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  1. #1

    Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Okay so wen 3.3 came out I instantly went frost spec. Fun stuff guys. So recently I decided to spec arcane to up my dps,but to my surprise it was doing less dps on the target dummies than frost on the dummies! (Frost can't even deep freeze dummies.)

    Its not the rotation. I tried mixing it up several times over an hour of testing and its not the spec...

    Do I have to like gear for a certain stat or something? I have never been arcane (avoided it since vanilla XD) so I wouldnt know...

    And sorry I can't provide an armory link because my account just got hacked so its being restored as we speak and all my armor and talents and glyphs got screwed over so a link wouldn't help anyways.

    As for tree? I forget which one it was exactly I'm pretty sure it was 57/3/11 cuz I remember putting 3 points into fire.

    I'm pretty sure its something to do with gear cuz I literally had no int. Mostly SP cuz frost never ooms.

  2. #2

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    What spec(s) do you use? What rotation? What glyphes? Single/Multi-target? Are we talking DPS or Overall Damage done?

  3. #3
    Bloodsail Admiral Deralte's Avatar
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    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    You know, something like an armorylink would help.

  4. #4

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Can't really help you without a link or a detailed post on your end stating what you are doing and with what spec / glyphs.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

  5. #5

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Dont judge any Dmg/Dps on dummies.
    Classic WoW.

  6. #6

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    You're most likely doing something wrong. Either your gear isn't right for arcane, you're under hit cap (somehow), or you're using the wrong rotation. The fact is simply that frost is the absolute lowest DPS raid spec available to mages, and arcane is the highest. Here's a checklist:

    - Do you have 8% hit from gear (7 if Alliance)?
    - Do you have low haste (< 400)?
    - Are you using ABspam4MBAM rotation (that is, casting Arcane Blast until you have both 4 stacks and a Missile Barrage proc, then casting Arcane Missiles)?
    - Are you using Arcane Barrage? How frequently?
    - Are you stacking your cooldowns?

    Herein, we discuss matters of the utmost importance.

  7. #7
    Pit Lord Odina's Avatar
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    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Wild guess :

    You are not taking into acount that on dummies you do not have the TTW buff due to not having some one applying the debuff to the target the entire time. Sure you have it when the immages are out but when they are not "poof" there goes a good % of your dmg from your spec!

    As a frost spec if you got ttw you are taking full benefit of the ttw buff even with the fb glyph ttw is activated by frostbolt spam!

  8. #8

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Sorry for hijacking this thread. So the rotation should be 4 times AB and then AM if MB is up. If not use Arcane Barrage to get rid of the debuff? How long is the maximum time you should spam AB before clearing the debuff if MB did not procc? Depending on mana I guess?

    OT: What Joe Christ said

  9. #9

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Apistogramma
    As a frost spec if you got ttw you are taking full benefit of the ttw buff even with the fb glyph ttw is activated by frostbolt spam!
    How did you come up with this? lol.

    ttw only works if there is a slow/snare on the boss which there isn't if you use the fb glyph.

    [blizzquote author=Valnoth]So it turns out that we don't hate you.

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  10. #10

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    i dont wonder much that someone who went frost instantly when 3.3 hit live, is missing the decency to play arcane.

    You are probably missing haste to a greater extend, and i highly doubt you have a clue of arcane rotations.
    There are some other things as well, making your numbers look bad.
    If you are frost, you probably have skilled ToW (Torment of the weak) which gives you +12% DMG to slowed mobs.

    Well alone on the dummy you can NOT trigger that talent as arcane instead of frost, so there are your first 12% gap DMG. But you can still count that every boss will have ToW on it.

    As a frost mage you have a +5% crit debuff on the dummy, and the "focus magic" talent of arcane mages which is just 3% cant be triggered as well beeing alone at the dummy.

    So on the dummy you loose 5% crit on the mob, 12% DMG done, and you wonder about numbers not fitting?

  11. #11

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    you could put 1 talent point in slow for tow? which is castable on bosses but has no effect.

  12. #12

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by speedymonkey
    you could put 1 talent point in slow for tow? which is castable on bosses but has no effect.
    it is triggered on bosses by the tank.

    on adds its useful though.

  13. #13
    Pit Lord Odina's Avatar
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    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rahkdos
    How did you come up with this? lol.

    ttw only works if there is a slow/snare on the boss which there isn't if you use the fb glyph.

    *** For the moment I stand corrected according to Tiga the snare is only there to be able to get FOF to proc and the ttw buff does not get applied in this circumstance. I think it's time to do some target dummie testing with TTW talented and then with it untalented as well as with FB glyphed and with FB unglyphed.***

  14. #14

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Versatile
    Sorry for hijacking this thread. So the rotation should be 4 times AB and then AM if MB is up. If not use Arcane Barrage to get rid of the debuff? How long is the maximum time you should spam AB before clearing the debuff if MB did not procc? Depending on mana I guess?

    OT: What Joe Christ said
    Never, EVER use arcane barrage. You spam Arcane blast until you get the proc as long as your mana can handle it. If your mana can't handle it, you just use an un-proced arcane missiles.

    Barrage is only on the move.

  15. #15

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xiun
    Never, EVER use arcane barrage. You spam Arcane blast until you get the proc as long as your mana can handle it. If your mana can't handle it, you just use an un-proced arcane missiles.

    Barrage is only on the move.
    Thank you very much

  16. #16

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    dummy dps is srs bsns
    Sha of *Gay* Pride!

  17. #17

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    You probably took frostbit and shatter, which upped your dps in a way that can't be done in a raid.

  18. #18

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    I find the highest dps rotation for arcane is arcane blast 4 times then arcane missiles no matter if you get a proc or not followed by a arcane barrage.

  19. #19

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by ripponesan
    ToW (Torment of the weak)
    It's just "Torment the Weak" (TtW), no "of" in there, let's not confuse people with different acronyms. You're tormenting them with an extra 12% damage just for being slow. You sadistic bastard.

  20. #20

    Re: Arcane doing....LESS?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zona
    I find the highest dps rotation for arcane is arcane blast 4 times then arcane missiles no matter if you get a proc or not followed by a arcane barrage.
    Arcane barrage really shouldn't be used in any rotation. It has really bad dpm and average dps. Your best bet is to use AB till you get a proc. Mana should rarely be an issue.

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