES & ES_SS didn't made any difference.

  20. #20

    Re: EnhSim v1.9.2.1 released for patch 3.3

    I would strongly suggest simulating mana . With the introduction of fire nova, you should be speccing into elemental focus or 1/2 improved SS for single target, and both for aoe.

    In addition, we need to account for the amount of aoe we will be required to do in both ToGC and Icecrown.

    You can follow some of the discussion on this starting here:

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